MistressValerie said:
Probably the ultimate cause is a combination of biological and environmental variables.
That's probably the closest to reality: our natural dispositions are filtered, conditioned, contaminated by environmental elements, relationships, good and bad experiences.
The fact that we should learn to be independent from the past is, again, a spiritual/religious thing for me, so I'll leave it out of the discussion
oriyaborealis: I'm sorry, I think I didn't understand all of what you wrote, probably for my limited knowledge of the English language.
I just want to say something about what I understood:
oriyaborealis said:
While I'm all for all forms of population control as a wannabe misanthropist and nihilist (I'm a phony), I'm also pretty egalitarian in my views and don't believe giving only the certain pretty people a chance to adjust to the environment in how you say, the socially acceptable way--not in the same context as not being a dork or weirdo, but in a way that doesn't involve destructive behavior
I agree, but as I said I'm not qualified to talk about pedophilia or other behaviours that could be seriously harmful for people.
I was trying to stay on tickling and similar, like foot fetish.
And yes I actually have wondered why I like jazz over some other form of music, and as a composer I really do analyze music, so there ! And this has not worsened my preference for any form of jazz, either (or its forerunners), which demonstrates that thinking or analyzing is not a counterproductive measure
I'm a musician too, and I happen to prefere jazz/fusion. Actually I admin that was a bad example, since I know why I prefere that kind of music. There is a big technical component in it.
Thinking being worsening is a fallacy, as the military will let you know this, think before you act, and don't anticipate the commands, et cetera
I think there is a great misunderstanding: what I was trying to say is that thinking is a tool just like other human capabilities, and like them should be used as appropriate.
When you are doing an intellectual work, like compiling a document, writing programming code, trying to solve a riddle, playing chess, studying, rationality is the tool.
When you are eating, enjoying a sunbath, defecating, having sex, doing tickling games, rationality is the wrong tool, you keep yourself far from where you are and you miss the pure pleasure part of those activities, that are the only real reasons why it's worth living.
I'm not talking about choosing the food, checking the time you are exposed to sun, using condoms and so on, all of this stuff is rationality matter, and that's fine.
But once you have done your consideration about what could be the best, safest, healthiest way to do one of the above mentioned activities, thinking about doing it is just out of place.
Moreover, there are activities that only apparently need an active thinking from the actor, like most sports: ever read "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel?
I do argue against the idea that something of a fetish is a curse, rather than something self-propagated and self-preserved, because that simply treats the whole activity as some kind of disease
I firmly believe most harmful behaviours derive from traumas and bad experiences in the past, but I'm afraid you can't do much with such radicated pulsions like sexual ones, since I think that they, at least partly, have genetic/physiological causes.
These posts are getting rather long...