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Living with tickling fetish

Getting back to the point, I find it difficult to live with when my wife has the finest looking feet but isn't ticklish at all - not anywhere. I so wish to enjoy this part of my life with her and I can't. I'm 61 and haven't had a tickle session with anyone. I'm bummed.
I just posted a great response, but it didn't take. Too bad! While typing, I laughed, I cried, it was a roller coaster! Anyway, I didn't post here looking for advice. Everyone means well I know, but if you need someone to tell you not to solicit sex, you either have issues, or you're just not too bright. I used to be a regular here, but my life changed and I drifted in a different direction. Looking around, I don't many of the old names. I met a lot of great people here. Maybe they're still around. Please feel free to say hello if you're out there...

Anyway, back on the subject. I believe if you had flings with 20 different people not from this site, odds are none of them are going to have a tickle fetish. Therein lies the point of the thread. Maybe you can covert someone if you make it fun for them. I dated a couple girls in my life with border-line tickle fetishes so maybe I could've converted them in time.
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Anyway, back on the subject. I believe if you had flings with 20 different people not from this site, odds are none of them are going to have a tickle fetish. Therein lies the point of the thread. Maybe you can covert someone if you make it fun for them. I dated a couple girls in my life with border-line tickle fetishes so maybe I could've converted them in time.

Didn't mean any offense with my replies. Just kinda tryin to say don't lose hope, I guess? Sorry, couldn't think of how to put it without sounding cheesy. I think a lot of people can enjoy aspects of tickling even without a fetish. Yeah, a lot of people don't like to be tickled, but I dunno. I feel like many see it as playful fun too. Anyway, wish you the best.
Didn't mean any offense with my replies. Just kinda tryin to say don't lose hope, I guess? Sorry, couldn't think of how to put it without sounding cheesy. I think a lot of people can enjoy aspects of tickling even without a fetish. Yeah, a lot of people don't like to be tickled, but I dunno. I feel like many see it as playful fun too. Anyway, wish you the best.

Wrong…..and wrong.

Unless you mean people can enjoy tickling someone for 3-5 seconds, and stop and nothing else, then maybe.
I have been caught yes, I had joined a tickle club on facebook and little did I know that when I posted something there commented on a pic or like tickle related material apparently it shows up on my friends page saying I liked this pic or commented. I found out from a friend ( Tiffany ) of mine who lives in the same complex I do and had seen a post of mine asking people in the Peoria, Arizona area who might be interested in a tickle session. It was seen I was asked about it to of which I had admitted to her that yes I have a fetish for womens feet and for tickling thankfully she and I are still friends, The thing that is killing me is that she has great looking feet and wears sandals about 90% of the time when she comes to my house and a bikini when in the pool and has admitted to being ticklish but doesn't like it. So I just enjoy her friendship and wont even dare to ask
I think the problem "people like us" have is we know the tickling fetish is not that bad compared to other stuff people are in to. And since we think tickling is not that bad, we either expect or hope others will feel the same way.
No sweat, Chicago! Not giving up hope is what I'm all about! You never know what's the around the corner. I agree, that some people like tickling, but their interest might not rise to the level of fetish. I dated someone is high school who had a slight obsession with tickling. She tickled me just about every time she saw me, and make sure she let me know that she was extremely ticklish. She even told me where she was ticklish. Did I tickle her back? Take a wild guess! I was about 17 and didn't realize what I had.

As far as finding the right person, she wouldn't necessarily have to have a tickle fetish. Of course, that would be a sweet bonus!
For the longest time I never knew what was missing in my life. I always felt like I had an intense need but didn't know what it was. Every part of my life felt lacking especially my sex life. I've always been very shy and conservative, embarrassed by my sexuality.
Then everything changed. I met DeaconMye and I finally just let go and felt free to be myself. Who would have guessed that the missing part of my life was the unexpressed tickle fetish. He recognised it right away. Since then it has been easy. Knowing who I am makes a huge difference to my life.
The only difficulty is having roommates but in the end. I want and need my tickle sessions and we have always found ways to get them. Sometimes even if it means strapped in my car.
I know I'm lucky and won the fetish lottery. However, I can understand finding it difficult for meeting people. I have always been a firm believer in telling your partner or potential partner what it is you are looking for and need. Its not really a lets wait and see where it goes kind of thing for us. We have a unique need that must be filled, therefore it is something that we may find embarrassing or self conscience to express but it must be done.
The answer is always No if you don't put yourself out there or ask.
Happy Tickles :D
Yes, absolutely. There is fear of confessing my interest in, and love for, tickling/being tickled to those I know personally because I know that judgment would come along with it, so I'd rather just avoid it all together.
If you dwell in it, it can become quite difficult. The key, however, is finding someone who expresses for you to be open and not keep secrets. I've recently met someone new and despite not having seen her long or knowing how much she can handle, having someone who actually goes "that's interesting, tell me more", or "that sounds hot, I'd do it" is so much more relaxing and erotic then hearing I'm odd or have a "sick" fetish. In the grand scheme of life, all we want is a couple easy moments at a time. Part of understanding that is in growing the fuck up.
It's harder when you're not interested in dating like me, and just want to show up and tickle women. If you've a normal guy who likes being around people, you'll be fine.
1) Get on okcupid, eharmony and match.com and list tickling as an interest.
Write something cute about it. You're more likely to meet a woman without the fetish who will indulge you. Keep trying this.

2) Go to a gathering if you can, which is your best shot at meeting a woman with the fetish if you're internet shy.

3) Spend less time on the TMF messaging women.
If you do message someone, don't beat yourself up if they don't reply.
I find most girls will deal with it to make me happy. Although my current gf hates it.
I guess my experiences have been different than yours but I dont think either are wrong

I agree with you. I think there are people that see it as a fun, playful thing and not see it as fetish play. Some of those people may not even realize that tickle fetish exist.

But back to the original subject I think sometimes it can be hard living with the fetish because it's hard to get people that don't have the fetish to understand it. You tell them you like tickling and they just think you mean in the playful way that chicag0 mentioned. They don't really get that in some situations it can be a turn on. A woman on Fetlife told a story of one night when she confessed to a friend that she has a tickle fetish. The friend's response, "Awww....that's so cute!" Obviously didn't get what she was saying. So for me it can be hard because you want your vanilla friends to understand but they just don't get it.
Guys think we have it easier and if they mean in sense of finding any Tom,Dick, or Harry of off here or other fetish sites to play with then yes we do. Wading through the bullshit to find a person that wants something more then a piece of tickle meat is way harder.

Ok, so because I can find any old creep to tickle me, that means I have it easier? It's not exactly a walk in the park to find someone that doesn't treat you like a piece of tickle-meat.

While you might have to wade through the jerks who treat you like meat to find the one, at least you get to wade and, as you said Porcelain, finding men to play with is MUCH easier.

A guy can post and get zero responses. He could be one well-meaning SOB but it doesn't matter. It's the nature of the biz!

Exactly! A girl posts and she'll get 1,431 responses most of which will be jerks who want tickle meat but there will be a few normal, down to Earth dudes like myself in there too. Not being negative, just being a realist here.

I'm just an average looking dude but I know I can step into a bar or party and probably connect with at least one woman there and end up with a phone#. That's vanilla world. Tickle world is a different animal.
I agree with you. I think there are people that see it as a fun, playful thing and not see it as fetish play. Some of those people may not even realize that tickle fetish exist.

But back to the original subject I think sometimes it can be hard living with the fetish because it's hard to get people that don't have the fetish to understand it. You tell them you like tickling and they just think you mean in the playful way that chicag0 mentioned. They don't really get that in some situations it can be a turn on. A woman on Fetlife told a story of one night when she confessed to a friend that she has a tickle fetish. The friend's response, "Awww....that's so cute!" Obviously didn't get what she was saying. So for me it can be hard because you want your vanilla friends to understand but they just don't get it.

I don't know why someone would tell a person if they weren't interested in them sexually or interested in possibly playing with them. Why even bother having that conversation with someone you're close to, otherwise? As far as vanilla girlfriends and boyfriends, while I can understand being ashamed to tell them, I always figured waiting for some kind of "right time" set a person up for heartbreak since the longer you date someone, naturally feelings develop, and before you know it, you're in an unsatisfying relationship with someone who doesn't like tickling.

Like I've said before, I can understand a person not being into tickling, but I think they should be able to express that without being mean or making the other person feel shitty. If they cant, is it really someone that's worth your time / trouble?

While you might have to wade through the jerks who treat you like meat to find the one, at least you get to wade and, as you said Porcelain, finding men to play with is MUCH easier.

Do you play with both men and women?

Exactly! A girl posts and she'll get 1,431 responses most of which will be jerks who want tickle meat but there will be a few normal, down to Earth dudes like myself in there too. Not being negative, just being a realist here.

Are there no normal, down to earth females here? I know they're hard to find among the dudes pretending to be female, but that's how this statement reads...

Also, I almost never see a female make a post in personals. Just sayin'.

I'm just an average looking dude but I know I can step into a bar or party and probably connect with at least one woman there and end up with a phone#. That's vanilla world. Tickle world is a different animal.

What do you count as the "tickle world"? Just this website or...?
Is there nobody else who is completely happy not mixing relationships with they're fetish? I've spoken about this before and it's generally met with disbelief but I honestly don't want any gf to know about this! I understand it's an unusual stance but it works for me. People seem to think you can't be fulfilled in your relationship or sex life if you don't bring tickling into it but I really don't think that's the case and to be honest, since I started thinking along these lines it's made life a hell of a lot easier. I hang out on here fairly sporadically because there's some cool chaps here and then I log off and think no more about it! Compartmentalisation. It's the future.
Is there nobody else who is completely happy not mixing relationships with they're fetish? I've spoken about this before and it's generally met with disbelief but I honestly don't want any gf to know about this! I understand it's an unusual stance but it works for me. People seem to think you can't be fulfilled in your relationship or sex life if you don't bring tickling into it but I really don't think that's the case and to be honest, since I started thinking along these lines it's made life a hell of a lot easier. I hang out on here fairly sporadically because there's some cool chaps here and then I log off and think no more about it! Compartmentalisation. It's the future.

Hey, if you feel happy / fulfilled then you gotta be doing something right. I don't know that it'd work for everyone, but this is what I'm talking about. Everyone's got their own needs and wants. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but if you ain't happy, figure out how to fix that.
Hey, if you feel happy / fulfilled then you gotta be doing something right. I don't know that it'd work for everyone, but this is what I'm talking about. Everyone's got their own needs and wants. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but if you ain't happy, figure out how to fix that.

Oh yeah deffinateyl not everyone's point of view but I just wonder if sometimes people try to force it a bit? And it's like, sort out your human interaction away from a computer screen and maybe the rest will follow? I don't know though it's a funny old time to be alive...
I think it can be REALLY hard. I know it was for me, for more than 10 years. It's only been in the last 2 years that I've had any kind of success with indulging in my fetish. One of the hardest things for me to overcome was (being an average Joe) finding other people who would be willing to do some fun tickling sessions - partners, if you will.

It was only after building a successful company in the entertainment industry that I was able to take lessons I'd learned along the way and re-purpose them to help me find tickle partners. I've since had 5 tickle partners in the past 2 years (not counting my current girlfriend, who indulges my fetish 100% and now gets off on it).

I actually posted here last night, as I'm considering putting everything I learned into an e-book. Not a bunch of bullshit motivation garbage but actually practical step-by-step how to's.

Anyone who has an opinion about this, I'd love to hear it. Do you think such a guide could be helpful? I know I wish I had something like that, 10 years ago. Feel free to DM me.

PS: Here is the post I mentioned: http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?246672-How-To-Find-A-Tickle-Partner-e-book
Is there nobody else who is completely happy not mixing relationships with they're fetish? I've spoken about this before and it's generally met with disbelief but I honestly don't want any gf to know about this! I understand it's an unusual stance but it works for me. People seem to think you can't be fulfilled in your relationship or sex life if you don't bring tickling into it but I really don't think that's the case and to be honest, since I started thinking along these lines it's made life a hell of a lot easier. I hang out on here fairly sporadically because there's some cool chaps here and then I log off and think no more about it! Compartmentalisation. It's the future.

I'm sort of with you here. I'm fine being in a relationship with someone who does not share the kink. For me, it's only a kink and not totally necessary for getting off. I guess if I met a lady who happened to be into it I'd be excited, but I totally understand where you're coming from man!
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