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Why is Star Wars so Popular?


3rd Level Red Feather
May 27, 2004
Seriously, what is the deal with over-rated pile of second rate Sci-Fi dross? I've thought it over and I can see no great redeeming factor, no great virtue in the series to honestly give it the level of acclaim it has achieved. The characters, the themes, the plot, are all medicore at best and here are some of the worst offenders for me.

1: The Death Star. Let's just get over the fact it's largely a waste of resources and get down to the fact it has the worst design flaws in any weapon ever created. A missile shoved down a vent is all that's needed to destroy it? Honestly? And let's just have a look where it's placed, at the end of a long trench, the last five hundred yards or so have no defences whatsoever. Why not just have a sign saying "SHOOT HERE YOU STUPID BASTARD" and be done with it? Ye Gods, the I could come up with better ideas than that piece of junk.

2: The incompetence of pretty much everyone involved. Yoda gets beaten one time and rather than help the Alliance with training new Jedi, he slinks off with his tail between his legs? Nice going there oh wise one. And as for the Emperor, his entire plan in the end depended on how his poodle wouldn't snap and stab him in the back while a bunch of teddy bears wouldn't over power his troops and advanced weaponry. No problem with that one ya dingus.

3: Darth Vader. So let me get this straight, we're talking about someone who's butchered hundreds with his own hands, defenceless children included, brutally tortured his own daughter, was directly responsible for the destruction of an entire World, committed further unspeakable atrocities and all he had to do in order to redeem himself was push an old decrepid man off a balcony? Yep, no need for further actions or justice there then.

4: Let's face it, the whole thing was made up as it went along. It pretty much explains the incest, the plot holes, the incest, the sheer idiocy of the characters and the incest. Really not the best thought out of series.


6: Teddy bears defeating the Empire. Of course, since all Imperial soldiers are inherently blind, moronic and can't shoot for toffee, I suppose I can give this one a tiny bit of leeway.

And these are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. I haven't even started on the terrible acting, the overuse of CGI and all the other flaws. Why is this series so popular?
I think the newest versions were ok but in general i never cared for those movies either.

You do realise that this thread has now been called attention to.

By that, I mean that you have been marked by the famous and insidious "Star Wars-United front of people who spend their entire lives in the basement of their mother's houses since ninteen-eighty four-obliterating any opposition that has the audacity to point out the flaws of the unapproachable George Lucas in the apex of his indellible genius" secret society.

Been nice knowin' ya.

I will use the fur and teeth-trophies of Paploo to pray for your soul.
The first Star Wars was quite a cultural phenomenon when it was released in 1977. The combination of such brilliant technical effects in the service of a simple, fast-moving adventure story had never been seen in an American movie. (2001: A Space Odyssey, released eight years before, had brilliant effects too, but it required its audience to think and confused--and bored--many.) The opening shot of the Imperial Starship flying "overhead" caused a collective gasp every time I saw it. The music was really cool too. Say what you will about the plot, dialog and acting, but the first Star Wars is a superbly crafted film that never flags. Relentless marketing made it's presence ubiquitous in the late 70's. The series' popularity snowballed from there.
The first Star Wars was quite a cultural phenomenon when it was released in 1977. The combination of such brilliant technical effects in the service of a simple, fast-moving adventure story had never been seen in an American movie. (2001: A Space Odyssey, released eight years before, had brilliant effects too, but it required its audience to think and confused--and bored--many.) The opening shot of the Imperial Starship flying "overhead" caused a collective gasp every time I saw it. The music was really cool too. Say what you will about the plot, dialog and acting, but the first Star Wars is a superbly crafted film that never flags. Relentless marketing made it's presence ubiquitous in the late 70's. The series' popularity snowballed from there.

I know why it's popular, but I would agree that it's extremely overrated.
Why is Star Wars so popular?

'Cos of this guy.

'Cos of this guy.


:Giggle: :cheer:

It was popular because of the young hunk that was Harrison Ford and for Princess Leia's gold bikini.

I don't know what would be the definate answer, all I can say is that I enjoyed the dialogue between the main characters. I'm not a huge fan of the last episodes.
Ok, here's the deal... Go back and look at the OTHER sci-fi material that came out in the 70's and early 80's. It was mostly total crap, unless you could put up with people endlessly talking about their feelings on board a starship and moaning about the "prime directive" every 5 minutes.

Star Wars, while the plot was pretty lame, looked absolutely AMAZING for the time period it came out in. It wasn't just people sitting around talking in some cheesy mock-up of a space station, either: There were gunfights, lightsaber fights, and dogfights between starfighters. CONSTANTLY. The poor, media-starved sci-fi nerds of the 70's and 80's lapped it up with a spoon... And then they got their kids hooked on it before they could even walk.

I don't really think younger modern-day nerds can appreciate just how good they've got it. As a 31 year old nerd, I can remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater when it first came out... And it was the SHIT. :D
Man. Some of this you think waaaay to much about, and some not nearly enough.

1: The Death Star. Let's just get over the fact it's largely a waste of resources and get down to the fact it has the worst design flaws in any weapon ever created. A missile shoved down a vent is all that's needed to destroy it? Honestly? And let's just have a look where it's placed, at the end of a long trench, the last five hundred yards or so have no defences whatsoever. Why not just have a sign saying "SHOOT HERE YOU STUPID BASTARD" and be done with it? Ye Gods, the I could come up with better ideas than that piece of junk.
First off, think of some dramatic unbeatable movie opponent that, in the end, was not defeated by something that seems obvious in retrospect. It's a trope. When Hercules fought the "unbeatable" hydra he beat it by (drumroll) burning the stumps of the heads as he cut them off. Sheer genius, right? Yet that myth has stood the test of 2000 years (and no, I won't be surprised if you haven't heard of it).

That's the metastory reason. In-story, we're talking about a "weapon" that was mistaken for a small moon. It's unthinkably huge and complex. It would be more surprising if it didn't have an Achilles' Heel (there goes another myth) somewhere. But even at that, when you consider that the first several people who tried to "shove a missile down the vent" failed and died, it clearly wasn't as simple as you make it out to be.

2: The incompetence of pretty much everyone involved. Yoda gets beaten one time and rather than help the Alliance with training new Jedi, he slinks off with his tail between his legs? Nice going there oh wise one. And as for the Emperor, his entire plan in the end depended on how his poodle wouldn't snap and stab him in the back while a bunch of teddy bears wouldn't over power his troops and advanced weaponry. No problem with that one ya dingus.
LOL You aren't the first person to roll your eyes at the Ewoks. We suspect LucasFilms' merchandising department of sticking their badfinger in there.

As for Yoda, you haven't paid attention to the story. He wasn't just "beaten once." His entire order was wiped out and it was demonstrated that he couldn't defeat Palpatine one-on-one. So he didn't "slink off with his tail between his legs." He went to ground until the person who might defeat Palpatine (Vader's son) was old enough to do the job.

Likewise the Emperor. He knew perfectly well that Vader would kill him eventually - it's a Sith thing; you wouldn't understand. His failings were, first, overconfidence in his own visions of how and when that would happen, and second, misjudging the balance between Vader's feelings for his son and his desire for the power that the Emperor could still give him.

3: Darth Vader. So let me get this straight, we're talking about someone who's butchered hundreds with his own hands, defenceless children included, brutally tortured his own daughter, was directly responsible for the destruction of an entire World, committed further unspeakable atrocities and all he had to do in order to redeem himself was push an old decrepid man off a balcony? Yep, no need for further actions or justice there then.
I wonder if we watched the same movie. I'm inclined to think not, since you write as though Vader knew he was "torturing his own daughter," when of course he didn't. Not that it necessarily would have stopped him, but he certainly would have dealt with Leia differently had he known who she was. But your last few clauses are the real wonders here.

A) Palpatine was not "a decrepid (sic) old man." He was the strongest Force-user in the galaxy at that time (Luke arguably surpassed him later). He killed Vader even in the few moments he had before his own death.

B) That's rather the point: Vader didn't just "push an old man off a balcony." He did something that he knew full well would cost him his life. That can make up for a fair bit.

Makes me wonder if you went out for popcorn there at the end of the movie.

4: Let's face it, the whole thing was made up as it went along. It pretty much explains the incest, the plot holes, the incest, the sheer idiocy of the characters and the incest. Really not the best thought out of series.
Were you watching the porn version, perhaps? There was no incest.

LOL You must have missed all the ranting about Jar-Jar on the fan boards. He was the Wesley Crusher of Star Wars. Jar-Jar never really bugged me all that much, but he was part of the last trilogy, which even fans consider a large step down from the original three.

6: Teddy bears defeating the Empire. Of course, since all Imperial soldiers are inherently blind, moronic and can't shoot for toffee, I suppose I can give this one a tiny bit of leeway.
Yep, yep - see above re Ewoks. And "shoots like a stormtrooper" is a common fan idiom for "can't hit the broad side of a barn while standing inside it."

Oddly enough though, most of us don't obsess about it like you do. Perhaps your mother was frightened by a target range?

In the end, Star Wars was as popular as it was because,

A) It was a retelling of a classic myth: the hero's journey (read Joseph Campbell).

B) The special effects were absolutely revolutionary at the time - I suspect you aren't old enough to appreciate just how revolutionary.

C) It revitalized the entire science fiction movie genre.

D) Most people honestly don't care about most of the stuff you're fussing about - even where you've gotten the story straight.
You disappoint me DEV, you really do. How could somebody who is such a major Batman fan question anything about Star Wars. You know as well as I do in the real world a guy like Bruce Wayne would have hired people to be Batmen and Bat Women, and he would not have a minor in brightly coloured clothing running along side them either (being that it would be against the law to do so). Star Wars is more then just a great film, it is a great story... even if Parts 1-3 weren't so good on there own. If you watch them together even the new ones aren't so bad.
Short answer:

Memorable characters: Good or bad. Lame or cool. They are memorable. Even a non-fan knows who Darth Vader is and what he stands for.

Mythology: Aside from retelling the classic hero story, Star Wars has one of the most detailed, thorough mythologies of any work of fiction in the English language.

Dorks: Hardcore Star Wars fans are typically dorks and dorks are collectors. They enjoy finding out every little thing about what they like. Incidently, that's why so many video games have collectibles and secrets.

Innovation: It did a lot of things for its time that were astonishing or unheard of.

Marketing: There are things added (certain vehicles for example) to the movies specifically to sell toys or tie in to the latest Doritos contest. See the "Dorks" segment above.

I won't disagree. Star Wars has degenerated some since 1977. It's a movie, not a lifestyle and so it should remain. However, for all the reasons above, and below this reply, Star Wars is still an enjoyable flick. :)

Snail Shell
I don't really think younger modern-day nerds can appreciate just how good they've got it. As a 31 year old nerd, I can remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater when it first came out... And it was the SHIT. :D

I don't think they have it that great Asu simply because I would trade in all of the worlds CGI for stop motion clay monsters as long as the movie had good or better acting. I would take the old Clash of the Titans and its soap star cast then some of the shit thats is out there today.
Another 80´s kid

And yes, i also love Star Wars...i do love lots of other things for the record ;)

I will not speak about the lame parts. Of course it gets lame and foolish sometimes, it´s a sci-fi flick after all. When even Braveheart goes way out of it´s supposed history you can´t expect that a sci-fi flick will be all rational and plausible.

But, the good thing with the 1st star wars is that everything seemed remotely plausible and made remote sense, at least enough for us to focus on the good parts of the movies which as many have and will say:

- Nice action and amazing scenes for the 80´s...the concept of light sabers was and still is wicked. The whole concept of the force is something which still stands today (it´s actually one of the few concepts that still stands in the new ones).

- The story is quite nice: you have standard teenage guy with whom we can relate. You have the standard nice girl in distress for whom we may care for. you have the standard rogue hero coming from the bad side but changing along the way to reveal is good heart and comitment for "the cause"...you have the above the standard bad guy in Darth Vader, and here they simply go over the top because Vader was the guy!!! And then you have the misterious figures of Yoda, the emperor and even Obi-Wan, characters that you get to know a little bit but leave you wandering so much you wish to see more movies just hoping to find something else about them (and this is where the new movies built from).

So in the end, it´s really not that bad!

I will admit that the Ewoks are a bit over the top but when you have a refrigerator saving you from getting nucked.....the hell....let the tedybears save the universe :) they do seem unexpected and it´s basically Chewy and the rebs who are really winning the battle, the teddybears are just surprise element and cannon fooder. If you watch carefully it´s not so far fetched like it might seem in the 1st place. You have a ridiculous weak side acting as diversion to set the strong guys free in order that together they can kick the bad guys (sound familiar doesn´t???)

And who cares about the tedybears!!! you have the most amazing space battle going around and the epic confrontation between the skywalkers and the emperor...it´s not even that the ewoks are running the bulk of the story ;)

Other issues i think were already well answered :)

It´s not a big deal also, but it´s not so bad that it should not be popular. Perhaps it went too far, but we can see where it came from.
Man. Some of this you think waaaay to much about, and some not nearly enough.

Almost certainly!

(and no, I won't be surprised if you haven't heard of it).

I have and read many variations (Major Greek Mythology buff when I were a nipper). But here's the thing, the Hydra was a beast of legend, the Death Star, suposedly designed by the technological geniuses of the Empire. The reason why they built it with such a phenomally stupid flaw was because...?

Look, I'm not asking for Shakespeare, just some internal logic.

He went to ground until the person who might defeat Palpatine (Vader's son) was old enough to do the job.

And the reason why Yoda couldn't take him in and train him from birth while sending a few agents out to help look for potential Jedi to help with the Rebellion was because...?

Makes me wonder if you went out for popcorn there at the end of the movie.

Nope, although I was too busy regretting the fact that Lucas makes more money than Monaco too take in much more stupidity. I mean, even if he was killed by the lightning, couldn't he have used the Force to shove a Lightsaber up his arse instead of the other option? You know, the Force, the thing all Jedi are supposed to be good at?

There was no incest.

Apart from the whole Luke/Leia thing. And Star Wars porn? I'm guessing Chewbacca's in the furry version.

Oddly enough though, most of us don't obsess about it like you do.

Who's obsessing? Like I said, this list came off the top of my head after thinking about it for ten minutes.

If you watch them together even the new ones aren't so bad.

So basically, I have to watch the newer ones in order to lower my standards enough to enjoy the old ones? ;)

you have the above the standard bad guy in Darth Vader, and here they simply go over the top because Vader was the guy!!!

OK, I'll admit that Darth Vader was at first an alright villain. But really, the guy had major decay ever since the third movie.

It was mostly total crap

You best not be including Dr. Who in that. Otherwise I'll show you what a true Nerd fight is. :p
I have and read many variations (Major Greek Mythology buff when I were a nipper). But here's the thing, the Hydra was a beast of legend, the Death Star, suposedly designed by the technological geniuses of the Empire. The reason why they built it with such a phenomally stupid flaw was because...?

Look, I'm not asking for Shakespeare, just some internal logic.

Again, it was not such a stupid flaw neither obvious neither easy to get. It seems so because they pulled it out but if you watch the movie carefully it´s a close call. Of course you know the good guys are going to make it but dont you know it in most movies?
Again, it was not easy, the previous guy failed and dyed. They had enough fighter cover to be sure about enemy fighters...Luke would also have been toasted if it was not for Han making a surprise last minute show.
And a battle station that size had to have weak spots. Every single war machine we have today has it´s weak spots (should i speak about the lightning tanks you guys used during 2nd WW?? they seemed to have a nice flaw regarding armor around their fuel tanks....hummm....sounds clever doesn´t? it happens!!)

And the reason why Yoda couldn't take him in and train him from birth while sending a few agents out to help look for potential Jedi to help with the Rebellion was because...?

Again you missed the plot and are overreacting because you want. If you go like that you can overreact over most movies around.

Yoda deliberately went away to hide himself for the right time. Obi-Wan did the same, obi-wan stayed with luke in order to train him at the right time. If you wanted to rant you could rant why did Obi-wan not start Luke´s training earlier....now that would be a point! but only the new movies established that jedy´s should be trained young so there´s no such BIG point in the old movies.

Just to keep it clear: had yoda and obi stayed close to the rebel alliance, the emperor would have noticed them and quickly move whatever he had to crush them.

Also consider the emperor came to power in a legitimate way. So it would take time for the systems to get angry and start really supporting the rebel alliance. Consider also that the empire was fully mobilized to war and just coming out of one as a winner so maximum battle power and hardened veterans. By the time of Yoda/Obi Wan escape they would have no chance if they tried to quickly organize any force against the empire.

We can actually go so far and say that the rebel alliance had to wait until most of the empire army got lazy, thus justifying for some of the seeming incompetence of imperial stormtroopers.

Nope, although I was too busy regretting the fact that Lucas makes more money than Monaco too take in much more stupidity. I mean, even if he was killed by the lightning, couldn't he have used the Force to shove a Lightsaber up his arse instead of the other option? You know, the Force, the thing all Jedi are supposed to be good at?

Ok...i give you this one. but again it´s not that big...it´s really not as big as "get yourself the next refrigerator when armaggedon comes!"

we can speculate that Vader was weak, that he was not really thinking in a clear way, therefore not able to use all his force abilities. Have in mind that he was in between the dark and light side of the force so his abilities must have been quite crippled. And we already know he has limited force powers for being mostly a robot. Also...had he used force powers, the emperor might have been able to feel it and counterstrike....remember, they are Jedi´s! i´m not sure if you try and send a light saber flying into the emperor if he will not just see it coming and just turn it back on you....not really sure!!!

Vader did the unexpected. Again he had to take the emperor off balance and get him by surprise, even if risking his life.

Apart from the whole Luke/Leia thing. And Star Wars porn? I'm guessing Chewbacca's in the furry version.

Luke/Leia thing????

Again this is something that went only in the U.S.A. because you guys like to over react to these kind of stuff (no pun intended).
No one in Portugal had that problem and no we do not like family incest more than you guys. we are just not paranoid about it.
Watch carefully!!!!!!
Leia see´s Luke as a looser, as too nice, too standard guy for her. She his a princess and one of the rebellion leaders. She is far more outgoing compared to Luke when they 1st meet. It´s quite clear that she will be with Han rather than Luke. Leia and Han develop the kind of "she hates me/she loves me" relation since the beginning.
And yes!!! Leia kisses Luke in Empire to make Han jealous!!!!! She´s going at Han!!!!! it´s him she wants, not Luke!!!! And watch Luke´s reaction!!! he´s playing with the scene, he never really looks in love for Leia, he simply doesn´t care he got kissed.
So even if they knew they were brother and sister i could see the "kissing scene" going exactly the same way considering Han knew not of their true relation.

Don´t get so paranoid :)
I have and read many variations (Major Greek Mythology buff when I were a nipper). But here's the thing, the Hydra was a beast of legend, the Death Star, suposedly designed by the technological geniuses of the Empire. The reason why they built it with such a phenomally stupid flaw was because...?
The Hydra was a beast of legend, but it got its reputation as unkillable because no one before Heracles ever figured out how to kill it. And yet, when he figured it out it didn't look like a work of brilliance, did it?

The Death Star was a beast of legend too, but it was designed by humans instead of gods. For someone supposedly so familiar with mythology, you do seem to have a hard time seeing a mythic image when it's staring you in the face.

As I wrote earlier, the fact that several people died trying to exploit the Death Star's weakness before that Skywalker chap managed to do it suggests that it might not have been as stupid as you seem to need it to be. To all appearances, the Empire was quite right to think that there wasn't much risk there. As for why such an expensive technological monster had any flaw at all, you might as well ask how a NASA engineer could wreck a multimillion dollar Mars probe by programming its descent software in inches rather than centimeters.

And the reason why Yoda couldn't take him in and train him from birth while sending a few agents out to help look for potential Jedi to help with the Rebellion was because...?
Raise a baby, by himself, in the jungles of Dagobah? Sure, that'd work. And as for why he chose Dagobah in the first place, that was because there were areas of the planet that had a strong presence in the dark side. That gave him camouflage against detection by Vader and Palpatine, but again, living near a center of dark side energy made for a bad baby-rearing environment.

Sending out "agents" to "look for potential Jedi" would be a bad, bad idea. First of all, whom would he send? Whom could he trust? As far as he knew for certain, there were exactly two people alive who could have done something like that: himself and Kenobi. Moreover the Empire was already looking for any such people, and paid well for information about them.

So, Yoda somehow manages to find or recruit a bunch of agents (presumably Force-sensitives themselves) who are able to find and recognize potential Jedi. The more people who know about something, the better the chance of a leak. So sooner or later the Empire gets wind of it, captures one of these agents, discovers that Yoda is still alive, and reduces Dagobah to cinders by orbital bombardment (and don't think for a second that the Emperor wouldn't have sacrificed an unpopulated planet to get Yoda).

If you think through what Yoda was really up against, it's not that hard to understand his methods.

Nope, although I was too busy regretting the fact that Lucas makes more money than Monaco too take in much more stupidity.
Most of the "stupidity" that you saw was in your own head - so to speak.

I mean, even if he was killed by the lightning, couldn't he have used the Force to shove a Lightsaber up his arse instead of the other option? You know, the Force, the thing all Jedi are supposed to be good at?
Yes, and the thing that Palpatine was better than anyone at. Rule #1 of successful warfare: don't attack your enemy where he's stronger than you are.

Apart from the whole Luke/Leia thing.
Luke and Leia shared a single kiss (two if you count a peck on the cheek for luck) before they learned that they were related. Only someone really desperate to find something to complain about (or someone with a very active fantasy life) would try to turn that into an incest subplot.
One word: Lightsabers. Think about it. Swords are ALWAYS popular. If you take any universe, and have one character who uses a sword, they will instantly be the most popular character just for having a sword. Especially if it's a katana. Because katanas are just better. Even better than the Tri-Force. Atleast according to Sakurai.


Now, lasers are also cool. The consensus is lasers are like guns, but better. So what happens when you combine the two? The answer: OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME I WANT ONE IT'S LIKE A LASER SWORD OMGOMGOMGMAIHEADASPLODE!!!!!

There's your answer.
Last edited:
Also, it's popular because of the sumbliminal sexiness...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OjHOdDhs4qE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OjHOdDhs4qE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Don't forget all the rapping!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UQqx5EsbSfY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UQqx5EsbSfY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Seriously, what is the deal with over-rated pile of second rate Sci-Fi dross? I've thought it over and I can see no great redeeming factor, no great virtue in the series to honestly give it the level of acclaim it has achieved. The characters, the themes, the plot, are all medicore at best and here are some of the worst offenders for me.

1: The Death Star. Let's just get over the fact it's largely a waste of resources and get down to the fact it has the worst design flaws in any weapon ever created. A missile shoved down a vent is all that's needed to destroy it? Honestly? And let's just have a look where it's placed, at the end of a long trench, the last five hundred yards or so have no defences whatsoever. Why not just have a sign saying "SHOOT HERE YOU STUPID BASTARD" and be done with it? Ye Gods, the I could come up with better ideas than that piece of junk.

2: The incompetence of pretty much everyone involved. Yoda gets beaten one time and rather than help the Alliance with training new Jedi, he slinks off with his tail between his legs? Nice going there oh wise one. And as for the Emperor, his entire plan in the end depended on how his poodle wouldn't snap and stab him in the back while a bunch of teddy bears wouldn't over power his troops and advanced weaponry. No problem with that one ya dingus.

3: Darth Vader. So let me get this straight, we're talking about someone who's butchered hundreds with his own hands, defenceless children included, brutally tortured his own daughter, was directly responsible for the destruction of an entire World, committed further unspeakable atrocities and all he had to do in order to redeem himself was push an old decrepid man off a balcony? Yep, no need for further actions or justice there then.

4: Let's face it, the whole thing was made up as it went along. It pretty much explains the incest, the plot holes, the incest, the sheer idiocy of the characters and the incest. Really not the best thought out of series.


6: Teddy bears defeating the Empire. Of course, since all Imperial soldiers are inherently blind, moronic and can't shoot for toffee, I suppose I can give this one a tiny bit of leeway.

And these are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. I haven't even started on the terrible acting, the overuse of CGI and all the other flaws. Why is this series so popular?

1. Every item has a weak spot and as its clearly said in the films, the death star is designed to repel massive frontal assaults, not small fighters. Im sure there are thousands of machines world wide that will fail if u remove a small pin
2. Yoda endured the loss of all the Jedi. He also knows the prophecies, and he was destined to train the new one who would bring order to the Force. As for the sith, theyre always backstabbing each other
3. Yes because he destroyed the one who led him to the darkside which as a result killed him. He killed himself to save his son
4. Google "Genetic sexual attraction"
5. Agree but thats the butchered second saga at work
6. :shrug: Guys in the middle east have been defeating vast superior soldiers since the cold war

and star trek is better
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