I don't think all women are hot when they're mad. I think it depends on their personalities. I mean if a woman sits down with me and says "what you said, did, etc made me angry, and I would like to sit down and discuss my feelings with you in a calm and civilized manner, and I would like for you to also feel free to mention any areas where you feel you may have been treated unfairly....", I think that would be the perfect time to catch up on my sleep.
Or if she's one of these women who express their anger by crying (I suppose there are men who do this too, well I guess....I dunno), that would be the most surefire way to get me to go out of my way to NEVER get her angry (I wouldn't be around too long either). I mean, think of Sally Struthers angry....nothing hot about that, is there?
I don't really know what my point here was, I guess just that not all women are hot when they're mad. It really does depend on her personality. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Conner in Terminator II when she's pissed: RED HOT. Julie Haggarty when she's pissed...uhm excuse me....