Several points can be taken from this thread.
One is that many 'lers don't WANNA be tickled back. If you're a male 'lee, and you wanna be tickled, it would be wise to ASK if you can tickle back. Bein' impolite to a lover can foil this deal forever. It's actually true for 'lees in general. Some of us deal wit' it, and some don't. If they don't, then ticklin' 'em will clearly not go well.
The other is that there are male 'lees who find success wit' folks that aren't "into" this already.
Still another is that male 'lees do well at gatherings. Heck, gettin' 'em to VOLUNTEER is amazingly tough. Had only a handful volunteer. Go to a gathering, and volunteer already. If there's a woman there, and she's a 'lee, she STILL may lend a hand, outta courtesy, 'cause if she's a 'lee, then she KNOWS what you want, and how you feel. If she's a 'ler, well, you're already set. Not a hard scene to work, y'know? TTD had a virtual CLOUD of women workin' him. I've seen the men at the West Coast Gathering get worked pretty good. Heck, I was *one* of 'em, outta courtesy, 'cause the women there wanted a male 'lee and WE COULDN'T FIND ONE. I hadda volunteer.
Now, if one of YOU were there, imagine how happy I would've been...
...and how happy you would've been...
...and how happy those women would have been...
It ain't a hard picture.
From friends in the gay male scene, I understand that gay men don't have such hangups. It's a straight male deal.
It's also easily solved. Show to gatherings. Ask to be tickled. Ask before tickling back. Simple, no? Don't even HAVE to go to a gathering to solve this, providin' your lover is willing to exert the effort to tickle.
My $0.02,