A swordsman's thoughts. (Lots and lots of them)
I've thought about it and I had a few things occure to me. I don't doubt that events during childhood have a big impact on you later in life. Including the sexual/fetish related. But I don't think it's just as simple has tickling a girls feet in gym class in 6th grade or being tickled by your babysitter and what. No doubt it has an effect. But I get the feeling that chances are that everyone experiences "everything" at one point or another. And I use the word very loosly. It is to say that more likely than not most all people have been tickled or done some tickling as children. Even those who don't even remotly enjoy the fetish like we do. Personally I think our personalities have a great deal to do with it as well. It's my opinion that it's a 50/50 relationship. We all come from all different walks of life and are great in our variety. But I'll just bet that for the most part, we've all got a lot of similarities on the deep levels of our personalities and psychies. Maybe most of us fall into a similar personality profile or something. I'm an INTP myself...though I don't even remotly remember what that means. I don't know...heh, I think I'm doing more thinking as I type this than I did while I was thinking about what to type...yeah.
I take myself very seriously...no doubt too seriously at times. But I figured I'd share my own views on my fetish while I was at this. I think that I enjoy seeing a girl of boy with cute feet (I'm bisexual for the record) because of what it tells me about that person. I'm a very very clean individual. Not anal-retentive by any means. And I don't mind clutter...but actual sanitary clean is very important to me. I think a person who takes the time to make sure even their barefeet are in good shape, clean, and presentable is more likely than not someone I'd be able to get along well with. It's an attraction on both the physical and mental level. As for tickling...I guess that's a bit harder to fit. When I think about someone who's ticklish I get an image of someone with a lot of emotion. Energy to spare and not afraid to smile. But I view myself as very dark, unaproachable. I don't smile much...well at least in my own eyes anyway. Don't get me wrong, I like being this wey. I'm quite proud of myself...heh, again, likely a bit to proud. But it's refreshing to see things like laughter. Then to be able to run my finger across the exposed tummy or up the bare foot of one of my loved ones...and create laughter...it's fun and refreshing. I'm not sure how that extends into enjoying it on a sexual level...but at least it feels like the puzzle is starting to come together.
Hm, the sexual is probably worth going into as well. I do enjoy tickling with my foreplay and even during intercorse. But only in moderation on the latter there. I enjoy looking at the media on the web like everyone else. Sometimes just because it's cute. Visualy and astetically pleasing. And like most of us (let's be honest) for the other reasion. Hey, so I know what I like and I'm nothing short of proud of it. I've herd people say things like this:
"but i hav a proble...i keep looking at gal's feet...n sometimes the desire of feet n tickling is more that sex..for example..i cant ejaculate by looking at normal PORN stuff...while my fren can easily do that...its like..i need TICKLING CONTENT n material...n this starts to make me feel creepy.. =("
And honestly I'm the same way. Well, I don't see it as a problem though. Whenever I see someone in sandals at the mall I take a second...heh, or two or three...to look. And a playboy mag or movie really dosen't do anything at all for me. But I guess I just don't care. I know what I like. And that's that.
When I was younger I was nothing short of scared to death of anyone ever finding out abot my fetishes. It just felt so taboo. But I'm 20 now and still growing. At one point on my path to maturity I decided to stop keeping it in. Now I didn't go out and tell the world. My parents don't know. And frankly it's not any of their business. But when I dated I wasn't afraid to say, "Yeah, well that's because I think you have cute feet. I like a girl/boy with cute feet." "I have a bit of a tickling fetish. I'd love to share it with you sometime if we ever feel like it." You'd be supprised at the variety of responses I get. Sometimes I got rejected. I'm weird, it's disgusting or whatever. But as I mentioned way back in that first paragraph it's got more do to with being clean. I just decided that the kind of person who would be so judgemental just isn't worthy of my time. And it's true. Because all the people in my life who decided to give it a chance...all the people who wanted to understand more, ask questions, or share their fetishes...not afriad to have an open mind. Girls who decided to at least find out what it feels like to have a toung between their toes. Boys who were at least a little curious about what "tickle-torture" was like. These people are all very important to me now. And it's nothing but good.