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Favorite Comic Book Quotes:


Level of Raspberry Feather
Jan 31, 2008
List any/all of your favorite/memorable quotes from Comics old and new. :)

Don't try to cram 'em all in one post, I think we could have more fun going back and forth with them. :)

Looking forward to your contributions!
"Shock of impact ran along my arm. Jet of warmth spattered on chest, like hot faucet. It was Kovacs who said "Mother" then, muffled under latex. It was Kovacs who closed his eyes. It was Rorschach who opened them again." - Rorschach, Watchmen
From Thor, confronting Iron Man and responding to Iron Mans threat that the Government would come for Asgard

"If any mortal comes uninvited to Asgard on behalf of those who supposed themselves to be powers, within the hour they will learn what true power is"

Deadpool-Et Tu, Oob-bay?
Deadpool: Its Shakespeare, YOU PHILISTINE!

When Thor called the spirit of captain america, asking if he wanted to be avenged
Cap-All of my life. I've fought to become a symbol. A symbol of all the things that were right about this country, All the things I loved. And now, They're trying to turn that symbol into whatever's most convenient, whatever will serve the political agenda of one side or the other. I can hear them talking nonstop... the media ...the press. They don't understand. It was Never about politics, it was never about me. It was about the country. But they can't hear that above their own voices.

Shortly after, Thor short circuited every satellite and radio broadcast and the earth was silent for 1 minute
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"Pain? Pain is like love , like compassion! It is a thing only for lesser men. What is pain to Doom?"

- Doctor Doom
Fantastic Four #278
These are the new streets of this city, where the New Scum try to live. You and me. And here in these streets are the things that we want: sex and birth, votes and traits, money and guilt, television and teddy bears.
But all we've actually got is each other.
You decide what that means.

The Oval Office carpet is thick with Presidential semen. They look out of the window, think "I own you all" and jack off like ugly apes in humping season. It's what they live for. No one who wants that is to be trusted. Why can't you all see that?

A Kenyan man once said to me "you can get used to everything when money's involved". He used to stick mice up his ass for twenty bucks a time.

Lawyers. You can always recognize them by the bad pockets. Lawyers always carry drugs. Ruin the line of their pants.

Every law that curbs my basic human freedom; every lie about the things I care for; every crime committed against me by their politics; that what's makes me get up and hound these fuckers, and I'll do that until the day I die... or until my brain dries up or something.

Barely twenty hours back in the city and I've already gone madder than a bastard on father's day.

There was a time when I liked a good riot. Put on some heavy old street clothes that could stand a bit of sidewalk-scraping, infect myself with something good and contagious, than go out and stamp on some cops. It was great, being nine years old.

If you loved me, you'd all kill yourselves today.

Man, I haven't been onstage on a strip club since I was eight. Takes me back... the lights, the creak of the boards, the smell of scrotal sweats and dirty panty elastic...

I want to see possessed journalists! Yes! I want to see people like me, rising up with hate, laying about them with fiery eyes and steaming genitalia... possessed by ancient volcano gods from the polynesian islands waving vast breasts and improbable penises to the secret chiefs of the worlds... naked god-journalists brown-trousering the naughty twenty-four hours a day... a new planet earth...

Waiter! Fresh underwear, seven blankets and a bucket of moist towelettes!

My household appliance is on drugs. Horrible.

There's one hole in every revolution, large or small. And it's one word long — PEOPLE. No matter how big the idea they all stand under, people are small and weak and cheap and frightened. It's people that kill every revolution.

You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism.

Journalism is just a gun. It's only got one bullet in it, but if you aim right, that's all you need. Aim it right, and you can blow a kneecap off the world.

Yeah. I'm calling your "faith" bullshit. This man needs medical help if he can't get through his life without something invisible to believe in. Y'know, I wouldn't mind all this half so much if there was some historical truth in it. This whole concept of "faith"— of believing in something that isn't fucking there — was invented by a man to cover up the cracks in the "christianity" he cobbled together with the Romans. This whole god thing comes from the days when our brains weren't as connected up as they are now, and we all hallucinated daily!

That's what a monoculture is. It's everywhere, and it's all the same. And it takes up alien cultures and digests them and shits them out in a homogenous building-block shape that fits seamlessly into the vast blank wall of the monoculture. This is the future. This is what we built. This is what we wanted. It must have been. Because we all had the fucking choice, didn't we? It is only our money that allows commercial culture to flower. If we didn't want to live like this, we could have changed it any time, by not fucking paying for it. So lets celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger.

We may have been crazed, strange and entirely too eager to find new things to have sex with — but we went out to preserve great chunks of this planet's cultures and we damned well did it with some style.

You want to know about voting. I'm here to tell you about voting. Imagine you're locked in a huge underground nightclub filled with sinners, whores, freaks and unnameable things that rape pit bulls for fun. And you ain't allowed out until you all vote on what you're going to do tonight. You like to put your feet up and watch "Republican Party Reservation". They like to have sex with normal people using knives, guns and brand-new sexual organs that you did not know existed. So you vote for television, and everyone else, as far as the eye can see, votes to fuck you with switchblades. That's voting. You're welcome.

You people don't know what the truth is! It's there, just under their bullshit, but you never look! That's what I hate most about this fucking city — lies are news and the truth is obsolete!

So this Zealot comes to my door, all glazed eyes and clean reproductive organs, asking me if I ever think about God. So I tell him I killed God. I tracked God down like a rabid dog, hacked off his legs with a hedge trimmer, raped him with a corncob, and boiled off his corpse in an acid bath. So he pulls an alternating-current taser on me and tells me that only the Official Serbian Church of Tesla can save my polyphase intrinsic electric field, known to non-engineers as "the soul." So I hit him. What would you do?

Hi. I’m Spider Jerusalem. I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window into your hair and food. I’m a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city’s most expensive and select community. Being a bastard works.

My grandfather had died, and my mother was trying to explain it to me. . . .Grandpa isn't coming back? No, she said. Not ever again. . . . And I remember saying, hold everything right fucking there. You went to all the trouble of conceiving me, and giving birth to me, and raising me and clothing me and all . . . and you make me cry and things hurt so much and disappointments crush my heart every day and I can't do half the things I want to and sometimes I just want to scream — and what I've got to look forward to is my body breaking and something flipping off the switch in my head — I go through all this, and then there's death? What is the motherfucking deal here? I wasn't having this. This was not fair.

Thieves, the goddamn lot of you! Thieves and leeches! Fucking vampires sucking the will from people whose only goddamn crimes were to be frightened and tired! And you don't help them! You don't listen to them! They get no truth from you! All you do is scare them with stories of something that doesn't exist! And you bastards are winning! Hundreds more of you every day!

Did you ever want to set someone's head on fire, just to see what it looked like? Did you ever stand in the street and think to yourself, I could make that nun go blind just by giving her a kiss? Did you ever lay out plans for stitching babies and stray cats into a Perfect New Human? Did you ever stand naked surrounded by people who want your gleaming sperm, squirting frankincense, soma and testosterone from every pore? If so, then you're the bastard who stole my drugs Friday night. And I'll find you. Oh, yes.

Everyone's looking for someone to blame. Society. Culture. Hollywood. Predators. Looking everywhere but the right place. Children are very simple, Mr. Jerusalem. Very easy devices to break, or assemble wrong. You want to know who did this to these kids? Only their parents. That's the thing no one wants to hear. Every time you stop thinking about how you're treating your kid, you make one of these. It really is as simple as that. It's got nothing to do with the failure of the society or any of that. It's got everything to do with the responsibility of making a human.

The future is an inherently good thing, and we move into it one winter at a time. Things get better one winter at a time. So if you're going to celebrate something, then have a drink on this: the world is, generally and on balance, a better place to live this year than it was last year. For instance, I didn't have this gun last year.

Some days I know that if I let my brain fully understand what my gut was propelling me into, it'd chuck itself out my ear.

They say they like politicians but couldn't eat a whole one. Political canvassers apparently keep better and mature nicely under the floorboards.

When they're not around, I put the TV on. Purely out of curiosity, you understand. Up here, we can snatch some forty thousand channels out of the air. Most of them, of course, are still showing CSI and LAW AND ORDER. There are twelve different channels showing LAW AND ORDER 24 hours a day. In some countries, Jerry Orbach has become a cargo-cult figure. They don't understand the language or much of the situations. They comprehend only that Jerry Orbach is immortal. They watch and divine from the show that he outlives the young gods who are selected to be his assistants. Criminals fall. DAs change. Assistants fade away. Jerry Orbach is forever. Jerry Orbach is, in fact, some kind of avenging God-King who will hunt and incarcerate Scum until the end of time.

Eat shit and die.

If anyone in this shithole city gave two tugs of a dead dog's cock about Truth, this wouldn't be happening.


Silence, vermin! I am in command here! Who did you vote for, vermin woman? Did you vote? Can you read? Have you got thumbs? SHOW ME YOUR FUCKING THUMBS! THUMBS!

Paranoids are just people with all the facts.

Five years of being alone. I can't begin to describe the ways I'll miss the mountain.

If I'M miserable, then EVERYBODY's miserable.

The FANS, Royce. They held me down in Bank Street once and tried to steal my gizzard. The FANS and the NOISE and the TV and the BULLSHIT and... I couldn't get at the TRUTH anymore.

Point: journalism is not about plans and spreadsheets. It's about human reaction and criminal enterprise. Here the lesson begins.

I am so incredibly bored that I will buy a pair of your ridiculous shoes.

Oh my god. I have become television.

Messianic fuckheads are a superstitious, cowardly lot, and I must strike fear into their hearts.

Ah, Spider's a dirty bastard and a moral vacuum, but you couldn't have a better friend. - Tico

Think about it; the quicktank is given a job most of us would laugh out of town. Build a sophisticated camera capable of full 3-D input and peripheral pickup, using only water and jelly. Build an eye.

One day I'm going to drop a bomb on this City. A contraceptive bomb.

And I've only BEGUN fucking with you people.

There's nothing to BE on Cluny Square. It's fallen off the world. And they can't find their way back on their own. You're not supposed to say that in America, are you? The land of can-do, the American dream of grab all you can and fuck the other guy. But it's true. Cluny square is ROTTING. If and when utilities workers enter these apartments to service power and water, they have to wear anti-bacterial suits. But the people who live here don't get them. Cluny Square is poison. The police enter in groups of no less than twenty, cabs won't enter at all, the address on a job application is death... And this is FIXABLE. This was caused by the president that you all voted in twice. It can be fixed by voting him OUT.

By four o'clock, I've discounted suicide in favor of killing everyone else in the entire world instead.

Joshua Freeh... I know you're trouble. I can smell it. I can feel it in my journalistic gonads. Each and every one of my sperms knows you're bad, and they're churning with hate and murder inside my burning balls, Freeh. CHURNING...

"What did I ever do to you, Jerusalem?" "You made me sick."

I always thought people were essentially bright. Distracted, sure, and weak, and beaten, but never stupid.

Don't look for media-approved ideologically sound Right Causes where there are none. Look out of the window instead, and do something about what you see there.

"What next?"
"Some actual journalism, I think."
"Actual journalism? Is that when you don't commit crimes?"
"Hell, no. It's when we commit REALLY GOOD CRIMES."

That's right, you take a good long look, you fuckers... you all know it's going to be a matter of time before old Spider finds a way to give you shit, just a matter of time... I've got all day in a fucking penthouse to think up ways to make your lives miserable...

"Column"? I know no "column."

He's prepared to delete the first amendment. He's prepared to kill dissenting voices. He's prepared to do anything to get what he wants. Well, NEWSFLASH: SO AM I.

They assume, like most people, that fear will do the trick. Fear will keep everyone in place. Fear will keep everyone distracted from what's really going on. Let him know we can beat him up, let him know we could have killed him, let him know we can destroy him, let the fear shrivel him up. Fuck that. I'm not afraid of them. They're afraid of me. They're afraid of the truth.

Ha! No one touch that dog! I'm having that for my fucking DINNER!

You've never met ME before.

So we've got a deadline. We can DO deadlines.


"I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love someone. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich, or how to be poor.

They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying.

They don't teach you anything worth knowing."

The Sandman (The Kindly Ones)
Neil Gaiman
"See, that's the thing about love. When you love someone, I mean really love someone, it's unconditional. You can't ever expect anything back. You give because that's what you have to do. And you don't expect to hear somebody say thanks. But a part of you needs to hear the other person say thanks. And when that part comes out, you feel like a fraud, like you're being selfish. That's why you don't think you're a hero. Because heroes aren't supposed to be selfish. The more you love, the more you give; the more you give, the more you need; and the more you need, the more you hate yourself for needing."
"Are we taking the long way around?"
"Isn't everyone?"
- Midnight Nation, J. Michael Straczynski
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"Let's pretend, just for the moment, that you're God. And really, why not? Everybody else does. People who failed Biology 101 and basic physics think they can do as good a job at designing cosmologies and platypuses and comets as the maker of all things. Vanity. But even unskilled labor might produce a better result. At least their hearts would be in the right place. At least it wouldn't be just one big tragic setup... a balloon waiting for someone to stick a pin in it and show it for the fraud it is. But I digress. So. You're God. How do you like it so far? Before you is the Void. The long pre-creation hesitation, pregnant with possibilities, waiting to be born. Waiting to be. But most of all... silent. The most profound silence imaginable. Not just without sound, before sound. And you... you are alone. And really, who wants to be alone all the time? Especially since time hasn't even been invented yet. It's a terrible thing. A loneliness beyond description. And even though you are... you cannot be... because there is no place for you to be in. So you create one. Because you're alone. Because you can. Because it kills the time you just got around to inventing. Let there be light."
"You slammed molecules together and blew them out into the void. Protons danced and wave-forms flickered. You ignited suns, nurtured nucleotides and exhaled proteins that would in time birth a Mozart and put the knees of flamingos on backward, just for the variety and the humor of it. As time passed -- and what a handy little creation that was -- you got better at it. You abandon single-celled creatures and work your way up from Protozoa to Saurians like a sculptor working his way up from a clay dog to a Mona Lisa. Too bad you have to hone your skills by killing all your failures. Even though they were innocent. Even though the fault was not theirs, but in your design, because everything you create, dies. Because press releases and pamphlets notwithstanding, you're not perfect. If you were, you wouldn't have done all this.. all this... because you were alone. Because you feared the void. Because you had nothing better to do. Because you were bored."
"You even create others like yourself, but not quite as powerful, because that would be too great a threat. At least you think you created them because one day they were just there, and since you created 'there' in the first place, then you must have created them, but you've been so busy working out this whole light-to-nutrient chlorophyll thing that you can't really remember doing it. But then, neither can they. You tell them all you're trying to create a better world. But if you're as perfect as your biographers maintain, then why didn't you get it right the first time? Why'd you screw up? Some of those around you ask just that question. You don't like questions. Just obedience. But the questions continue. You try to stop them. You can't. And then it's war. A war of misery. A war about misery. Understand: anyone would get bored doing nothing but designing worlds for eternity. You want to be entertained, and every author needs conflict. So you introduce misery into an equation predicated on what was supposed to be one simple proposition: the hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Have things gotten better? Are they continuing to get better? Is the promise valid? Or is the promise a lie? Money is not the root of all evil. Misery is. Misery starts wars, kills children, destroys souls. Misery proves the universe is uncaring and random and cruel. Misery proves that creation is a lie. We all cause it. You caused your share. You've seen that on your way here. Even with the best intentions, never meaning anyone harm... you've hurt people you loved and turned your back on others. And you're still missing the point."
- Midnight Nation, J. Michael Straczynski
"You're a good guy, Doc. You're sensitive and caring and compassionate. And if I could, I'd spew in your face."

- Cliff Steele
Doom Patrol #19
Featherstone - "So ... what next?"

Herr Starr - "A hot bath , a week's sleep , a prosthetic limb , & Armageddon , in that order. Get on with it , Featherstone."

Preacher #40
Wolverine: "Deadpool, ain't it? ... Sorta rhymes with Dead Fool?"

DP: "Yeah -- like Wolverine rhymes with ... Louver Screen? ... Hoover Spleen? ... Hey what the heck does it rhyme with?"

Wolverine #88
[sitting on a throne she found]

Tank Girl

I'm 23. Look at me, I'm 23. I can see all from up here.... All the boys and girls.... All the dicks and fannys. And what of these sexual revolutions, boys and girls? Are you in the right sexual category? This is the question. Who gives a shit...... Dicks and balls dicks and fannys. Give me the celibate vegetarians from Mars anytime. I'd love to fuck you up. I'd love to fuck you up. Speaking of dicks, it's Booga's birthday today....... I'd better get the old tosser a present.. Right! Off to Dirty Fred's Old Curiosity shop...
We were never lovers, and we never will be, now. I do not regret that, however. I regret the conversations we never had, the time we did not spend together. I regret that I never told him that he made me happy, when I was in his company. The world was the better for his being in it. These things alone do I now regret: things left unsaid. And he is gone, and I am old.

Lady Bast, in Sandman #72, part three of "The Wake"
"And only legends know that once there were Gods in the sea,
Giants in size, with lullabye eyes ..& dreams,
But when the lands broke out in war,
The oceans in-between were raging storms & fiery hot,
And filled with children's screams,
A few survived to see the day,
when sunlight was dark amber,
And heard the sounds of Gods at sea,
Leaving us..
.. Forever."

David to Katchoo
- SiP
Props to the Neil Gaiman quotes in here. His Sandman series and the offshoot "Lucifer" (Not by him, mind you) are probably my favourite comics of all time.
"Once more there is no crime, no hunger, no unemployment in all the land. The process of rebuilding Doomstadt goes quickly. The people are happy and content.
As I have commanded they be..."

Doctor Doom
"That's an eighty year-old Janneau Armagnac. If I'd known you were going to waste it on melodrama, I'd have given you the '78."

"A message written in blood. Everyone involved in this drama seems compelled to overact."

"Voices. A Place of power. A car in the garage. How disarmingly bourgeois your aspirations are."

"Holy fuck!"
"It's holy, yes. Fucking applies elsewhere in the equation."

"I have heard that your current bedmate is a demon. Truly you take the vice of bestiality to magnificent excess."
"But even here, Kagutsuchi, I fall short of your heroic example--for at the time, she was neither bound nor dead."

"This is private property. Unlike the opposition, I don't have any obligation to forgive trespassers."

"Revenge may be a sweet dish, but it's generally not found on the children's menu."

"An eternity of subservience to a rutting imbecile held little interest to her. She left it for Eve to discover the joys of domesticity."

"Shut up. I've got a straw and I'm just pissed off enough to use it."

"Silk Man, your tenure in this cosmos depends on the suspension of a thousand natural laws. But a suspension isn't the same thing as an amnesty."

"I apologize in advance for your trouble. It's going to be considerable."

"Hmmm...'kill me or let me go.' That's what they call the fallacy of the unexcluded middle. They still don't like your methods, Perdissa. And like any dictatorship, they'll act on information received."

"He's also still alive. Your assault failed. It's scant consolation that he had to change his shirt."

"You'll have to rise above your individual hatreds and mistrusts. Otherwise, you'll die. or else you'll live, but come back unsuccessful. In which case, I'll kill most of you anyway. Good luck."

- Lucifer (The Sandman followup), Mike Carey

"That night, eating shark, I would have chuckled at the inversion of natural roles had my parched laughter not seemed so hateful."

"For my own part, regret nothing. Have lived life free of compromise...and step into the shadow now without complaint."

"Confession implies penitence. I merely regret his accidental involvement."

"Do it? Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my masterstroke if there was the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago."

- Watchmen, Alan Moore

And that's it for now.
Titania - "Impossible! Nobody can move that fast!"

Spider-Man - "Nobody else!"

Spider-Man - "Now why does a woman who can lift locomotives find my humble talents so surprising? With a little room to operate , no one can lay a glove on me -- not the X-Men , not the Absorbing Man , & not you! How do you think I've survived all this time?"

Titania - "OWW! When I get you I'll -- AGGH!"

Spider-Man - "All you're going to get is frustrated ... & eventually , trashed."

Titania - "NO! It's not fair! *UHH!*"

Spider-Man - "But , if we were fighting in a broom closet , that'd be fair , right?"

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8
Titania - "Impossible! Nobody can move that fast!"

Spider-Man - "Nobody else!"

Spider-Man - "Now why does a woman who can lift locomotives find my humble talents so surprising? With a little room to operate , no one can lay a glove on me -- not the X-Men , not the Absorbing Man , & not you! How do you think I've survived all this time?"

Titania - "OWW! When I get you I'll -- AGGH!"

Spider-Man - "All you're going to get is frustrated ... & eventually , trashed."

Titania - "NO! It's not fair! *UHH!*"

Spider-Man - "But , if we were fighting in a broom closet , that'd be fair , right?"

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8

A classic scene!
Mephisto - "Mistress Death is a dark spirit , ebon in her ways. Her mate must be of a like bent. Are you up to such a challenge?"

Thanos - "Am I not Thanos! Did I not butcher the woman who gave me birth , who force-fed me into this hell called life?! Is not the wake of my passing crimson with the blood of my enemies & allies alike?! Death is with me every second of the day! My every moment is spent in either dealing out death or worshipping it! So tell me , who under the stars is better suited than I to be Death's consort?"

Mephisto - "No one. But it is not I you need prove this to."

Thanos - "Yes ... that is what must be done. If proof of my depravity is what is needed -- so be it!"

The Infinity Gauntlet #1
Nick Fury : "She is Magneto's daughter ... & before she was an Avenger, she was a mutant terrorist ... She was a premiere member of 'The Brotherhood'.

Spider-Man : ".. And she married a robot."

... :mad: ...

Spider-Man : "No offense. I mean, The Vision was a robot ... If I were dating a robot, you'd all talk about me behind my back."

-- Avengers # 503
Joker's entire little monologue after he shoots and paralyzes Barbara Gordon in The Killing Joke. The endless stream of literary puns is chillingly awesome. Oh, and his song from the same.
Batman - ( inner monologue ) "I play the shadows , forcing the hood to come close. He makes less noise than a truck. There are seven working defenses from this position. Three of them disarm with minimal contact. Three of them kill. The other -- hurts."

*KRAK* :punt:

rookie cop - "You're under arrest , mister. You've crippled that man!"

Batman - "He's young. He'll probably walk again. But he'll stay scared -- won't you , punk?"

punk - "Jesus sweet JESUS ..."

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1
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