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Totally Creeped the Fuck Out

If a random guy came up and grabbed my side like that I would've elbowed him really hard if the position was right and if that wouldn't have worked then I would have punched him in the gut. I do weight lifting every day. I would love to see the look on a guys face if I ever did that.
That is such ridiculousness. Sorry that guy freaked you out. Forget this forum, and the fetish world.

In our generation and the new ones developing, its so sad that common courtesy is just so rare to find and respect for one another is just disappearing. I am built as an old fashioned guy and am always courteous especially in public but still....

When I see a girl i think i know from somewhere or stop for a sec cause i think shes hot.... WALK OVER AND SAY HI, "HELLO THERE", "EXCUSE ME BUT I THINK I KNOW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE", "JUST WANTED TO SAY HI" ect.............

Tortuga - if you find out who it is...i'll kick his ass for you. ;-)
I has a yeti ready and waiting to be your muscle if you want. Sorry that he did that. It's totally unacceptable. Hopefully he doesn't return and bother you again. Completely disrespectful. People like him need to remember that the models are good decent ladies and I'll kick his tush if he bothers our lovely turtle again!
Very sorry to hear that this happened to you. An odd thing is that the true stories section has stories about people doing this to complete strangers like it is no big deal. Well here we hear from the recipient of such an action and we can see it is a big deal. It isn't appropriate to do something like this to a stranger just because you think it is fun or whatever it does for you.
If a random guy came up and grabbed my side like that I would've elbowed him really hard if the position was right and if that wouldn't have worked then I would have punched him in the gut. I do weight lifting every day. I would love to see the look on a guys face if I ever did that.

Lol, or a nice knee or kick to the balls along with an "oops, so sorry - I thought I was being attacked. Self defense." Smile sweetly and move right along...........

Creepers. :flatstare:

Sorry this happened to you Tortuga. I hope it's just one of those one time deals.

What an asshole.
What a loser! Prolly the first time he ever tickled a girl!
If he comes back you have every right to beat the bejesus out of him!
I hope he reads all these posts and knows what a low, f'ed up, psycho, scumbag he is!

Seriously, if he saw a porn star out in public that he liked, would he go up and stick his little pathetic wanker in her~LOSER!!!!!!!!!
Sorry but it seemed like the right thing to do you know hey! It's not my fault it is yours I am sorry but I'm not really sorry because youa sked for it I just hoipe people see my side of the story alright here goes I was in the floral shop okay and then I see this person I recognize well, I think I recognize her but a lot of people look the same they have the same sort of facial construction so hell I thought it was wombat man he and I are really into our fursonas but seriously guys.

I had a run in with someone at a store once, and we sorta had this really playful nature about ribbing each other. So I'm in the jewelry section, looking for a nice set of earrings to buy my lady, and I see her bent over. We'd worked the night before, and she was wearing the same clothes. I playfully batted her purse with my shoe (not a kick, not anything aggressive, just to all "hey"). Turns out? Not her. And holy shit did my face flush and did I apologize profusely. I slinked away after that, still remembering how dumb I felt for doing something like that with someone I thought I knew but as just a case of mistaken identity.

I couldn't conceive if I had tickled her how mortified I would've been. Like, you just don't do that. Now that was a situation where the person happened to be wearing the same clothes, had the same skin tone, had the same build, had the same hair style...but her face was obscured. Why the shit would someone tangibly go behind a work station and get their feel on with someone they've never even met? I get the idea of being a voyeur, of seeing the many beautiful ladies and having lurid thoughts in the back of your own mind. It's another to act on them. It's another to randomly approach someone you might recognize in the community and just touch them. Touching isn't hello. Hello is fucking hello.
Idiots who can't keep their hands to themselves is one of the main reasons I have a job. Now I'm known to be kinda harsh in my reactions, and this is no exception. I have no patience or sympathy for people who do this kind of shit, whether it's 'minor' or major, cuz it's all major to me. Cass, get yourself a CHL, get a nice little Glock 9 or S&W .38 special, and let the next stupid SOB feel your hollowpointed wrath.

Oh, and if you are the creep who did this shit, and you are reading this, here is the only friendly advice you will get from me. It's called sexual assault, and it's a Class A misdemeaner. You're lucky she didn't want to cause a scene and have your ass hauled off to jail. Let's not repeat this action, lest you reap what you sow.
So no words were exchanged after he did that to you? not a peep out of either of you? :shock2:
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It was extremely creepy. Essentially he stared at you and then assaulted you. :sowrong:
There's one in every crowd

Maybe he recognized you from this web site, Tortuga, or maybe he didn't, his sneak tickle attack having nothing to do with your contributions here. He wanted your attention, but I guess not that much if he moved on - as opposed to hanging around to see what you would do.

To everyone here, tickling means a lot. But maybe it doesn't mean that much to Tortuga's tickler. We've all said and done things without intending to upset or offend yet had people react as if we did, right?

Of course, men can forget just how daunting they can be to women. Lots of guys would think it their lucky day to have a strange woman introduce herself via a tickle or pinch on the ass because most women are little or no potential threat to most men. Guys must realize they can unwittingly spook women just as larger, intimidating men scare them. The thinking man keeps his hands to himself around women who don't know him - and keeps his distance unless she first meets him halfway.
that's so weird....I would've told my boss..just in case the guy comes back...I mean if he was constantly walking by you (stalking I'd assume) and looking at you...and EVEN TOUCHING you, i'd definatly say something.
Saying something to the boss could have resulted in outing herself. So, that may not be the thing to do unless he returns. Sorry you had to deal with that! Some people are just stupid. I hope you don't see him again...unless it's to come and apologize to you for his inappropriate actions.

I've had people pull crap like that before. There's a nice little pressure point in the hollow of the wrist that's very easy to grab as they reach for you. I've made good use of it on several occassions. A nice firm pinch on that nerve bundle hurts like a SOB and slows them down real quick without doing any actual damage. Perfect for a situation where you want to let them know that their advance is unwanted but aren't in a situation where you necessarily want to injure them. Of course, there's also the time back in high school when I spun and backhanded a guy who was constantly tickle attacking me and broke his nose. Oooops! lol
Sorry but it seemed like the right thing to do you know hey! It's not my fault it is yours I am sorry but I'm not really sorry because youa sked for it I just hoipe people see my side of the story alright here goes I was in the floral shop okay and then I see this person I recognize well, I think I recognize her but a lot of people look the same they have the same sort of facial construction so hell I thought it was wombat man he and I are really into our fursonas but seriously guys.

I had a run in with someone at a store once, and we sorta had this really playful nature about ribbing each other. So I'm in the jewelry section, looking for a nice set of earrings to buy my lady, and I see her bent over. We'd worked the night before, and she was wearing the same clothes. I playfully batted her purse with my shoe (not a kick, not anything aggressive, just to all "hey"). Turns out? Not her. And holy shit did my face flush and did I apologize profusely. I slinked away after that, still remembering how dumb I felt for doing something like that with someone I thought I knew but as just a case of mistaken identity.

I couldn't conceive if I had tickled her how mortified I would've been. Like, you just don't do that. Now that was a situation where the person happened to be wearing the same clothes, had the same skin tone, had the same build, had the same hair style...but her face was obscured. Why the shit would someone tangibly go behind a work station and get their feel on with someone they've never even met? I get the idea of being a voyeur, of seeing the many beautiful ladies and having lurid thoughts in the back of your own mind. It's another to act on them. It's another to randomly approach someone you might recognize in the community and just touch them. Touching isn't hello. Hello is fucking hello.

I've read this three times and I can't figure out what in the world you are saying. I hope you're not trying to defend the creep. But I'm not sure!
I take great pride in my Southern heritage, and in the best of Southern culture. At the risk of sounding chauvinistic and fatally old fashioned, it is a man's job and a man's honor to protect women and children. A gentleman NEVER offends a lady, and if he mistakes a situation and accidentally causes offense, he takes responsibility and apologizes and does whatever is necessary to make it right.

Tortuga, you are a joy and a delight to The Forum. I am grieved that you have suffered this horrendous insult. There are times when I am ashamed to share the same gender with some adult males (they don't deserve to be called "men").
All fetish stuff aside, this is a random stranger that touched you inappropriately in your place of work. If you haven't already done so, you should tell your supervisor, in case this person comes back. A repeat performance (or worse!) is something you certainly don't want. Sorry to hear it happened. :shock2:
That is just down right rude. Why aren't people just brave enough to just come up, talk to you and see what you might be interested in. You never know they just might say "yes". Why take a chance to piss someone off, or surprise and upset them or even hurt them. In this day an age you could have pulled a gun on him for doing that!
I feel what you are going through. The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. I was working a club and inbetween sets this strange women was always looking at me and then when I went to the bar for a drink, she snuck up on me and tickled my sides. I did the same thing you did. I jumped, giggled and wondered who the fuck she was to do that. I felt a little violated ! So anyhow , I just stayed away from her for the rest of the night.
It took me sometime to move on from that incident. I hope you will have no trouble in doing the same.
Here's the thing that most of you may not have realized....I can't really go up to my Boss and say hey I think this guy recognizes me from a fetish forum and kind of assulted me inappropriately, can we keep an eye out in case it happens again. If he does happen to show up again, I am going to make an effort to approach him in a civil manor; if he does get aggressive I will tell one of managers about the harassment. I'm not really one to be shy about what I'm into, even a few co-workers know and have seen what I've done. But telling my boss about it is a little different, she isn't a very personal person like most of my co-workers.
If this happens again I want you to yell your head off. Get people's attention. Yell for anybody to get a picture of him. Yell for them to remember his face. Have them lock down the store and search every corner for this crud. And for Heaven sake don't worry about being outed. Belonging to a fetish website does not give this fuck any right to touch you at all. Ever! It doesn't mean a damn thing if this turd decides to try something worse on you at another time or place. I mean it, kiddo.

EDIT: It shouldn't matter about what your boss thinks. And again, you don't have to mention any fetish forum, site, or anything else. Part of her duty is to see that all personel as well as customers have the safest enviroment possible while in that store and you have the right to defend yourself from this type of shit however you can. Harassment protection falls under her jurisdiction as the boss and it is only fair to her as well as yourself to let her know what happened.
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Here's the thing that most of you may not have realized....I can't really go up to my Boss and say hey I think this guy recognizes me from a fetish forum and kind of assulted me inappropriately, can we keep an eye out in case it happens again. If he does happen to show up again, I am going to make an effort to approach him in a civil manor; if he does get aggressive I will tell one of managers about the harassment. I'm not really one to be shy about what I'm into, even a few co-workers know and have seen what I've done. But telling my boss about it is a little different, she isn't a very personal person like most of my co-workers.

If he comes back kick him in the nuts....Just tell your boss you thought it was a rapist whose picture you saw in the post office...and he touched you so you defended yourself...
I totally get that you don't want your supervisors to know about your outside life. That's your business and not your employer's. This is a random stranger/customer that touched you, a woman working in a craft store, inappropriately, while stalking you and staring at you about the store (Fetish model or not, these are NOT welcome behaviors!). Your safety could seriously be at issue, here, if he tries to get away with more in future instances, because he saw that he could without repercussions the first time. Even in the unlikely scenario that this guy is "removed" from the store, and says you're some fetish model that he wanted to meet (or spouts off angered derogatory things as he's removed.), you don't have to admit that. You can deny it, even, saying he has you mistaken for someone else. It's nobody's business but yours.

If you wanna look at it in a different light, suppose he tries it again (whether or not you address it with him civilly.), and you flip out on him (Not saying you necessarily WOULD, but hypothetically, confused emotions can make one act irrationally.). I don't know how cool your supervisor is, but regardless of the circumstances, your supervisor may see you flipping out at a customer, in front of other customers. Granted, you'd be completely justified, but if you didn't report it previously, your supervisor's view of the situation may be skewed to merely seeing one of their employees having a negative outburst in front of the clientele. Disciplinary action would be unfair treatment you wouldn't need on top of what you already experienced.
I think you could theoretically could get around not telling your boss about your personal life..just say that he was stalking you around the store then proceeded to start touching you inappropriately, because when you boil it down, he was some random guy laying his hands on you in your workplace. No one has to deal with that, even if it was tickling and not something more serious.
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