Since I believe sin is when you cause physical or emotional pain and suffering through the consequences of your actions to others then I'll go ahead and nominate the following:
Pol Pot
Mao Zedong
Alexander the Great
Virtually Every Emperor of Rome
Many MANY Popes of the Roman Catholic Church (and it's predecessors)
Many MANY of the Nobility and Royalty of Europe
Several of America's Most Powerful Political Leaders (including Cheney and Bush)
Several of America's Most Powerful Military and National Intelligence Figures
Ya, our history as a race is pretty bloody people...and I wonder why we haven't been contacted yet by life on other worlds...LOL.
Worst sinner ever? I'm sure one could list the Mansons, Stalins, Hitlers, Maos, and Pol-Pots of the world. But in the long run, it doesn't matter. We are all at the same level for one sin or a trillion. Without Christ, I am the same as Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer.
Forgive me but that is YOUR BELIEF good sir. I for one don't believe in the Church's doctrine or teachings.
God doesn't look at how long your list is. The only list that matters is the Book of Life (Rev 20:15).
Again, your belief and I must say if you take the word of an inanimate object which by all accounts has, quite possibly, been altered and mistranslated dozens of times over the course of recorded history, over your own gut feeling then I believe you should study history a bit more.
Books are objects...there is nothing special about the bible. It has as much worth as any other book. Again my belief but I get so sick of people putting down all people who worship God. Not everyone of us are mindless servants of an organized religious hierarchy! Some of us have our own beliefs about God! I for one believe that the feeling you building up in your chest when you donate to or help the poor...that warmth and hope...the feeling you get when you find you truly deeply love someone and when your in their arms...and for just that one brief moment everything in the universe seems right...that warm feeling that builds and grows inside of you with each good deed and happy moment...that I believe is GOD!
Again, my belief.
So guess what? In His eyes, we all "win" and are the worst! Congratulations! need a lesson in truth.
Lession 1: Is there a truth to every single event in recorded history.
Answer: Yes, it happened so it had to have happened in some way.
Lession 2: What is the basic principle which eventually leads to all of us coloring the truth and thus creating what we call opinion:
Now it may be your perception that in gods eyes we're all damned but that may not be the "TRUTH". Again, don't rely on the book of revelations for everything dude. Least that is what I believe.