Very^9999999999999999999999999999999 annoying.
What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Very^9999999999999999999999999999999 annoying.
What was the best thing that happened to you today?![]()
The buffet
Seeing you here.![]()
What was at the buffet? Where are you tonight?![]()
Oak Grove,MO. I had beef,puuled pork,lima beans,brocolii,cauliflower,mac and cheese.![]()
I love macaroni and cheese. Do you like potato salad?
Did you listen to any music today that you enjoyed?
Wassup Zod? I see you escaped the Phantom Zone again eh?
They will never keep me there. 😛
Looks like I'll have to call old Kal el to come an open up a fresh case on ya huh?
While I'm at it, I think I'll call Superboy, Supergirl and Krypto as well 😛
Those freaks fear me. I will tickle to death Supergirl. krypto will piss himself with fright. Superboy and Superman will howl "holy shit. here comes that fucking Zod"![]()
Bullshit says I!!! I forgot to mention a few things: 1. Lex Luthor is their side for once. Afterall, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and taking your old ass down qualifies as being one the needs of the many and Luthor recognizes that in order to keep on fighting Superman and eventually kill him himself, he must kill all those that wish to kill Superman first.
Also those three have a little additional backup too just in case you beat them.
So HA Zoddycakes!! Beat that 😛
*spies lex Luthor and Batman with my x ray vision*
*melts them both with heat vision*
The two brains are down. Shall I go on? I forgot too mention,I have around 100,000 Krytonians who have been freed from the shrunken down bottled city of Kandor. I offed Brainiac who had shrunken them down,I am their hero.
True. But you forgot a few other things oh Zoddycakes. Only 7000 of your force made it to earth.
1. Reactron was captrued and held prisoner there and blew himself up, killing a good percentage of those there.
2. Luthor turned the Earths Sun into a Red Sun 😛 thus killing more than half your force. 😛
Also the JSA and the Earth Corps are backing up the league.
So watcha gonna do Zoddycakes? surrender now, I wont have to call in the JSA or the JLA. 😛
I killed Luthor and Batman before they turned our sun into a red one. besides,comic books will never let me win. 😛
Well come on Zoddy? You know as well as I do eviil can never win 😛
Even with Bi-focals 😛
If evil can't win,why are there politicians? 😛