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Over population of trolls.

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The timing on this was incredible because I was thinking similar thoughts last night after reading one particular thread. Sometimes it makes me wonder though what originally happened for people to have such bad blood with one another.

Usually when I walk into a room with someone I don't like, I can acknowledge their presence, be polite, but by no means feel obligated to be his or her friend. And I guess I wonder why that model can't or doesn't function here on either end. Or if someone doesn't like what someone else posted, why can't they either express what they have to say in a constructive way, or simply choose not to respond because it will create hard feelings. It drives me crazy when I see people say, "Well you need to hear this" as if they cared what happens to that person, but you see 4 pages down the line they are insulting them up one side and down the other. Doesn't seem much like "charity" to me. If they NEED to hear it, what's a better way of making someone listen to you? Calling them a crazy bitch? Or explaining your point thoroughly and why you feel that way in a respectful manner? Another thing someone will do is be subtly insulting, and so the receiver, of course, takes it badly, and then is accused of not hearing the medicine they needed to (where as they may have if the thoughts expressed weren't done so in such a jerky way).

It also bewilders me sometimes that people can see someone as a troll, but continuously argue with that person. All I can think is, "News flash! You aren't going to change your mind and neither are they!" You can't beat a troll at trolling, they have more experience. The idea of arguing to me is expressing your viewpoint, they theirs, and perhaps either finding a common middle ground or at the VERY least, seeing someone else's point of view and learning a thing or two. I guess lately it's been an extreme lack of maturity and no one person or set of people is to blame, because someone can't harass others without someone or something they said or did to feed on. I've found as of late the ignore button has worked for me beautifully. I deal with kids all day who can't seem to figure out how to function socially in a way that plays well with others. It's entirely strange to see it here too.

and PurrBast off topic , but how long is your sig picture ?
People need to remember just one thing.

The Golden Rule - If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

It's that simple. If you see someone post something that breaks that rule, report it or let a mod know.
Threads like these make me realise I'm living under a rock, I just don't notice any of this. Same thing in real life.
Personally I'm not here to troll.

I state my (censored, as per the rules) opinion on posts that have to do with things that I care/sort of care about. If a negative opinion is considered "trolling", then this world is infested with them.
On Facebook, you don't have the problems about which you are here complaining, right?

Why is that?

It's because on Facebook, you control who populates your audience. They are all (in theory at least) friends. People you know. You don't have to worry about total strangers reading about your personal issues, much less commenting on them.

My advice would be to keep such personal and emotional threads confined to Facebook or email lists. In my opinion the TMF is better suited for topical discussions rather than soul-baring personal healing sessions.

In short, this is the Tickling Media Forum, not the Tickling Remedial Forum.

I do agree with the above IN THEORY since I do believe that society in general is becoming too narcisstic and controlling and therefore 'thin skinned'.


That does not give people (anyone) the right to be a total prick or a giant douche for no reason.

Now, I am guilty of being 'trollish' in the eyes of others (not that I care, but I am aware) because I am known to post a snide or sarcastic comment every now and then (mostly when I believe someone says something bizarre or asinine and because I like cheap laughs).

But if there's a thread that is not about open discussion or about someone looking for attention or support theme then I simply won't join in.

Why? Because it's none of my business and a waste of my time.

So I see it both ways:

a. Some folks need to develop a 'thicker' skin.
but just as much so (if not more)
b. Some folks need to just shut up and stop starting shit for no reason than ones they create in their head.

Either way, I think both sides need to stop taking things so personally.

I've noticed the trolls and puppets are busy at it again but I'm not going to ask the why and wherefore's of what makes a grown person want to dance on that line while thinking they are being clever and "just trying to be helpful" or "if someone doesn't want to hear opposing views then they should keep their statements to themselves" . The main instigator is not hard to spot because of the way they approach the intended person they want to torment. What I want to ask is why the target is usually a young girl who either is reaching out because she is hurting or tries to defend herself from attacks. And if the girl is successful in alluding or even besting the alleged troll, the attacks are even more frequent and definitely more intense.

One thing everyone else can see following this behavior in these threads is the same pattern of attack used by this certain banned troll. The paragraph starts with a condescending insult, then some pseudo-intellectual tripe to try and turn the theme of the OP back and against the OP, then one last thinly veiled jab for good measure while trying to make it look like a good-natured poke at a misguided friend. Everytime the banned person comes back it seems to go this way. But again, why do they do it. What is the thrill or satisfaction in looking cowardly and foolish? What is the fun in being disliked and even hated?

If you don't like Jeff and his rules for his site then go after Jeff. If you don't like the way Myriads moderates this site then go after Myriads. This is the core of your problem isn't it? Go after them, tough guys. Or is it just more fun to beat on the girl in the wheelchair for the time being?
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If you don't like Jeff and his rules for his site then go after Jeff. If you don't like the way Myriads moderates this site then go after Myriads. This is the core of your problem isn't it? Go after them, tough guys. Or is it just more fun to beat on the girl in the wheelchair for the time being?

qft. although i'm not technically "in a wheelchair". :p
Trolls are scary. We need less trolls and more ghouls. Just funny little green ghouls. Little green ghoul buddies!
I never understood the hysterical revulsion to internet trolls. The very first thing most of us learned about the internet is to ignore the trolls. Maybe this is because in the early days of the internet most forums were on Usenet, which required some rudimentary savvy to configure the "news reader" to pick up your favorite groups.

Trolls were a fact of life then, and they still are now. Except now, computers are so "dumbed down" that virtually any idiot can (and does) find his or her way into internet forums.

If people can't deal with trolls....if they can't bring themselves to ignore them...if they can't survive without specially empowered moderators; my opinion is that these people have no business on the Internet.

As for the gentleman who mentioned the "girl in the wheelchair," I have to ask: Does being a girl, or being in a wheelchair make somebody especially vulnerable to trolls? Does it make them any less articulate or composed? Does it in any way hinder their ability to defend themselves? Being in a wheelchair doesn't make a person autistic, you know.

Trolls are as much a part of the Internet as the White Knights who puff out their chests and go forth to battle for yon fair maidens.
Trolls are certainly a part of the internet but that does not mean that one lets them have free reign over your forum. That makes no sense whatsoever. This is why there are moderators in almost every forum on the net but moderators need reports of what is happening. At the TMF we have close to 100,000 people on here now. That means tons of posts and tons of disagreements. Mods need our information as too which people are posing the greatest problem. If someone is being obnoxious or harrasing someone then report to a moderator. You see spam report to a mod. This is at least a start in trying to fix any problems.
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Go back and look at the majority of threads in General section and you will see the ones with the biggest counts are the ones that are contraversial in some way.

I think to a certain degree most people interests are peeked when others are having heated discussions or disagreements. I think in some fashion the curiousity of whats going on makes individuals at least have a look eventhough all they intended to do was see whats going on. Alot of times they feel the need to voice their opinions on the subject matter at hand

Its easy to tell when a thread is about to get heated; just watch a few posts and if a few members that generally don`t agree much post quickly and repeatedly, then thats a Redflag that something maybe going on
Yeah, I've kind of wondered that. It's been pretty bad lately. Hell, last night there was a thread (that has since been removed I think) where someone was called "trashy" for how they looked in their signature pic? And then someone else was being made fun of for apparently how he looked in a FB picture (turns out this guy doesn't even have his picture up but still, it does go to show what people will say in order to get a reaction). Since when was it ok to make fun of someone for how they look? Btw, this gal doesn't look trashy in the least and it quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure that it was said to gain a reaction in some way. Things like that usually are.

Granted, this is the internet and people will do and say as they please but come on, isn't there a time when enough is enough - especially when it's the same ol' shit?

But why does it come to this every single time someone posts something that others might not agree with? Isn't there a tactful way to get a point across? And not only that, aren't there just times where common sense and a heart will tell you that perhaps this isn't the place to be ignornant to someone?

Can't we all just get along? Well, most of us? This forum has a lot of really great people in it. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is go back to ignoring crap. Life is too short.

Lovely Angel wins the prize for best post, and will receive a one year supply of buttered popcorn and iced tea.:popcorn:
No, having the need for help in getting around doesn't mean the person is autistic and more than it makes them a saint or inarticulate or anything else. I'm saying that if the person who who attempts to talk down to them in a rediculously condescending manner like you are trying to do to me makes them even more incredulous. The troll is only thinking through to the next post to keep the argument going. I'm looking at the original intent and meaning of the opening post in this thread and trying to think as the OP might and how it may feel to them and what brought about their final decission to break up with the guy. Think it through. Think before responding. Think.

Sometimes it serves to just say sorry to the hurting person and if you are friends just being there is all you can do. If you don't want to add sympathy then move on. It is kinder and more humane. It's not the time for a debate because it isn't a debate kicking someone when they are down. Unless you are a troll.
I'm no vet yet by any means. But it sure as hell seems to me that the forum has been pretty much run down with them.

YES!! Finally!!! We must do something about these menaces to our forum.

What is going to happen to the newbies who come along with the same apprehensions and are promptly run down and then chased off?

Hmmm. Good point. What will we do?! Hmmmm...
Considering the burgeoning number of new members, perhaps this isn't as big a problem as we think.
We implement a Big Brother/Big Sister Program where the newbies are offered guidance and protection from a loving and gentle, yet firm and steadfast sponsor.
Crystal, you seem to fit the mold perfectly!! What do you say?

It's a fucking shame that at one time this was a place where the population could come, relax and share openly with like minded individuals. Now it seems to be nothing more than a barren place with locked threads and still open threads that have long since strayed from the OP.

Yes, a shame indeed. I might have to go ahead and disagree with you on the "barren place" sentiment, though. Forum members come and go. A quick look through the archives will confirm that. Although some of the core members have continued to be active, many have left for other reasons.
That's the nature of internet forums, but it seems the TMF is still active, alive and well. As one member pointed out, the controversial thread are usually the most popular.

As far as the locked threads: Isn't it the OP who had a prized collection of locked threads that was stored in the TMF time capsule? You know, it is!
It seems at one time she thrived on the controversy that led to actions she now finds disturbing. Kind of ironic, I'd say.

I guess what some previously "banned" individuals predicted came true: The TMF would soon be over taken by them and their need to line walk and start shit for no reason what so ever.

Who would be so bold as to make such a brazen prediction?
Can you offer some evidence of this? I'm shocked. Utterly shocked.

How can me or any of my fellow posters talk openly about our fetish or even issues going on in our lives? Go to Facebook? Really?

Yet another quandary to ponder. You are really asking the tough questions.
It seems there is a lot of this already going on, though. The TMF has provided each user with the option to start their own blog as well as the General Discussion forum. Both seem effective and accommodating. Although one might run the risk of getting some unwanted advice, it is still a viable and effective means of working through your problems. Even Ann Landers doesn't always give us the sage advice we want to hear.
Sometimes, we just have to "wake up and smell the coffee, honey".
I am an actual real-life troll and I am a member of this forum. Are you saying you hate trolls, or is that some type of slang word for people you don't like?
The place has major ebbs and flows that have become normal . The biggest trend I have seen are the ''newbies '' that have joined the last couple of years especially and have seemly '' taken over the place '' with a very brazen ( excuse my French ) FUCK YOU , I own the place mentality . This has driven off many of the older cornerstone members that made this place GREAT .

Yeah, there are 98,000 registered. How many of these actually post in these forums? Not even ten percent?
_____ _____ _____

As Flockadoodle here states, a lot of people have left. The only reason I'm here now is because I made my peace with the realities that permeate this place-this after having left for a year. All I did in the past was complain about the crowd here, when I realized, what the hell am I contributing? You know, when you get into an argument with a moron, the people observing usually can't tell the difference between the both of you. And, in the end, how is the discourse moved forward?

Most of what I see are people trying to ram their opinions down each other's throats, rather than try to enlighten each other through discussion and debate. In the end, you've chased any reasonable people away from the discussion, and all you have a bunch of repulsive fuckheads yelling and screaming at each other. What reasonable person would want to be around individuals like this?

This place has become something of a group home for many members...people who really have NO ONE to talk to in their lives away from their computers. We've become the only real family they know, which, while a very sad, and telling thing, is the current reality. And, as a perceived family, they wish to share with us the intimate aspects of their lives, because they've grown to trust us more than they do their families, their friends, the world that imprisons them away from these terminals. Many of these people just want someone to listen to them, to validate their concerns, to feel not so fucking alone in this cold world, they may NOT have asked for an opinion. We know these folks didn't bargain for the harsh criticism they routinely receive, but who are THOSE to criticize in the first place? Who died and made YOU God?

You have to view things in the proper perspective. It's an online adult fetish forum, and I gather that it's just about as dysfunctional as any forum that deals with any fetish. Best you can do is get involved with the conversation, and just voice what you think- avoid the going back and forth, avoid the emotional bloodshed...just speak your mind. Be YOU. Most important: don't feed the animals.
drew70/Nostra/etc said:
It still is a place to relax and share thoughts and ideas. Bear in mind that "ILY" and "Om nom nom" don't really qualify as thoughts or ideas.


Your still loving the attention you get from starting shit here then cyrstal
but what trolls are you on about the , trolls or nanny's ?

i see a lot of trolls (as you would call them) sticking up for the little people of the TMF , thats about it

but i see a lot of nanny's telling us what we can and can't do
as i would call them (a mod wanna be)


show me 1 person who's leaving the TMF because of drama ?
if you ask me , they need to grown up :) lol


venray he will be back. the TMF is like his second home
and adam he's always quiting the TMF


and PurrBast off topic , but how long is your sig picture ?


drew70/Nostra/Etc said:
Trolls are as much a part of the Internet as the White Knights who puff out their chests and go forth to battle for yon fair maidens.

Yet another quandary to ponder. You are really asking the tough questions.
It seems there is a lot of this already going on, though. The TMF has provided each user with the option to start their own blog as well as the General Discussion forum. Both seem effective and accommodating. Although one might run the risk of getting some unwanted advice, it is still a viable and effective means of working through your problems. Even Ann Landers doesn't always give us the sage advice we want to hear.
Sometimes, we just have to "wake up and smell the coffee, honey".

I haven't noticed the influx in trolls. Then again, I'm not nearly as active as I used to be or as the people who have noticed the trolls are. So maybe I'm just missing it. That said, some threads I see when browsing tend to leave posters wide open for that kind of thing. Threads about family, break ups, and other personal stuff may be better shared via the blog function where you can set it to where only certain people can read it. Sharing that kind of personal stuff on a forum of tens of thousands of members, including trolls with multiple screen names and so on, may not be such a great idea.
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