Bella responds
Hi there,
I'm glad people liked this thread, I've learned quite a bit. The main reason I started it was to figure out what *not* to do when I start filming again (it's been two years since my last video.) I'll be honest-these days the goal for a tiny individual company like mine is to make a quality product that's better than the big companies but doesn't look just like Jeff's <g>. Also, to please people without making something you would never wanna watch yourself. As a hetero female, that's harder than it sounds! I'd like to address the points folks brought up that I feel should have a response:
I like what someone said about monochromatic videos. Since I happen to be African- American there's usually be at least one person of color in my work <g>. Same goes for model-types as ler's and 'lees, I'm only 4'll, and while I'm not terribly chubby I'm not skinny by any stretch of the imagination (think hourglass for a 36 hour day, NEST alumni can attest to this). As far as the Playboy model look, I will never be a big enough company for the more expensive models even if I wanted them, so the people I use have been and will be my friends, open-minded OSU students, and cute body builders from my gym <also very open minded>. That's basically the reason that I'll probably never have a plot. Quite frankly it's a major job just finding a person who is sufficiently ticklish to make a fun bottom; they then have to be willing to be in a video, attractive both inside and out so the shoot will be a cool experience for us and for the viewers, and have a laugh that folks will want to hear. Asking them to be able to act and remember lines while being tickled half to death is just too much to ask of the average Ohioan <g>. And since I'm about to turn 30 and so are a bunch of my friends, the 'only people under 30' deal is definitely drawing to a close 🙂.
A word on gags. Occasionally, if I'm the 'lee, you're gonna see a gag for a little while. When I bottom, it's simply a heavy play session with my favorite local 'ler that we decided to catch on tape. His favorite Evil Thing is to gag me and then ask me questions (rat bastard). There are a LOT of folks, myself included, who love the desperation/hopelessness exuding from a 'lee just as much as the laughter, if not more-clear laughter is very very integral but *not* the only reason people enjoy videos. One of the more sadistic and amusing ways to torment a 'lee is to gag them, slowly approach their most dreaded Spot, and suggest that they can avoid the torture by just answering you clearly. I've been that 'lee, that's gotta be the closest I've come to losing my mind. (and wantin' to git loose and kill me a Top). It makes for a very fun video segment. If the sound is of good quality you can hear the muffled screams and begging very well, which I've learned appeals to quite a few people. And here's a weird thing-I've noticed that many bottoms have better reactions when gagged, because they aren't concerned with being too loud and embarrassing themselves.(some of the best 'lees out there hate their own laughs, girls are taught not to draw attention to themselves early in life unfortunately.) They let go more fully if they aren't worried about making too much noise. This is just my observation, but one that I've seen time and time again-try it sometime and see what you think 🙂.
As for gender, I have to admit that I prefer M/F and F/M material. Still, much of what I produce will be F/F simply because I happen to be a F, and it's way easier to get female bottoms than male. I have no idea why, but so far it's been my experience that men are less willing to show their faces on video.
Being a subbie myself I also enjoy the D/s aspects of play, I'll try to work it in there on occasion <g>.
I think that's everything, again thanks so much for the great response!