Kalamos said:
A man tickling a woman might be perceived as abusing her.
MistressValerie said:
That is exactly how I perceive it, which is why I find it aversive 🙂
I find it "fascinating", but I am a deeply evil, immoral, abusive person.
*Insert maniacal insane wicked laughter here*
MistressValerie said:
I hadn't thought of this, but I believe that you're correct 🙂 Your analysis reminded me of something from psychology class many years ago. One of our professors had told us that the incidence of an event in erotica is inversely proportional to its occurrence in real life because erotica is mainly about fulfilling fantasy needs rather than reflecting reality.
Speaking of fantasies, a certain quota of users prefer watching F/F over M/F.
This could be due to the fact they are turned off by the sight of another man, even if he is briefly seen, or fully clothed.
Turn off might be caused by negative comparision [the male tickler is a professional model/body builder], unattractive element [the male tickler is an average guy, and detracts from the scene] or implied violence [the male tickler is abusing a bound woman].
In any case, the presence of a man on screen is a distraction - takes away from the fantasy and bars the viewer from total relax and immersion with the scene.
Lesbian tickle fantasies, on the other hand, allow the viewer to sympathize with either the top and the sub, switching in his fantasy between the two roles, slipping from the tickler to the ticklee, and back.
To a male viewer, a female-only scene is probably less threatening, and ultimately more relaxing: in his mind, he can "impersonate" a female character, because a "female mask" has *less* features than a male one.
He can pretend to be the top female character, without embarassing comparisions; but he could also assume the submissive role, without feeling abused, since the tickler is "only" a woman, a character he has already sympathized with/taken the role of.
In a way, lesbian fantasies are probably solipsistic in scope - the viewer slips between the roles and it is as if he were tickling himself, or more correctly, his feminine side.
He could never do that with a strongly characterized F/M or M/F scene: roles are set and perspective is strictly one-way; lesbian characters on the other hand act as "blank", universal masks the viewer can easily put on or take off, or characterize as he sees fit.
Note, I've used almost exclusively the male pronoun so far - but male homo scenes might work for some women the same way lesbian scene appeal to some men - since comparative or distracting element could apply to women too.
Yet, traditional gender roles might equally bar some women from assuming a male submissive role: they'd rather assume a dominating character [either male or female], or go for a female submissive one.
MistressValerie said:
My own practice of basing even fictional stories on real-life events is probably uncommon. This fantasy-fulfillment principle would explain the popularity of ultra-violent S&M fiction, precisely because it reflects things people would never do in real life.
Basing fictionary stories in real life settings is actually a way to augment the effect of "forbidden fantasy".
Setting a fetish story in a fictitious world eventually dilutes the charge and impact of the fantasy itself - as if the writer wanted to compensate for the oddity of the fetish with a weird wrapping - effectively turning the attention away from the sexual element.
On the other hand, resorting to real world means the whole story has to revolve around the fetish element - with no outside help from the setting.
Also, real life settings allow the writer to make up "turn table" fantasies more effectively - involving otherwise untouchable characters [like teachers, trainers, or co-workers].
Real-world fantasies run on a deeper level: they strike more primitive chords and involve inner, more strongly rooted instincts.
Tickling [or having sex] with an elven ranger or imperial assassin is probably a "shallower" fantasy [since it is shared by fewer persons], than, say, tickling or having sex with your teacher.
MistressValerie said:
Thank you for your insights! 🙂
Welcome! Thank you for reading my rambling.
MistressValerie said:
Love and squi... er, you know what I mean 😉
Gives drawing ideas...