Forget about human lives and kids being raped. Let's go hang Michael Vick for cruelly assaulting dogs and send him death threats.. yeh! C'mon people, let's put our priorities in order here!!
Forget about human lives and kids being raped. Let's go hang Michael Vick for cruelly assaulting dogs and send him death threats.. yeh! C'mon people, let's put our priorities in order here!!
Boy O' boy!
I'd love to see the commentary coming behind this! Although it's a little early, looks like it's time to break out the popcorn......and watch the interesting responses.
And I'm glad someone other than me brought it up this time; it might end up disappearing in obscurity instead![]()
What does race have to deal with aggression? For instance, Charles Manson looks like Saddam Huessein in my eyes. Why is that old ****** allowed to live off the taxpayers dime? Why is any cracker, nigger, spick, beaner, Jew, Indian; you get my point - is allowed to live when they violate private property rights?
The "jail system," is probably the worse invention ever conceived of. It is counter-productive because the least productive(criminals), do not have to do shit. Yes, they are imbedded in a concrete and steal blockade, but who pays for their confinement? The productive people, right?
Cosmo, you kill my best-friend, and you are sentenced for life in prison. I hate(or, try to "forgive") you. Either way, when I work, my income/spending is forcibly taken from me(taxes), so you have food/beverages, clothing, library, television, medical assistance. Yes, that is justice!
So, we are not a Republic, I have been posting that forever. 😉First, the point i was making was that we don't choose where our own taxs get spent.
I am sure you meant "their" actions... I see them as the same. Kill both of them. Wait, one out of two...Second, you either have a really low opinion of charles Manson, or a really hight opinion of Saddam, given the huge differences in thier actions.
Third, your going to have to go a little more into detail with the "Private Property rights" for me to understand why a person should be killed for violating them.
I wouldn't say that. I imagine their are plenty of people who have done productive things in prison. The "Scared Straight" program comes to mind, off the top of my head, plus any number of prisoners who have gotten educations in prison. However, Prisons aren't created for the purpose of productivity.
Justice is a personal concept. Whats justice to one person isn't to another. Personally, i prefer the view on the subject that one radio personality once shared, in that we have a legal system, not a justice system.
To be honest, government titles have never been something i've been overly good at.So, we are not a Republic, I have been posting that forever.
I am sure you meant "their" actions... I see them as the same. Kill both of them. Wait, one out of two...
Why do I have to go into detail?(See my previous posts before your rebuttal)... A person kills another person without their consent, so the killer(aggressor) should be allowed to live? I was hoping you understood my definition of "private property rights" from hello. You do not own your own body? How about your head? What about your fingers or toes? Who owns those things? That Watson, is "private property rights."
What are they trying to scare them from? "Don't do drugs, or I will fuck you in the ass when you get in here!"
That is not progress, but egalitarianism...
Yes, a dumb fuck system indeed... "Legality" - is a disease... It creates a system so complex, that the aggressors will not see justice, and the defense attorneys do not need to compete.
It's not my fault that you take a phrase and reinvent the meaning of it, or my responsibility to read other posts you've made to other people get a better understanding of what you were trying to say when addressing me.
Before I waste my energy with the rest of your rebuttal... How am I "reinventing" - "private property rights"?
You do know government is a creation before evolution/creation(what ever you want to call it)...
Hardly nonsense. My point was that i don't plan on reading every post you make to other people, because it might be related to the post you addressed to me.Also, you should be not be responsible for my posts, but shoot holes threw them. If you can not, why are you trying to rebut with nonsense?
This is called, egalitarianism
Please go first, but if you try to make me a sacrificial lamb: it is time to blow somebodies brains out...
Never have I heard of people's bodies being refered to as "Private Property Rights". The only time I have ever seen this prase spoken, it was to do with property such as material possesions, and with pets.
Boy O' boy!
I'd love to see the commentary coming behind this! Although it's a little early, looks like it's time to break out the popcorn......and watch the interesting responses.
And I'm glad someone other than me brought it up this time; it might end up disappearing in obscurity instead![]()
The point I was aiming at Kis was the a-hole in this thread was a legitimate threat, (someone with child porn is obviously mental) yet was wearing only an ankle bracelet. He was walking around freely and not one word said. We see the end result.
Michael Vick actually went to prison, served his sentence and did time from his admitted crimes. That alone should say a lot but people act as if it never happened. He has apologized so many times it's a wonder he can even call signals from lack of voice. He has given his time and money over and over again to help make amends for his crimes. There is very little else this man can do to say "I did it. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to make up for my crimes." Yet even after all this, he gets personal death threats as well as his kids being threatened (what did they ever do?) during a book tour. Vick cannot change what he did. Yet he is constantly smacked over the head with it over and over and over again. He killed dogs. DOGS.
The criminal in this post KILLED A HUMAN WOMAN AND RAPED A CHILD.
If someone can't see the difference in those two they seriously need help. If someone can't see the criminal level of difference between Vick and what Vick did, as compared to the a-hole who murdered a woman and raped her child they seriously need help. If they let the a-hole out tomorrow he would more than likely murder and rape again in a heartbeat. Do you really think Vick would kill a dog again? If you had to invite one of the two to your home for dinner which would you choose?
Forget about human lives and kids being raped. Let's go hang Michael Vick for cruelly assaulting dogs and send him death threats.. yeh! C'mon people, let's put our priorities in order here!!
The title of the thread is "What's this guy doing out of jail?", a statement of question as to why someone isn't in jail when it's so obvious they should have been. A statement meant to reflect the mishaps of the justice system and to give an example of a possible result of such mishap.
My original comment was meant to display the priorities of society, when someone who has served their time and went to jail is being given death threats and being treated even worse than someone who has done a lot worse and should have been in jail. An example of a possible result when someone follows the justice system.
Why is Vick being treated like he's done more than this guy? Connection point being Vick was actually "in jail".
It's not that hard to connect the dots.
Well, I think the dots were a little harder to connect because your example was so far out of left field that nobody really had any idea what dog assaulting had to do with child pornography.
There was certainly a better example to be found, but I get what you're saying.
Looks like I'm the only one who caught on to what you were saying........
Here's a hug for lack of a high-five or handshake emoticon....![]()
Thanks Kis. Jagermeistered caught on straight away and gave his opinions on the matter. Bothersome offered I could have probably given a better example but still he gets what I was saying. If three out of four caught on to what I was saying I think it makes my point.
The point I was aiming at Kis was the a-hole in this thread was a legitimate threat, (someone with child porn is obviously mental) yet was wearing only an ankle bracelet.
What do you base this off?He was walking around freely and not one word said
Michael Vick actually went to prison, served his sentence and did time from his admitted crimes. That alone should say a lot but people act as if it never happened. He has apologized so many times it's a wonder he can even call signals from lack of voice. He has given his time and money over and over again to help make amends for his crimes. There is very little else this man can do to say "I did it. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to make up for my crimes." Yet even after all this, he gets personal death threats as well as his kids being threatened (what did they ever do?) during a book tour. Vick cannot change what he did. Yet he is constantly smacked over the head with it over and over and over again. He killed dogs. DOGS.
The criminal in this post KILLED A HUMAN WOMAN AND RAPED A CHILD.