What would you do if everyone on your street was suddenly having a massive tickle-orgy outside? (Bearing in mind that if you join in, you're just as likely to be tickled as you are to being the one tickling...)
Probably tell them I had a huge crush on them when I was a kid, laugh it off as a silly thing kids do, and then go back to doing whatever I was doing with my wife.
What would you do if given the chance to start your life over with all of your memories up until the present moment intact?
I'd wonder what I was doing in a church, seeing as how I'm not Christian. Then I'd shrug and stick it into the collection plate or something; I don't really believe in karma either, but I'm not one to test it... XD
What would you do if you if you came across an abandoned piece of merchandise that you really wanted, but that you suspected had been shoplifted by someone else?
If it was abandoned in a public place, such as the city sidewalk, then I would keep it.
If it was abandoned on private property, such as a store, then I would turn it in to lost-and-found.
What would you do if you paid for an item with a $5 bill and the clerk gave you change as if you had paid with a $20 bill?
I'd wake up the next morning with my stomach aching like a bitch and my face sticky and covered with pimples, the owner standing over me looking both concerned and furious at the same time. XD
What would you do if you were locked inside a shopping mall after hours with a serial killer and NO PHONE?