A cross over sounds like a great idea... I remember on TT that Oz said that Yoly is 20 times MORE ticklish than Yenny (who was considered the most ticklish in the world, making Yoly's ticklishness the equivalent of 20 Yennys!) Too bad the Doc doesn't know that...
Let's see...
I wouldn't mind Anabelle getting some fun time with Yenny...
Or the Gomez girls teaching Anabelle a lesson in how to be a real dominant tickler...
...and we've yet to see if sexy Amanda is ticklish... Since Amanda loves to make Yoly laugh at any time it seems... It would be interesting to see Yoly tickle her back in playful revenge. Always good to see a Lee take on a Ler role from time to time...
Hmmm... maybe not so much a cross over... but more of a "Visit" between characters since I assume all characters discussed here live in the same "world" but just in different regions...
It can be a one time "Family reunion special" just like your Valentine's day special...