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Men tickling Men

Is anyone else keeping count of the ironies?

Speaking in generalities, here's what I have so far:

Women trying to persuade men to do things with other men they don't want to do and/or have no interest in doing and/or they're not comfortable with doing. These same women (may) then go on to say they themselves have zero interest in seeing it themselves; no one tries to persuade them to do otherwise.

Women saying men might be "hiding something" (i.e., insinuating they're in the closet) because they respond with relevant answers to a legitimate question directed towards men on a discussion group where (possibly) 80-90% of the members are men. (hmm...isn't this the kind of tactic that homophobic men usually employ to "scare" other guys into acting a certain way?)

"Proof" that the internet is inadequate as a source of any quantitative evidence on this issue; that proof is based on internet articles and references which refer to other internet sources for evidence. (Note that one of those articles even conceeds the point many have already stated: f/f is <i>much</i> more popular among both men and women.)

The implicit presumption that women are more afraid to voice their opinion on this than virtually any other unusual sexual preference or "turn on"--even on adult personals sites with plenty of women and openly bi/gay men. (And, let's face it, there are some really bizarre "likes" out there, and arguably this hardly qualifies.) Of course, there are women voicing their opinions in this (internet) forum--one of whom initiated the thread, and two of whom actually would like to see more m/m "play." But I suppose these are all exceptions. :rolleyes:

Well....that's all I have, folks. Anyone else care to name a few more? :)

Oh, yeah...
Another thing..male football player slap each others asses..wouldnt that be considered just as "gay" as tickling another man??

Sports has always been an activity where a guy can touch another guy (e.g., celebratory hugs, pats, etc.) and not have it construed as anything remotely sexual. When folks meet for tickling gatherings, for many attending, tickling may be very sexual. To apply the analogy between tickling and kissing that others have used in the past: would women recommend that hetero guys who enjoy kissing do so with other men whenever there are no women around to kiss?
This is an interesting topic. The first thought that comes to mind when I think of being touched by another guy is. bleck. However, if for some reason my partner wanted to see me tickle another guy I'd have to give it serious consideration simply because I do believe it is on of my responsibilities as husband and sexual god to give my best effort to fulfull her desires. But, you can bet your sweet ass that she'd better find a woman and tickle the hell out of her for me in reciprocation!

I also remember a post in the newsgroups a few years back from someone I now consider a friend. It read something like "I'm not gay, but I love to talk about tickling with anyone..."

Okay, so I didn't chat with the guy back then as I was way too squeamish, but, roughly five years later I chatted with this gentleman for a couple of hours on the phone. Twice. It's a couple of the better tickling related conversations I've ever had. Did we whack it on the phone? of course not, there was nothing sexual about it, but, I must admit, it was very liberating to be able to talk with someone exactly like myself who understood exactly where I was coming from, etc etc.

Would I seek out a man for tickling fun? ummm, bleck! But if there were a group, with men and women involved, I might could do it. Hell I really honestly don't know.


After seeing it put another way here, as far as if it were in a group situation with women participating and running the scene, I may be ok with a M/ joining in.
Strictly M/M however is not gonna happen. FFF.../M... would probably be acceptable. Being a straight male I am secure enough in my manhood to be so acceptable to it.

i think we need a section for m/m stuff
and a women's section.
especially a dominant women's section.
either that or someone needs to step up and create a new site.
jez said:
i think we need a section for m/m stuff
and a women's section.
either that or someone needs to step up and create a new site.

interesting idea. unfortunately, it will never happen:)
i just dont see why it is acceptable to slap another man's ass well not just one but numerous men's asses but you cant tickle them?? i understand tickling is sexual and that could be a mood killer, but tickling isnt always about sexual stuff it can be playful and just fun...or maybe thats just me
jez said:
i think we need a section for m/m stuff
and a women's section.
especially a dominant women's section.
either that or someone needs to step up and create a new site.

Very interesting idea. I agree there should be a section geared for the females consisting of F/M and maybe F/F material since there are homosexual females in the TMF who just may want their own little section.

re:natural tickler

is that a fact?
no one will ever make a submissive men tickling site?
not only would it be successful ill bet you it'd be successful as a pay site.
TicklishSinner said:
i just dont see why it is acceptable to slap another man's ass well not just one but numerous men's asses but you cant tickle them??

Personally, I never tried to give either more thought than is called for. Which begs Shygirl's original question of what the big deal is.....and my COUNTER question of "What IS the big deal if a lot of guys just aren't into tickling one another?"
Re: re:natural tickler

jez said:
is that a fact?
no one will ever make a submissive men tickling site?
not only would it be successful ill bet you it'd be successful as a pay site.

Well, if you're so sure it will be successful, I challenge you to be the first to step up and try it. I speak for most of the men here in saying your attempt will fail....miserably. But you can always try. At least someone can't criticize you for trying:)
I don't slap guy's asses either...

I think we've pretty much established the fact that heterosexual men and women interact with each other differently, and it also seems to me that all of the theories proposed as to why men aren't comfortable interacting the same way women do may have some merit. In fact, the different theories may apply to different individuals. Some may be hiding the fact that they really enjoy it for fear of being discovered, some may just not like it (or have the desire to do it), and some may just not care.

Tickling is sexual for me, so I would not want to do it with another man. I also would not want to playfully tickle another guy for fun, because for whatever reason, that's just not how I interact with other guys.

One last thing, I think this is a great thread and a lot of good ideas and theories have been tossed around. I find many of them enlightening and they have helped me solidify my own feelings on the subject.
Just for the record, football players don't slap each other on the ass because they enjoy it in some way. Football players slap each other on the ass because shoulder-pads render the more traditional pat on the shoulder or back useless, as the recipient isn't going to be able to feel it through an inch or two of padding and hard plastic.
i don't see anything wrong with men tickling men....in fact, it can be rather sexy..I'd love to see it.
I have never posted here before (I tend to stick to tickletheater) but I felt I had to add my $0.000002.
I would like to add myself to the seemingly not so small list of girls who enjoys seeing both f/m and m/m. There is something very nice about seeing two (or more) straight guys who are comfortable enough with themselves, eachother, and their own sexuality to not be too weirded out to enjoy something like m/m tickling.
I am so sorry to forget who it was that originally posted this idea but I agree that just as it is normal for a guy to enjoy seeing two yummy looking women together I certainly enjoy seeing two yummy looking guys together. Hey, double the eye candy...works for me!
I will add to that and say that while I am not opposed to it, graphic depictions of m/m sex is not something that I'd care to see.
But anyway...m/m tickling is something I definately would like to see more of along with f/m tickling. It's all tickling and, therefore, all good in my book.
I am currently working on a website which will feature f/m and m/m. Not sure when it will be out but it won't be too long now. A little gift to the ladies in the community as well as the guys who, whether they admit it or not, really want this stuff available.
I guess I'm in the minority on this one...

I guess I could say, "Hey guys, stop being so uptight! It's just tickling!", but I would be being a hypocritical. I have engaged in tickling with both guys and girls, and I can say without hesitation that tickling with guys is MUCH more enjoyable for me. It's not that I think F/F tickling is "gay", it's just easier for me to get into the role of 'lee with a guy as my 'ler. I guess I tend to discount girls as potential 'lers (when I'm involved) partly because I see tickling as a playful and flirtateous act, and I don't generally rough house or flirt with girls.

However, my disinterest with same sex tickling ends with girls because I have to say that watching two beautiful guys engaging in a tickle fight would be more than a bit exciting for me :woot:

I would love to see a bit more M/M tickling. While M/F is my first choice, I certainly find myself drawn to M/M clips and stories on occasion. I would rather see M/M tickling than F/M tickling. I guess I just love to watch guys in the 'ler position, and it really doesn't make much difference for me who plays the 'lee.

Where are all the other girls? There haven't been too many that responded to this thread.


its funny cos lastnite i was ina pub and oneof my guy friends was pokin his friend in the sides and laughin then told me, 'hes ticklish jen i cnt help it' i thought it was cute and i just wished it was me lol...society is more open about women being affectionnate and 'touchy feely' thanmen, and i think ticklings affectionate...like its more acceptable for women to kiss and cuddle. but some people still see affectionnate behaviour as taboo...male or female..its sad really i think
i wouldnt say i fantasise about two men together but if a guy can b open about his sensitive side with his friends, then it is a defnite turn on.when i saw it yesterday it made me have more feelings for the guy who was goin it..whom i already fancy lol:p
actually when i was a wee lad, my brother and his friends held me down one time, and tickeld the hell out of me. No it did not find it sexual, but it was torture for me. Being that i am ticklish like hell.

As for today you will never find me tickling any guys. Why! i dont know its not really a fun thing for me to tickle another dude. I dont care what other guys do. If thats your thing, then cool. im not a touchy-feely guy i guess.

If you females do that then its cool. I mean you girls are all into that whole touchy stuff.

Well thats my thoughts. cya!
Something I've always wondered about: Suppose a guy does get aroused by tickling other guys, but isn't interested in doing anything else. Would you consider him bi/gay?
natural idiot

me...create a /m site?
its a real possibility.
all though as you can see some women are all ready stepping up to create sites.
men wouldn't like my site?? just like a man to think he's invited everywhere. what part of for women and queers got lost in that big old head of yours (dont even flatter yourself you know the head I'm talking about is the one with the bad breath between your shoulders.)
what makes you think you'd be allowed to join???
is it the fact that conservative hetero men are the only ones not lurking on here? you think belonging the dominant/majority gender on here makes you the dominant/majority gender in life right?
to you and every other poster who asks where are the women are:
you drive them off.
i wonder how many girl's who visualize a man in the place of all the girls in the stories, discussions, and media would like to boycott this until an /m site is created??
if a site directed towards women and other minorities of this ones magnitude could be created it would be a success if only because all you men would be the only ones left on here, holding your little selves and filling the personals section at 10 times the speed you do now.
tklr5150 said:
Something I've always wondered about: Suppose a guy does get aroused by tickling other guys, but isn't interested in doing anything else. Would you consider him bi/gay?

Conversely, suppose a guy who winds up getting tickled by another guy gets aroused but doesn't want to do more? If that happens, is it gay too?
quote: Originally posted by tklr5150 Something I've always wondered about : Suppose a guy does get aroused by tickling other guys, but isn't interested in doing anything else. Would you consider him bi/gay? Conversely, suppose a guy who winds up getting tickled by another guy gets aroused but doesn't want to do more? If that happens, is it gay too?

These are great questions. The answer for me would be No to both. I wouldnt consider it beyond the realm of possibility for me to be aroused if I were involved in f/f/ tickling but I would not consider myself or my feeling to be gay or bi. The point is, is he feeling aroused by the act itself and/or the sensations that are caused or is he aroused by the person doing it or that he is doing it to? Two different things in my opinion.
If it is very good I can certainly feel aroused watching a f/f tickling clip but not because I am physically attracted to the women involved. I think f/m or m/f is more my speed from an arousal standpoint as I can more easily picture myself involved and...well...I love nothing more than seeing a good male 'ler (except maybe a good male 'lee!). For me it is a definate turn on to see m/f or f/m when I know the guy is a total ticklephile.
But I think I've strayed.
I love M/M tickling but am not too interested in seeing straight guys tickle each other because I like erotic tickling, and unless something erotic is happening I find tickling boring be it M/F F/M M/M F/F MFMFM/FMFMF or whatever. The exception is noncon tickling because I like forced scenarios wherein the lee can't control his/her reactions, as in "Hey, what's this? I think you do like being tickled!" :devil: I like that humiliation factor. Most of the gay male tickling material I've seen features the kind of action I like: lots more nonconsensual, and lots more sex. I prefer written or drawn depictions of tickling over photos or videos because the fantasy aspect often allows for more intense action than real life allows.

That's my tastes, everyone's free to like something else. The nice thing about the forum is that it has something for everyone. For instance, F/F usually does nothing for me but if an F/F story is labeled Adult or 18+ I'll take a look because it might be something I like. Since most people are good about labelling their contributions, subforums only for women or gays aren't really needed, in fact they'd make the forum feel more fragmented IMO.

Bella, I loved Ropejock and was sad to see it's gone. I agree that Eddie is an amazing writer, one of the best of the tickling genre, gay or straight. (Glaucon, too.) Have you seen Eddie's site? http://www.hooder.co.uk/ I have often thought to write to him and tell him how much I love his work but never get around to it, bad EQ! Eddie, if you're reading this, you da man!

BTW, regarding 5150's question about arousal from same-sex tickling: I strongly believe it has nothing to do with being gay or straight. It's about being out of control, which many people find very arousing. It's the previously-cited societal taboos that label that arousal as a homosexual response. (Imagine if you were bound and helpless while goats licked your bare soles. If you got aroused, would that make you a goat lover?)
evilqueen said:
BTW, regarding 5150's question about arousal from same-sex tickling: I strongly believe it has nothing to do with being gay or straight. It's about being out of control, which many people find very arousing. It's the previously-cited societal taboos that label that arousal as a homosexual response. (Imagine if you were bound and helpless while goats licked your bare soles. If you got aroused, would that make you a goat lover?)

No, but if you wanted to tickle the goat back it's another story. :p Being the ler isn't about reactions, it's about performing actions with/onto another person. And what if you want that person to be the same sex, because you know it's going to arouse you?
shygirl said:
For god sakes, get over it. Put a blindfold on and don't think about it. Don't ya think there is a bit of a double standard thing going on.

Touch football isn't sexycool the way tickling is. And I don't like football.

Okay, what I've learned from my own personal journies on this dustball: People into sensual play, not just as a casual interest but as a significant part of their life and personality, are very attuned to that sensuality. Be it light playful tickling to heavy S & M. Chemistry comes into play. A blindfold wouldn't work becuase one who is very attuned to their own sensations can tell a difference in the touch. Add phermones into it and you end up where perception, comfort and satisfaction is sent off-kilter overall for those who are not into "it", whatever that "it" might be. In a short generality, you CAN tell when a guy is tickling you vs. a woman, and if you're not into it, there's no "getting over". If the right feel isn't there, the longing and need for satisfaction thats fulfilled by taking part in the act isn't happening, then it just isn't happening. Ultimately, if one isn't into that person - no moral judgment, purely a feel, an emotional fulfillment touchstone - then it doesn't work. There's nothing to get over. Since pictures and video mimic and reflect the experience of reality, those relating to the m/m experience fall flat as well.

A double standard? Not exactly. It SEEMS like one, but is not. A double standard is when the moral or philosophical bend of a person or society as a whole is one way towards a given situation (or set of people based on age, sex, whatever...). THIS is a feel, a sense, not a dogmatic principal that can be conqured by logic or debate. Believe me, there are plenty of women and guys, who do not get into the F/F stuff. I do feel a little odd about liking the f/f stuff but not m/m stuff (why IS it so popular, but not considered "gay " by many??) but I realize that it's simply how I feel. No judgements one way or another, nor did I ask to feel that way about f/f; it's just chemical reactions in my head. When we can "get over" that, we'll have a society where it's members will no longer fall out of love, will be able to deal with heartbreak much easier, fear of heights and snakes can be dealt with easily, chocalate, vanilla & strawberry will become irrelevant and Elvis & Star Trek obessions will be a thing of the past.

I have seen some m/m scenes in the mainstream media that I liked. The scene in "Hot, Cool and Vicious" is one. But these are, to me, exceptionaly good scenes and are rarities as to what I like. I avoid m/m not becuase I'm morally against it or I think it is wrong. I don't get into it beacuse it doesn't move me in some way, doesn't turn me on (and not in a sexual sense I mean). It doesn't interest me. I don't do m/m tickling the same way I don't get into the "adult baby" fetish or "giantess crushing" - it has no appeal to me. Why f/f does appeal to me, I have no clue, but there was never a moment where I decided on one over the other.

Do keep in mind, however that there are a number of M/M tickling sites out there. Just do a search. Th delightful Evil Queen has found a few spots, as noted above. If that is you're thing as an observer, then there are certainly places where it is most welcome and accepted.
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