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What "type" would you love to tickle? (need feedback)

Cheshire Cat

TMF Master
Jan 10, 2002
A while back I posted about who people would love to tickle as a form of punishment, someone that they either disliked or annoyed them. A lot of people froze up so how about this....What TYPE would you love to tickle for some darker satisfaction? The arrogant popular prom king/queen? the bitchy goth? the anal/mousy secretary with glasses? the high and mighty Sunday School teacher? the overly confident athletic tough type? The irritating bimbo that dates a close friend of yours? The police officer with the superiority complex, abusing his/her power? the tough as nails drill seargant? Or how about that teacher from hell who would fail you 3 times over? Or even that amazon dominatrix with the god complex who should be taken down a few notches....

It kind of goes into fantasies as well. Particular "types" of victims that are identified by associative traits rather than actual faces or identities. (EG: Professions, Costumes, Settings, Time Periods) In this specific case I'm looking for archtypes who would "deserve it" in so few words in a fictional setting. Types who in their own way can have "victims" of their own either by association, direct harassment/abuse, annoyance factor, etc. This is research for a new idea I have for a series...
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let me think...

What types would i prefer?

1) Female clothed in lates fashion, hair dyed blonde, trying to be "cute" and "cool" and is aways speaking with squeaky voice. normally runs around with hordes of other girls looking exactly the same. Yep! I'd love to see one of thoses laugh and scream!
BTW, in Germany some might call them "snails"

--> If anyone fits this description, don't be too offended. I'd bet there are one helluva lot of people thinkingg a little leptzosome goth guy definitely DESERVES it! :firedevil

2) DENTISTS. Do I have to say more?

I think that's it for now, Cheshire. So what about you, hum?
the secretary sounds great!!
its like you look at her and wonder.
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