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why do we all like tickling?? where do we get it from?


TMF Poster
Dec 31, 2004
why do we all like tickling?? where do we get it from? wtf?!

anyone ever figure out why you're into tickling?? is it something you've had in your family all your life? or did it rub off on you from a girl/boyfriend??
I've always wondered why I'm like this, all I know is I've loved feet and tickling for as long as I can remember, I dont know why or how, I'd like to know how this fetish developed, or how fetishes develope in general.

anyone got any input or...?
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yeah thats kind of what I thought, an early childhood thing, it sucks how I don't remember what it was tho :< no worries tho
First of all, don't try to understand why you like it, just enjoy it 🙂 The more you think about that, the less you enjoy it.

I really don't think it is something related with childwood experiences.
There are literally hundreds of people here and in other forums, newsgroups and so on, who had the same or very similar story about tk in childhood, regardless of age, sex, geographical position and so on, it simply cannot be a matter of single experiences.
About my own story, I don't remember any particular experience that could have "triggered" a tk fetish, even if I can remember well my early tk fantasies, and they were way back when I was 3/4...

I think the most realistic option is that there is some kind of genetic inclination, but it really just doesn't matter.
As someone once said: your body knows what you like much better than you do!
i agree well for me its was like that> I remember being about 4 or 5 and we were moving. I was so upset that we were. My mother left me in front of the TV and I remember ther was a kind of wrestling match and they started tickling each other since that day it has been a part of my life. I did research on it and many doctors wrote that fetishism comes from a tramatic experience and thesometimes there is one thing you focus on. An example they gave was that a child being yeld at will look down as they are being scolded. This they say is a way someone could end up with a foot fetish. Before some of you get crazy about this these are not my theories, just what I have read.
I have also read information (including a Discovery channel special about sexuality) that suggests that it's something you are born with. At least it is with foot fetishism. From what I understand, the area of the brain that has to do with your feet is in very close proximity to the area that controlls labido. In some people, these areas get crossed up a bit during the fetal development of the brain. This is hardwired into that person and will never change. For their whole life they will assoicate feet with sex. I remember thinking about playing with feet as early as 2nd or 3rd grade.

As far as tickling, I would assume that a similar thing could happen. Mix this with childhood expirences and it could get quite a hold on you. I don't know how many older girls, babysitters, and classmates I attempted to tickle, but it was quite a few. It started with feet, but I soon discovered that tickling a girl anywhere was a LOT of fun. For years I assumed that everyone was aroused by tickling and feet, but as I entered teenagerhood, I soon realized this was not the case. Tickling is now so ingrained into me that I doubt I could ever be happy with someone not ticklish.
tukano_2 said:
First of all, don't try to understand why you like it, just enjoy it 🙂 The more you think about that, the less you enjoy it.

I really don't think it is something related with childwood experiences.
There are literally hundreds of people here and in other forums, newsgroups and so on, who had the same or very similar story about tk in childhood, regardless of age, sex, geographical position and so on, it simply cannot be a matter of single experiences.
About my own story, I don't remember any particular experience that could have "triggered" a tk fetish, even if I can remember well my early tk fantasies, and they were way back when I was 3/4...

I think the most realistic option is that there is some kind of genetic inclination, but it really just doesn't matter.
As someone once said: your body knows what you like much better than you do!

yeah you're prolly right, I should just stop thinkin about it and just go with it, its tough tho, I've been very self concious all my life, this will be a tough one heh, but since I started coming to this site more often and and actually participating in the message boards, I'm been actually feelig alot better about it, doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore to have a foot or tickling fetish
toetallytman said:
I have also read information (including a Discovery channel special about sexuality) that suggests that it's something you are born with. At least it is with foot fetishism. From what I understand, the area of the brain that has to do with your feet is in very close proximity to the area that controlls labido. In some people, these areas get crossed up a bit during the fetal development of the brain. This is hardwired into that person and will never change. For their whole life they will assoicate feet with sex. I remember thinking about playing with feet as early as 2nd or 3rd grade.

As far as tickling, I would assume that a similar thing could happen. Mix this with childhood expirences and it could get quite a hold on you. I don't know how many older girls, babysitters, and classmates I attempted to tickle, but it was quite a few. It started with feet, but I soon discovered that tickling a girl anywhere was a LOT of fun. For years I assumed that everyone was aroused by tickling and feet, but as I entered teenagerhood, I soon realized this was not the case. Tickling is now so ingrained into me that I doubt I could ever be happy with someone not ticklish.

thats interesting, that sounds like it can be true (the thing about the brains early development) and what you said about thinkin that everyone was aroused by tickling and feet, I was the exact same way, well most of what you said sounds like my childhood too pretty much.
I'm not really into being conducive of not thinking because that's why certain people hold positions they are not qualified for COUGH but

Some may indicate a symbolic reason behind it, or a sociological reason that may build up into coincidence after coincidence and thus perceived symbolically as a fetish

It's not bad to wonder why, because otherwise if you didn't think about what you did and let your body take over you'd probably rape like 10 thousand people in your lifetime (or just 10 before you got caught)
oriyaborealis said:
It's not bad to wonder why, because otherwise if you didn't think about what you did and let your body take over you'd probably rape like 10 thousand people in your lifetime (or just 10 before you got caught)

First of all, even if you think about that, that wouldn't change a bit the situation, it is like that and you should probably need to surgically remove a part of you brain to change it; therapy and so on only brings you to be repressed.
If you can't handle it and your sexual tastes can't be integrated in the society in any way (like pedophilia or the like), you just need professional help any way, but I doubt it would really help.

Second, you don't have to let your body take over, just let it go when the situation is right: if you are in the middle of the street or in friends' house at a party and you feel the stimulus to pee, you don't have to follow that instict at all costs, you just try to resist until you find a toilet. But, if you are in the toilet, in front of the WC, trousers and pants down, you MUST let the body do it for you (maybe you should just try to give it a direction... 😉).

If you feel your sexuality is tk oriented, you should try to second that, trying to find someone who shares the same tastes, exploring your sensations, and so on. But when you, eventually, are with someone who is into tk as you are, should you start thinking about what occurred in your childhood to bring you to that???
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Maybe I came off as a misunderstanding zebra

I had no intention of telling people what they should and shouldn't do, but that likewise to urges, that thinking may come just as natural, not that you should just dismiss the idea of not thinking alltogether

Life is a bucket of alternating between thinking and not thinking, and we're not always doing one over the other

You've already just illustrated a thinking matter for instance in that a person decides to find a peeing spot

If you find someone who shares interest in something, great, but one can argue just from what you said earlier: what about the pedos!

Granted, their disagreeable behavior may conflict with the law, but that is a matter of thinking anyway, or else if he didn't think before he executed we would have more scarred children, and unfortunately this does happen

I tend to adopt Yaqi's philosophy in your case, though

Not the fat ugly sea cows one, I mean the one about being honest, but smart about it

Most people distort reality to please them, but they also hold back on their desires anyway because they're afraid of how it might communicate to others, and they hold whatever in until it mutates into something rather unfashionable

And they get so frustrated that they just want to stop thinking about it and let their supposed ugly side show, because they did not learn to learn, yet

And sometimes, it's really depressing when the fetish exists because that's all the person knows how to do or think about, and it's no longer the fun activity that a person likes to engage in but some mundane job hassle for both sides, although thinking about it relieves some of the digressing thoughts that would otherwise take away what was so seemingly meaningful to said person

Argh time to stop
Any kind of fetish or sexually deviant (or abnormal behavior) is formed to ease the anxiety or fear somebody has about sex. It is a defense mechanism. Amazing how the brain works! It can develop in somebody raised in an environment where sex instills a fear and/or an anxiety. When puberty hits and you are getting horny and there is no sex involved, you begin to wander and look for other kinds of pleasure. Once ya find something that is satisfying you do it again, and if it is still satisfying, you do it again and again and again and it just becomes engrained in you.
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oryiaborealis: all I want to say it that there are things that are not intended to be thought about, specially if it is a matter of tastes: do you think why you like jazz more than heavy metal, chicken more than fish, dogs more than cats, and so on? Is that really that important, or the important thing is to enjoy what you like? What benefit you have in searching the reasons (if any) of your tastes? Don't you just ruin the pleasure of enjoying them?

About pedophilia and stuff: ok, being in such a position is hell, I don't have an explanation for everything. BUT... once you know your "fetish", "sexual orientation" or plain preference is harmless, doesn't involve minors and doesn't bring you in jail (like tickling)... Is it really important to keep thinking about it, how it is hard to have it, how you feel alone about it, why me?, and so on?

Keep the thinking part for searching a way to indulge your preference, whatever it is, then enjoy it! You don't succeed in enjoying it? Thinking about the causes of the preference just doesn't make the situation better, rather worse.

Anyway, at the end this is only my point of view on the matter, everyone is free to think as they want about it 🙂
Stevereeno's views are closest to my own, based on what I know about the experiences of people (such as myself) raised in a repressive environment.

Tukano, many pedophiles seem to have an obsessive-compulsive quality to their fantasies and preoccupations. They may have impulse-control problems because they are usually emotionally immature (which is why they identify with children in the first place). Strangely, many pedophiles can also have normal sexual relations with adults; many are married and have children of their own.
Val: as I said, pedophilia and other kind of orientations/behavious that can be harmful in anyway are a completely different matter. I think pedophilia, specially for those who are strong enough to repress it, is a curse, nothing less, and I'm absolutely not qualified to talk about that.

I was just pointing out that tickling, in the most common form one can find amongst members of this forum, is far from being comparable to those harmful behaviours, as far as their impact on society and personal life is concerned.
One can live in peace and harmony with it, even if it can be hard to find partners into it.

About fetish as a "trick" of our mind to find a way out of a situation of sexual repression, it is an interesting question, but this doesn't explain why so many of us had fantasies about tk at so tender age (3/4 for me, and many, many others, I've heard, more or less at the same age).
The environment in which I grew up was not particular repressive about sex, and surely it couldn't have affected when I was 3 or 4.

I just find that the personal experiences of most of us are very similar, even if we have grown up in totally different environments, so that I find it hard to believe is something inducted from outside.

Plus, my convictions about human nature make me believe that our preferences are just a reflex of the way we really are, and if we feel happy seconding those "insticts", without harming anyone, we are "living right".
But this has no scientifical basis, at least coming from me, it's more a spiritual/religious thing 🙂
I also have wondered where its coming from. I can only speak for my self, and I think that its somehow genetical. I remember tickling a friend (girl of course) when we both were about 5 years old. I remember having this very strong desire to tickle her and she enjoyed it the way that children do. But to me it was a very strong feeling involved that made me remember it even today. When I was about 7 or 8 I started to have fantasies about beeing tickled myself. I use to imagine how it would be if all my friends at school would take my clothes of, holding me down and gang-tickled me. Well, when I got older I left that kind of fantasy, and since about 14 I'm 100% tickler.
I have searched through my memory, but I can not remember anything I ever saw that could have started all this. All I remember is that I always been looking for tickling, on TV and if I was lucky, in real life. So I don´t think that its the enviroment that makes us what we are. But as some of you already said: Let's enjoy it!
Hi, Tukano,

I agree that there is a big difference between "safe, sane, and consensual" activities like tickling, and non-consensual activities like pedophilia. I think one fundamental difference is that we can control our impulses better than pedophiles, who have a compulsive or almost involuntary quality to their behaviour.

I also agree that "fetishes" begin far before adolescence in most people, so a sexual repression theory would have to take into account early childhood attitudes about sexuality, taught or influenced by parents, school, church, and the social environment. Adolescence is when the "proto-fetish" becomes fully or partially sexualised and ceases to be "innocent."

On the other hand, the physiology of the human central nervous system is not yet well understood, so it is possible that a physical cause may explain at least the tendency to paraphiliac behaviour. Probably the ultimate cause is a combination of biological and environmental variables.

Lastly, I also find that there can be a "spiritual" quality in the experience 🙂

Happy tickling,
In a way, and I remember arguing something like this with Stevereeno in that chatroom over yonder hills, I can concur with Steve to a degree

It was either you or someone else stating that fetishes were simply substitutes for sex because people feared sex (plus you kept insisting personality traits were governed by fixations in Freud's psychosexual developmental model), I mean wtf, "Do you have problems defecating" haha

What people might fear about sex seems inexplicable, whether it lends itself to performance/pride (self-consciousness), commitment (pregnancy), or diseases or whatnot, it's definitely not a fear of spilling one's seed (see ref Genesis 38:9)

But I can understand anxiety being a part of it, although for different reasons other than just sex (which still plays a role, however), and this is possibly attributed to my preference of the Neo-Freudian movement, even though I admit there are still some valid ideas

But the psychosexual development model, when taken too literally, may forego all logical explanations behind a person's personality, and we talked about this before

In spite of such, I have also included Darwinistic theories in my psychosocial model, which conveniently addresses both conscious and primal levels of behavior, and some Pavlovian in there too so it tastes like Jägermeister

Now to tukano

While I'm all for all forms of population control as a wannabe misanthropist and nihilist (I'm a phony), I'm also pretty egalitarian in my views and don't believe giving only the certain pretty people a chance to adjust to the environment in how you say, the socially acceptable way--not in the same context as not being a dork or weirdo, but in a way that doesn't involve destructive behavior

Although my selectivity is only if they haven't already done something bad with kids yet because I have no respect for dishonorable extinction of anxiety

And yes I actually have wondered why I like jazz over some other form of music, and as a composer I really do analyze music, so there ! And this has not worsened my preference for any form of jazz, either (or its forerunners), which demonstrates that thinking or analyzing is not a counterproductive measure

Thinking being worsening is a fallacy, as the military will let you know this, think before you act, and don't anticipate the commands, et cetera

However, in some aspect, yes, thinking may take away from the enjoyment, but I will explain a scenario later on where you won't be thinking anyway, which will recall the same principles you delineated earlier with the peeing in front of some WC place(?)

I do argue against the idea that something of a fetish is a curse, rather than something self-propagated and self-preserved, because that simply treats the whole activity as some kind of disease

Although for the most part, it is hard to argue when it comes to something like pedophilia or vampirism or furry or diaper fetish or whatever zany antics they come up with these days, but these would lead to squelching of anxiety caused by obsessions, which can lend themselves to anxiety, adaptation/familiarity, and Jung's ideas of coincidence and symbolism, and possible projection of certain misguided feelings--bringing us back to defense mechanism! Amazing how the mind works!

The latter is a little longwinded to explain and I don't know how much buffer space we have here

Feeling good is more of an "I'm smoking pot" thing

When it comes down to engaging in said activity, of course nobody is going to be thinking, because you really are trying to work on instinct, and that is the true unmoderated principle of the id, combined with your libido (not to juxtapose the two), and as far as tickling is concerned, people will tell you that the activity is great for reducing tension and whatnot, which makes you feel better

This is, however, not the same as not being in that scenario, which gives you time to think about it, and the only drawback to that is that it will make you self-conscious about doing it later, but that's only if you're not being smart about it

As far as physical and physiological, that has supposedly been attributed to a fabled somatosensory cortex issue, but also pretty much involves nerve sensations and the natural tendency for the body to engage in defense measures, which when taken to a psychological perspective may suggest possible sublimation of certain feelings on the part of the aggressor side

"tickledorange" told me to stop using multi-syllabic words though
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I too was captivated by Olive Oil’s feet!

I too was captivated by Olive Oil’s feet from both the tickle scene with Bluto and the ‘Shiver me timber’s’ episode with the kittens licking milk from her bare soles. ( this was my first introduction to bondage as well, but that’s another story)
I use to tickle my sister’s feet and that of her friends anytime we would all go to the beach together.
I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one influenced by Max Flicher’s art…
Would have loved to see Betty Boop tickled as well!
MistressValerie said:
Probably the ultimate cause is a combination of biological and environmental variables.

That's probably the closest to reality: our natural dispositions are filtered, conditioned, contaminated by environmental elements, relationships, good and bad experiences.
The fact that we should learn to be independent from the past is, again, a spiritual/religious thing for me, so I'll leave it out of the discussion 🙂

oriyaborealis: I'm sorry, I think I didn't understand all of what you wrote, probably for my limited knowledge of the English language.
I just want to say something about what I understood:

oriyaborealis said:
While I'm all for all forms of population control as a wannabe misanthropist and nihilist (I'm a phony), I'm also pretty egalitarian in my views and don't believe giving only the certain pretty people a chance to adjust to the environment in how you say, the socially acceptable way--not in the same context as not being a dork or weirdo, but in a way that doesn't involve destructive behavior

I agree, but as I said I'm not qualified to talk about pedophilia or other behaviours that could be seriously harmful for people.
I was trying to stay on tickling and similar, like foot fetish.

And yes I actually have wondered why I like jazz over some other form of music, and as a composer I really do analyze music, so there ! And this has not worsened my preference for any form of jazz, either (or its forerunners), which demonstrates that thinking or analyzing is not a counterproductive measure

I'm a musician too, and I happen to prefere jazz/fusion. Actually I admin that was a bad example, since I know why I prefere that kind of music. There is a big technical component in it.

Thinking being worsening is a fallacy, as the military will let you know this, think before you act, and don't anticipate the commands, et cetera

I think there is a great misunderstanding: what I was trying to say is that thinking is a tool just like other human capabilities, and like them should be used as appropriate.

When you are doing an intellectual work, like compiling a document, writing programming code, trying to solve a riddle, playing chess, studying, rationality is the tool.

When you are eating, enjoying a sunbath, defecating, having sex, doing tickling games, rationality is the wrong tool, you keep yourself far from where you are and you miss the pure pleasure part of those activities, that are the only real reasons why it's worth living.

I'm not talking about choosing the food, checking the time you are exposed to sun, using condoms and so on, all of this stuff is rationality matter, and that's fine.
But once you have done your consideration about what could be the best, safest, healthiest way to do one of the above mentioned activities, thinking about doing it is just out of place.

Moreover, there are activities that only apparently need an active thinking from the actor, like most sports: ever read "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel?

I do argue against the idea that something of a fetish is a curse, rather than something self-propagated and self-preserved, because that simply treats the whole activity as some kind of disease

I firmly believe most harmful behaviours derive from traumas and bad experiences in the past, but I'm afraid you can't do much with such radicated pulsions like sexual ones, since I think that they, at least partly, have genetic/physiological causes.

These posts are getting rather long... 🙂
Haha, yeah

But yeah, I understand very much where you're coming from with the whole nonchalant approach to certain things, and I think everybody here is already self-conscious enough anyways as it is and that is why the internet apparently exists anymore (although that is tragically said)

I actually mean just being smart about the thinking, because there's a dumb confused way to think and I won't bring up a popular example to avoid political discussion, and then there's the clever, intellectual and workable approach

I'm only really addressing ignorance in these matters, to be honest, though self-analysis might be good as well, and maybe or maybe not you'll find there's more to you than just tickling 24/7, but that's really up to you whether you want to bother with it, if you find yourself getting bored of the activity or something

But, it's not the thinking about it while you're doing something, it's more like thinking about doing it at the appropriate time, which pretty much is just like what you said earlier

Although I've met with many people who've gone normal non-traumatic lives who develop fetishes and the such so I can find no real base in that

There I kept it nice and short
Wow this is the first time I am writing on this board. This topic really caught my eye though, since I have forever wondered the same thing.

I just recently turned 18, and yes, I have been coming to this forum for the past year to do the "hurky jerky." My social life is going great (although it was not in the past, but these past two years were great).

I must say that I disagree with the repression theory, I was completely brought up in an upper-middle class environment free of any repression whatsoever (from what I can remember atleast), and I have a very strong fetish. I have never tickled any girl in about 5 years, but I have done other things and found interesting things about myself.

I have strongly ejaculated due to reasons completely unrelated to this fetish, or even sex for that matter. Rather, they randomly appeared during flirt sessions with girls. Thus I know that I am still capable of real sex since I am ejaculating for reasons unrelated to tickling.

I don't know if the same applies to you all, but no one knows I have this fetish (except my parents). In fact, many think I am aggressive about sex. I am clueless as to how people would react if they knew the truth. My friends would probably laugh and think nothing of it, but such empty laughs would probably hurt me deeply.

As for being happy with the fetish, I want to seek professional help when I am a little older. I think more pleasure would arrive from a strong desire for actual sex that from a desire for this fetish. It would also make me more aggressive with the ladies (I have a tendancy of making and breaking relationships, since once I make one no sexual urgency is present that is making me "push" the relationship (tickling the girl seems, to me, out of the questions)). I must admit I have a much more pessimistic view of the matter, for every time after I relieve myself, I then question myself and become sickened.

As for the causes, my theory is that children are too shielded from witnessing sex. In a natural world, I dont think parents would care having their children see an act of sexual intercourse, as the natural world may intend. Perhaps a rare chance exists that the brain then finds a substite object of sex. I dont know much about this topic anyways and I fear that I am sounding like a fool, so I will now stop.

One thing that I noticed among you all is that you all assumed tickling was a naturalhuman arouser. It's funny, I assumed the exact very same thing up to the age of 13, where friends began the talk of "getting ass."

I have never been able to rant like this before, and it has been bottled up inside me for sometime. It is late, so this rant is far from done, and I porbably will post more later. But as a final note, I would like to say that I have had many times with girls (school dances, dates, etc.), and I only fear that this fetish is lowering my sense of sexual urgency to push a relationship. I often find myself afraid of a girl or unable to find a topic of speech after a first date or dance. It really sucks, and I really want a natural sense of sexuality.
I do not know why I like tickling so much Shaun. much like you, I started having a thing for feet and tickling. I remember asking myself if certain people were ticklish. It sure is wild but I love it.
All i know is, i was into tickling at about 6 years old. dont know how i got started, and dont care. just want to enjoy it as much as i can!
well...i uh...i've been into feet n tickling since i was very little...4 or 5...at that time i already hav this 'feeling' about touching n tickling female's feet...until i was about 16..i got my 1st modem n started 2 learn bout this is called a 'fetish' i actually enjoyed it...
but i hav a proble...i keep looking at gal's feet...n sometimes the desire of feet n tickling is more that sex..for example..i cant ejaculate by looking at normal PORN stuff...while my fren can easily do that...its like..i need TICKLING CONTENT n material...n this starts to make me feel creepy.. =(
ssintense said:
I don't know if the same applies to you all, but no one knows I have this fetish (except my parents).

... Your parents are the only ones who know about your fetish?!?!?! ...
Can I ask you how they found that out and reacted?

maniactickler38 said:
All i know is, i was into tickling at about 6 years old. dont know how i got started, and dont care. just want to enjoy it as much as i can!

That is exactly what I was trying to say 🙂
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