Hmmm, let's see...
I don't pay attention.
I procrastinate.
I fantasize about setting things on fire.
I'm fairly egocentric.
I have a very linear way of speaking English compared to when I write it.
I refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Finland.
I'm a sore loser.
I drink.
I swear a lot.
I automatically assume that everyone from Croatia is a douchebag.
I only get creative when I'm about to do something "bad"
I make fun of my friends
I won't admit when I'm wrong
I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi, but only when others make mistakes
I'm an insomniac
I always say the wrong things at the wrong time
I tell really offensive jokes
I like my imaginary friends better than my real friends
I forget what I was saying mid-sentence
That's all for now. I'll continue the list later. 😛