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Marriage & Tickling


Registered User
Jul 24, 2001
I've been dating a girl for 2 years, and I'm considering marrying her. She's everything I want in a partner for life... except she hates being tickled. So I don't tickle her, and just use the internet as my outlet for this fetish (via pix, websites, stories, etc).

But, like most of you, tickling seems to be hard wired into my brain. The internet is okay for fantasy, but not even close to the real thing. I sometimes wonder if a common interest in tickling is a "must have" on the list that we all have for what we want in a spouse.

Do any of you out there have wives who hate being tickled? Are you tortured by the fact that you may never tickle another woman for the rest of your life?


Try light soft tickling. She might like that. Most females do. Also before she says YES to the big question, make sure she knows she is going to marry a Tickle freak!;)
Ask her this...

Why don't you like tickling?!?
I mean it. I have met a lot of ladies who say the reason they hate tickling as an adult is because they were embarressed at some time as a child or young adult by the tickling. Maybe an uncle tickled them till they peed in public, or whatever. Point is find out why, she hates it. Also be honest with her. I wouldn't say a you or tickling statement, but let her know. You may be surprised what she says.
You may want to show her this site BEFORE you show her YOUR collection of "stuff" that way she know others have as much if not more "stuff" on their hard drives.
Anyway, good luck, and congrats if you do marry... :)
Please don't take offense

Dude, does her not allowing you to tickle her bother you that much that you would make it a criteria for marriage? I gotta tell you that seems a bit strong. If you love her than this shouldn't matter, its just tickling. We're talking about a life decesion here! If you personally can't get past this then you might want to review your commitment to her. I just can't see passing up on marrying your soulmate because of tickling!

My wife didn't like me tickling her either. We're divorced now and believe me it had nothing to do with tickling or the lack there of. We had bigger issues than tickling! Hey.........If you have some one who's into it...........THAT's great but tickling as the criteria for marriage! God I hope not.

The last women I dated wasn't ticklish either. But she was the most beautiful, wonderful person I've ever met. Sadly things didn't work out but not because of tickling, more because of timing. Believe me I would have stayed with her in a minute if given the oppurtunity because she was a wonderful person.

Making tickling a criteria for falling in love will remove many wonderful people from contention. I don't want to cut anyone out! Neither should you!

Sorry for the preaching

Giantfan you and I are in the same boat..My exwife(or soon to be) hated to be tickled..that wasn't a big part of the marriage but lets not kid ourselves. Sexual relations do play a part in the marriage and if you're not satified then it's a problem..
Giantfan is right

I'm going to backup GiantFan on this one. There are a lot more important things in life than tickling. Sure, tickling is fun, but it's not the most important thing in my life. If you have a woman that you truly love, don't let her slip through your fingers. Having a tickling fetish is great....just don't let it interfear with your life in a negative fashion.

All that said, if you don't think that you will ever be happy without tying up your wife and tickling her, then you've got a hard decision to make. That's a mightly big IF though. If that was the case, express to her tickling's importance in your life.....if she doesn't come around, then either leave her or accept the situation. I strongly recommend against letting your tickling fetish control your life....you should enjoy it, and not wind up resenting it because it caused you to dump the love of your life.

[email protected]
You know everyone is different. My story is that my wife was into it because I got her into it. Then she started hating the fact that I networked with others into it. I was networking with guys, not hooking up with women. She started resenting me, then decided it was It or me. The marriage lasted only a few years after that and we split up after being together 17 years. Thirteen of it was marriage.

Once she 'refused' me as far as tickling was concerned it was over for us and I never opened myself to her again. I went Underground and established myself as a major player in the Tickling Network. She found out one day and it was all over.

I will never again team up with a woman who wasn't totally accepting of my lifestyle.

Sorry to sound negative but I've been through the worst of it.

Marriage? Heck, I don't do a lover the disservice of even INVOLVING if she's not interested in being tickled, and doesn't know about my hosting events.

My last long-term lover didn't like being tickled, largely. That was a sticking point for us constantly.

Yeah, true love is a swell concept. I hope to find it one day, and be proven wrong in my perspective, but I would rather have a lover that was sexually amenable.

It is definitely a matter of what you prefer. I'd not fault anyone for lovin' someone despite their lack of sexual participation with them, provided they got what they needed out of that relationship, and contributed back to it. It's a very personal deal, though, and it's more important to know your lover's perspective than mine, IMHO.

Another view from Q

Married almost 25 years, and she's not into tickling, but we are everything else to each other. Yup..it has been a problem at times, including one separation, but we have made it work...kind of a "don't ask don't tell", but with high expectations as far as using ones judgement and discretion. It took a long time for her to accept the fact that this is a hardcoded fetish/fascination and not merely a "phase" or a passing fancy. I can't NOT ever tickle again, but if you are truly in love with this woman, try to separate the sexual side of tickling and make it work....and be prepared for some tough times and compromises. Don't want to go into specifics, but there's a lot of unusual marriage arrangements in the world that can work out if you are innovative, creative and discreet. Q
Look, ticklefans. Let's just DEAL with it. TICKLING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!! Sheesh! Is that so HARD to understand? If his girl hates being tickled then damn, maybe it's JUST NOT HER THING! Take off the blinders folks. The same lot of people who think they can convince everyone else that tickling is the best thing in the world are the same ones who can't understand the concept of a foot fetish! Why? It's JUST NOT YOUR THING! If you don't want any parts of it, what's the point of trying to convince you that it's great? Whether you like it or not doesn't effect the other person's attitude towards it.
And so I say to the misguided souls, if he or she isn't into it.....GET OVER IT! If you really love them, it won't matter.
Similar situation

I've been with the same girl for almost three years now. She is absolutely wonderful (better than I deserve actually) and even knows about my fetish. Problem is, she isn't ticklish in the LEAST! Beeive me, I've tried everything and everywhere.

However, I am completely in love with her and plan on staying with her forever. That pretty much means I have to live vicariously through other lucky ticklers on the internet. The really ironic thing about my situation is that I've seemed to awaken a love of tickling in her. I'm pretty darn ticklish for a guy, but I've never been into being a ticklee! Life is funny.

Anyway, I don't really have any pertinent advice for you, g_man. Just that if you truly love this person then nothing should get in the way.

BlackStar and some of you others - if the relationship is good, it's true that it doesen't matter whether she's into tickling or not. On the other hand, if there are major problems, the tickling is just one more wedge issue between you. That's kinda the short-short story of my first marriage.

Maybe G Man ought to listen to Q. He's managed to stay married for 25 years despite leaving his wet towels and socks on the furniture, so he probably knows something I don't about making a marriage work.

Good luck, G Man. Let us know how it comes out.

Last edited:

Actually I specialize in dirty dishes and wet footprints, Strel...lol. Tried cooking some eggplant the other night and the damn dogs ran and hid...wife almost wet herself laughing. Guess I don't spend much time in the kitchen...sigh. Q

I was a cook at one time, and I'm still a damn good one. Better than my wife, and she admits it. That's why I have to watch out for tall, gaunt Yankees with wooden legs at the beach.

Tell me - would you trust a skinny cook?

Moby Strelnikov
Roderick, you and I are in a similar situation. My current girlfriend isn't all that ticklish (though she is if I surprise her), but I love being with her anyway. We've only been together a short time though, so you never know how things work out. I admit that it bothers me a bit (her feet just aren't very ticklish at all), but there are so many other things I love about her. Tickling just isn't my #1 concern.
Here we go...


This question has been asked many times before and the answers always seem to be around the same topic.

It all depends on how "important" tickling is for you. Do you absolutely need it in your everyday life? Is it a passive interest that you indulge every once in a while? Is it sexual? Is it playful? It is something that you do not practice but like to see other people doing? Do you prefer to tickle? Do you prefer to be the victim? Is it a solo activity? Do you prefer having group tickles? Do you enjoy tickling complete strangers? Do you prefer tickling only people you know? And many more questions. . .

Before you can answer your original question "Should I marry this wonderful lady even though she hates being tickled?", you should come to clear terms about what "tickling" means to you and your life. Only then can you come to an understanding about whether this "wonderful" lady is right for you or not.

My first suggestion is that she should know at least that you have a pretty darn obsessive interest in tickling. She does not necessarily have to know that it a fetish and there is a whole underground machinery behind it. However, she should know that you enjoy tickling and that it is something that you are not going to let go.

The second suggestion is that you find out if she enjoys at least "some" tickling. As it was mentioned before, most women enjoy light tickling. Usually people do not like tickling because of some past negative experience. Most of the times it has to do with the fact that they feel overpowered by the other person and that they cannot do anything about it (almost like a feeling of rape). For people who are not "submissive" or that had a bad experience while they were young, this is a bad thing. If she enjoys some tickling, you can at least explore that side and use it to your and her advantage.

The third suggestion is that you have to be aware that if your tickling needs are not met in the relationship, then you are going to indulge them by looking for willing partners. This is not necessarily something sexual, but it does involve a higher social interation than just "friends". You need to find out if she is willing to allow that to happen. Perhaps she will not allow you to do it all the time, but at least you should be able to do some playful tickles here and there with people you both know without making anyone uncomfortable.

I tend to believe that finding the love of your life is usually complicated. Add to that that she/he has to love tickling as much as you do and you have made the search more complicated.

Some people would not consider spending the rest of their lives with someone who does not share their interest for tickling. Other people accept that reality and adapt their lives to do not do as much tickling. Other people would rather wait to find the perfect partner, even it is takes forever.

The best suggestion that I can give you is that you come to clear terms with yourself first and decide what you need regarding your tickling needs, and then decide what type of partner you want to share the rest of your life with.

To close, here is an excerpt of a conversation I had with Mistress Mia some time ago. The topic was about what if your partner accepts your fetish, but does not provide an outlet for you. I think she provided great points:

If she accepts your tickling fetish and understands the full intensity of it but yet still won't provide the outlet for you, then she would have to do one of three things:<br>
1. Allow herself to be your tickle partner.<br>
2. "Accept" the fact that you will always yearn for it and may eventually seek it elsewhere.<br>
3. Reject you and forbid you to find tickle pleasure elsewhere and just brave the backlash of resentment from you.<br>
These are the things that happen if there is a negative partner in the equation.<br>
Communication goes BEYOND just talking and listening, it's also about compromise. You must find a compromising ground or face the fact that you will have to seek it elsewhere.

I hope this helps.


Knight Tickler
Dear g_man,

In my opinion, the central issue here is not tickling per se, it is sexuality. The sexual component of marriage is important -- for some it is absolutely vital, for others significant, but not life and death -- however, it almost always matters a lot.

The question for you and her is can you both be happy sexually given each of your feelings about tickling? I disagree with those who are telling you, "if you love her the tickling part shouldn't matter," because you are about to take a WIFE, not a good friend or a discussion partner. The tickling issue counts insofar as it affects your--and her--sexual happiness.

Communication is obviously key here. YOU MUST DISCUSS IT WITH HER! This is one of your biggest life choices and you both should go into it with eyes open. How is your sex life now? If you have great, satisfying sex without much tickling, then it is probably not a problem, but if not, I would proceed carefully.

The other approach is to try to change yourself and your sexual interests. I know a lot of people on the Forum might believe that deep sexual feelings cannot be changed, but if the person involved is dedicated to changing, then through serious therapy change is possible. I am NOT saying, of course, that you should do this, it is just an alternative approach if you really want to marry this woman and the tickling is an obstacle.

Good luck and stay strong,

dig dug dog
Very Complicated....

Seems to be quite a common problem for us, hmmm? But, I still believe that there HAS to be a balance in the universe! Call me naive and optomistic, but it makes sense from a statistical viewpoint! Otherwise our fascination would be contra-survival and should have died out generations ago! Q
Just a thought

I'm not married,yet. But it seems to me that if you love her enough, you can get past the tickling thing. I'm a diehard tickler myself, but i'd make do without for the right woman. Maybe you could share some of your tickle fantasies, and ask about her fantasies. Then maybe you could take turns acting out each others fantasies.
there ya go!

Hey tickler29,

Your gonna do just fine! You've got the right attitude. As my dad once said to me..........

" You can marry a rich girl, just as easy as a poor girl..........DON'T be stupid "

I agree with "dig dug dog". If tickling is a sexual thing for you, then you may want to get it on the table for discussion now. I tickled my wife before we married, in playful ways, and even then she told me she hated it, even though she knew it aroused me. The problem was, when she said she hated it at that time I thought it was just an expression and that she really didn't mind it. And I never specifically said anything about how important it was to me. But, we loved each other and eventually married. It was then that she realized how much I loved to tickle her when we were intimate, and that when I started tickling it wasn't going to be just a quick tickle. It was also then that I learned that when she said she hated it, that she really did hate it. This caused some major problems after the "honeymoon" phase was over. It has been the main topic of debate many times when discussing sex, and during one phase of our marriage was a real issue. But we eventually reached a compromise that has worked for years. You may want to take time to talk it out before marriage.
If your hardrive is filled with tickling pictures, movie clips, and stories and your closet is filled with tickling videos obviously your are really into the scene. Now whether or not your prospective mate is ticklish or not or understands the scene or not I think you have to let them know that tickling is a big part of your life. A marriage I think is primarily built upon trust and so I think if you try to hide this aspect from your girlfriend I think you would be starting off on the wrong foot. I think ktickler made this point as well.

I would like to hear from some of the ladies out there that are married or have boyfriends as to how they approached this issue. As most of these posts here are by men concerning their relationships with woman. Did any of you gals hook up with a guy that wasn't ticklish or didn't like being tickled or though the whole scene was silly and how did that affect the relationship?

As for me I have yet to find the right woman. The relationships I have had have yet to progress to the point where tickling became an issue. If I get lucky and find someone I love I will tell her about my fetish (with great apprehension) and hope she understands. If she understands I won't care if she is ticklish or not or wants to be tickled or not. True love is a rare enough treasure in and of itself without worrying about tickling as an issue at least from my experience.

Haven't seen this thread in a while now! Certainly seems to be a lot of ways to be married, hmmm? Q
Marriage - A really ticklish subject (lol)

Don't get to post much, so here goes one.
To me, tickling is directly linked with romance. (I am excluding the kind of tickling you do to make a child giggle, or a quick poke) In my book of love, marriage and tickling - a must. And, no hidden agenda's, must be known, going into marriage. (one reason I am still looking - haha)

When it comes to the one that I want to be with, I want, need her, to be a part of tickling, allow it, tolerate it to an extent acceptable by both of us. As with many, most -some-, I want both love and lust. I want my wife to laugh because we are fun together and I love her. Also, I want her to laugh because she is tickled - literally, lustfully. I want to desire to tickle her. It is right up there with kissing, if you know what I mean. Of course, tickling is not the "all" to successful marriage, but for me, it is one of the primary ingredients to a great stew!
Unfortunatley, it has been my experience that it is much easier to find love... seems nearly impossible to find a willing, ticklish love. But, the search continues.
Those of you that have marriage with tickling, WOW, most excellent!
(presuming all else is going well too)

(side note - you moderators are really doing a great job. I am thankful that you are there to keep this site in line - which ultimately means it "remains open to us all". Honestly wish I were smart enough to help with all the internet stuff.)

Sorry for rambling.
I'm not married yet, and I know this is quite an old thread, but I thought I'd post my thoughts on this issue.
For me, as most who know me are aware, I have the dual "interest" of tickling and female feet. While I do hope to marry a ticklephile woman, or one who can at least tolerate it, if in fact I met someone who absolutely, positively, hated to be tickled, I probably could live without tickling her much or not at all, as long as I was able to indulge in my other most important fetish, her feet. If I met someone who at least allowed me to kiss and pay attention to her feet, even if I didnt tickle her much, I could probably live with that if everything else was right. This might sound weird or bad, but if I met a girl who hated to have her feet touched, or refused to ever have her feet paid attention to during sex, that type of girl would not be for me, because that would be giving up both of my main "interests", as I like to call them, and sacrificing completely what I want and need. I dont think I could do that, because I feel that in marriage, both parties should bend and compromise in some way.
So, to summize, for me, tickling is negotiable in a relationship, the amount, duration, and such, but I need to have access to the feet of the woman Iam with. Hopefully I will get both, but, if I can't, Iam willing to sacrifice or negotiate on the tickling end, if I can at least get to pay attention to her feet.

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