Did I see you on LOCK-UP: EXTENDED STAY? Please say it wasn't you wearing the pink-polka-dot boxer briefs while doing your time in the hole.
Did you know that I intend to get a grip of death on the last word?
3.....2.....1....... TIME FOR A GIGGLEFEST.
Q: What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?![]()
Zoddy! Did you wear shorts today to show off your magnificent legs?
What was for dinner?
Did you see that really full moon recently?
What is your height when wearing three inch heels?
Do you count sheep before you go to sleep?
It is I. Where are you?![]()
*rings doorbell*
Can Zoddy come out and play?
Do you have any rope?![]()
Which models did you win prizes for? Will you be posting pictures?