I can only put it down to a great deal of shyness on my part. I am officially terrible at dealing with large groups of people I've never met before.
I know exactly what you mean, a few years ago I'd have described myself in exactly the same way (and, in my more depressed moments, I may still do so
😉 ). Oddly enough what's helped me get over this in both tickling and the wider world has been going along to munches and gatherings! I've met some fantastic people through them (including my wife as it happens...) and some of my best friends are from the tickle scene.
These days the UK scene is largely being organised through the
Tickle Brits series of web sites and is expanding rapidly. Last year there were two gatherings (play parties) and a half dozen munches (social meetings). This year we've already had two munches, including starting a regular Birmingham munch, and have just held out first gathering of the year. We're hopefull that there'll be another couple of gatherings (including one 'beginners gathering' for those new to the scene and wanting a slightly more structured introduction), a whole raft of munches (we're hoping to hold an average of at least one munch a month across the UK) and maybe even a workshop or two (if we can figure out how they should work).
As a general rule of thumb every event has at least a couple of people who've been around for a while and are used to helping newcomers feel relaxed and welcome. We've seen a lot of new faces recently and, so far at least, everyone seems to have had a good time and have enjoyed themselves.
So if anyone from the UK is reading this, or if you're going to be visiting the home of fish 'n' chips, queing and Mary Poppins, why not pop over and have a look at the
Tickle Brits web site and see what's coming up in your neck of the woods - we promise not to bite