ShiningIce said:The US is the greatest nation on Earth! It just has alot of problems there Shark are you happy!! Thats what Ive been saying all along its just that some people dont know how to listen!! 😡 😡 😡
Now, where have I heard that before? The superiority of a certain race, a certain country above all others? Their God-given right to rule the world?Neutron said:The world is an American colony. It's about time they learned it.
Neutron said:Need I go on? WW2 Lend Lease where we were already pulling Britains 3rd world arse out of the shits before we actually declared war. Learn your history. Korea (yes we did have a pact with them dating from shortly after WW2. NATO Yugoslavia. So far as I know America has honored every mutual defense pact we've ever signed. Hell we're even figuring out how to build diesel submarines for Taiwan AND WE DON"T EVEN OPERATE the damn things. Why do you think we always keep a carrier battle group near the China Sea. To support Taiwan. Within minutes of any hostile conflict between Taiwan and China that battle group will turn the Chinese Navy into dust. JUst prior to the last Taiwanese elections the Chinese threatened to invade Taiwan if a certain candidate was elected. The candidate was elected. The Chinese made preparations to muster their fleet. The US sent an extra Carrier group to the China Sea and guess what? The Chinese stood down. Now how is that for support? I do learn my history. Hell I even learned British history because I feel you can't separate British and American History. LONG before America was around Britain had a NASTY history of eradicating people. Or do we forget the Maoris, the Zulu, the Aborigine, and the original East Coast American Indians. The Brits HAVE surprised attacked without declaring war. On many occasions. Many don't know the Japanese modelled their military and colonial philosophy ON the British. Including how to start a war with a surprise attack. The Middle East is in the condition it's currently in DUE to the way the British left it. Hell when the Brits left the Middle East after WW2 they purposelly divided the region along THEIR lines and NOT hoistorical lines because they believed if there was always conflict there then at least someone (with oil) would have to ally themselves with Britain. Isreal A BRITISH idea. The USA was not originally going to recognize Isreal because Truman felt Isreal had no historical right to exist in it's current location (strategically controlling the Suez Canal it was placed her at British insistence I WONDER why). Truman at the last minute agreed to recognize Isreal because of the threat of the Russian Bear. ALL these decisions are documented openly in minutes from YOUR parliament. Wanna know why WE get blamed? Simple, who cares about Britain anymore in a realistic sense. She has no direct bearing on World Affairs because quite simply she does not have the muscle to back it up. And history DOES show us when Britain has the muscle she's always showed a remarkable degree of British Unilateralism.
Wondering WHY when things like Somalia and Serbia happen the world says WHY doesn't America do something THEN when we do they whine we took to stern of measures. Our biggest mistake is areas like Somalia and Serbia where we let the wishes of the world get in the way of what is correct for us to do. I like Bush, lets go in there, lets do whats right for America and who cares what anyone else thinks.
Dave2112 said:So far, these have been opinions, without any attacks on individual members. But it's getting close. This thread is growing tiresome. We've all heard these same arguements before under the heading of innumerable thread titles. I think everyone is aware of everyone else's political views.
Move on.
Neutron said:I DO admire the Brits stand in the first two years of WW2. It was totally magnificent and the reason I feel Churchill should be the Man Of The Century for the 1900s. I've never once doubted British Courage (particularly after reading The Fatal Shore, imho the BEST history of Australia ever written). There is NO doubt in my mind that had the Brits caved in American involvement in Britain would have been moot. Churchill knew it. Taking a walk in the middle of an air raid was courage at it's finest, AND I do acknowledge only a Brit would have done it. Had France had one fifth the grit the Brits had Europe would have turned out different.
What I do resent is people saying the US only got involved when it suited her. That is not true. America DID violate or rewrite the laws of Neutrality in 1939 to Late 1941. American sailors died in the first U Boat Blitz. And we were not even in the war. American Destroyers escorted British Convoys long before we entered the war. The US Reuben James was sunk prior to US entry in the war. Lend Lease occurred before our official entry.
I also get fed up when I hear people criticize US Unilateralism. Particularly when i hear a Brit do it, simply because until after WW2 Britain did everything entirely in her own interests without thought for anyone else. Yet no one seems to acknowledge that fact. In fact compared to the Brits we are downright generous when it comes to being hesitant about being unilateral. And I have NO doubt that if Britain were still the worlds most powerful empire she'd be just as unilateral as ever.
Again this is nothing against the British people. Europe in general owes her a great debt for her courage and leadership during the opening phases of WW2. But in todays world, she's moot.
Take care
Neutron said:Our getting in late had nothing to do with Rusia getting to Eastern Europe prior to anyone else. The Russian front didn't start advancing until mid 1942. You can blame Churchill and MOntgomery for the Russians occupying Eastern Europe. Not the US. Churchill was way to focused on coming up through the Balkans and thus hoodwinked the US into operations which had no real material effect on the outcome of the war, AND put of D Day by about a year. Give us that year back and...
Montgomery was too conservative and moved to slow. It wasn't until the US finally cut Patton loose from Montys strings that fast progress was made to Europe. Pattons timetable would have had us into Eatern Europe two weeks before the Russkies got there, however Monty vetoed it. Who knows whether this was good or not. ? After all Patton once said if he had ran into a Russian unit he would have opened fire.
red indian said:
Many American sailors died in the U boat blitz because of American refusal to act on advice from the British regarding convoy techniques and their insistance on keeping the entire eastern seabord lit up like a fair ground.
Britain went to war to in order to save poland, this was clearly not in our interests, and indeed it could be said that the whole idea of wargainst Germany was not in our interests,we were in a good postion after the Battle of Britain and Alamein to do a deal with germany, an invasion by this stage was unthinkable, we could have kept all our overseas empire and all our favourable trade tarrifs, but what did we do? we gave the whole show away in order to continue the war which included giving all our remaining reserves away to the Americans. So how can you say we only acted in our own interests untill after WW2? is this another case of "LEARN your history"?
You may also be interested to know that the UK is still paying the US back for its contribution to WW2 and we are not expected to complete payments untill 2007. Its worth remembering that the US did very nicely thankyou out of WW2 not only from repayments from Allies but also from the collapse of the British Empire and also benifitted from technology developed by Britain but uncomplainingly handed over to the U.S. eg computers and jet engine and radar.
Many Americans took a dim view of the British empire, and its demise was seen as a fortunate byproduct of WW2 and indeed Stalin was seen as a more morally acceptable leader than Churchill, "of one thing I am certain, Stalin is not an imperialist" so said Roosvelt "as soldiers we looked naively on the British inclination to complete the war with political foresight and non military objectives" so said Gen Bradley. Perhaps this tells us why the Russians were allowed to occupy eastern europe?