Movies that I have TRIED to like and given a fair chance:
"Eyes Wide Shut" was pretty terrible. However Kubrick died six months before it was to open; he always cut his movies right to the last minute, including after the premieres (that includes 2001: A Space Odyssey which had originally had a opening with scientist interviews, as well as Dr. Strangelove and The Shining, which both originally had different endings). So we can assume he could have at least improved on "Eyes Wide Shut".....though I don't know what he could have done to make me believe Tom Cruise was a NYC doctor!
I've given that movie a fair shake (I even saw it twice on opening day to make sure it wasn't just me): in its present state, it just sucks.
Runner up: I love Orson Welles, and there's some absolutely amazing, classic sequences and performances in it but I'll never sit through "The Lady From Shanghai" ever again, I've given it more than five viewings over the years. And yeah, it was mutilated by the studio (as usual) and an hour was cut from it, which makes the plot ridiculously convoluted. Rita Hayworth is really bland and boring in it, and I usually LOVE Rita Hayworth. Everett Sloane is fantastic in it, I'll grant it that, and obviously it looks amazing, but I still can't really tell you what the plot details are in that movie, and I've seen it many times.