I know I'm no help, but I for one am trying. It gladdens me to know that people support me, even if it seems like I'm not trying a whole lot. Thank you 🙂. Some people, I know, I'll NEVER get along with. Those few of you out there know who you are. For the most part, I stay clear. Honestly, you can't say I'm just causing trouble, because if I was, I'd be jumping into every topic created by (somebodythathasproblemswithme) and just fully assaulting them non-stop. Do I do that? Nope. All they have to do is not cross paths with me. I know I know, "but you talk alot, and telling me to stay out seems like it's unfair!!". Well you're right, that's life, deal with it or catch a beat down. No, but seriously....it's not like I'm involved in as many conversations as you'd think, and believe it or not, I'm not entering alot of topics because you-know-who got there first, and whenever we cross paths, I just go off at that person like an AK. I may leave a comment or two, but only if I'm almost positive that won't spark anything. It's not good, and it's petty, most of all. I can be a very petty person alot, but only if I have to. So..... I'm trying...if that helps any.