....and I say this as a man with a pretty big foot fetish. YOU'RE RIGHT! It often pains me to see so much talk about foot tickling ALL the time. Never anywhere else.....just the feet. Ticklers who AREN'T into feet otherwise seem to drool over the removal of socks or rolling someone into a carpet and only tickling their feet.
Maybe I'm a RARE guy but my foot fetish and tickling interests have ZERO correlation. None. Nada. When it comes to tickling, I love ALL OVER tickling. I don't care where, as long as she's ticklish, it could be on the side of her arm for all I care.
But 2 things really bother me about foot tickling. For one, media (clips, videos, stories) with some prolonged super focus on foot tickling. SHEESH!!!! I have a few videos from different companies and those that don't have a central focus on foot tickling seem to take atleast a 10 minute special moment to focus ONLY on foot ticking. Pretty dull to see the same wiggling foot and same fake laugh (as if one spot could still be that receptive to the same feeling for 8 or more minutes). I was doubly disappointed at one video where the ticklee is tickled only on her stomach for 20 minutes (and a ten minute break in the middle to focus on tickling her feet). zzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
And second, RARE is it that I have seen it where prolonged foot tickling has a prolonged REACTION! My own girl gets over the initial ticklishness after maybe 10-15 seconds before it becomes monotonous there. That goes for any spot really. I don't like seeing 5-10 minutes on just one area, especially the feet because they are generally a small ticklish spot.
I'm not saying there aren't people out there who are so deathly ticklish on their feet that if you tickled them for 3 days they'd never get used to it....because there are. I used to date a girl like that and loved it because it was her worst spot. But even that would get tiresome before i'd want to get another spot for a different reaction.
So yes, BBR, I feel your pain. I want to see all over tickling, especially on spots that are never.......EEEEEVER tickled in the BARE BACK with fingernails, or the rear end, and neck. Show it all, I say.