the idea of kids being here is pretty distasteful but like myr says,the nets an anonymous place.if it was a bar with kids in there`s i.d.`s and a physical presence to go on,here there`s none of that,it`s like millions of other adult sites on the net,you click on the over 18 button and you`re there.i understand your point,now you`ve brought it up i`m uneasy about the possibility of kids being here but,if you think about it calmly,it`s not a perfect world and kids are clicking on over 18 buttons on much worse sites in their millions every hour,it`s sad but it`s reality these days.maybe you should take it up with their parents tron if you know of anyone personally who`s under age and coming here,that would probably do more good for them than blaming one of the many millions of sites that this must be happening to,it`ll probably do more good for the kid/kids too don`t you think.