I became friends with some people from the "community" and went to my first gathering before becoming a member of TMF. A couple of the wonderful people I met told me TMF was a great place to go to hang with people who loved tickling too. I heard great things about this place...The "flame free", "accepting"... "all inclusive"... forum.
Some of those same people who have not proven to be backstabbing two faced... etc... etc... happen to have become closer friends of mine, and I'm here because I enjoy spending time where they are. Sometimes email is just not enough. 🙂
Yes, a part of me was hoping that I could find as many cool people as I could who were into it here. I claim to be shy, but I really am a people person (A shy people person, or maybe I used to be shy). And I have met many many people who are just so much fun and who I would love to see someday soon.
On the flip side, there are a lot of things that just aren't gonna happen, and I'm not mad about it. It is not like I have given up, but I have just let it go. I'm no longer trying to search for 100 tickle friends (it is difficult to build true friendships via internet anyway), and I'm not trying to find Mr. Right. I realize that TMF (for me) is not, nor ever will be the place to find "the one".
I'm through with the searching. I feel like if it is meant to be the lasting friendship will happen on it's own time, in real life, not in cyberspace.
I'll read the stories, admire the art, post what I feel when I feel like it, tease my friends, and move on.