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What do you think of fetish models?

Allow me to weigh in on my own question if I may:

I personally have no problem with anyone of any gender who participates in professional tickling, tickling videos, or even general fetish videos. Its pretty clear to me that many of these people either enjoy passionately what they do, something that I don't think can be taken away so easily; have other aspirations such as getting a business degree; or both.

Moreover, its also evident that many of them are quite intelligent and otherwise capable of these ambitions and show no signs, as I'm sure many who have met models in person can attest, of being morally or personally undeserving of them.

To condemn someone for their choice of profession which brings no harm to others on any outstanding level, is often enjoyed by those participating as well as watching, and deals with a very natural part of nearly everyone -- sex and sexual arousal -- seems irrational to me. Society is gradually becoming more tolerant of kinks and things related to but outside conventional sexual norms aka "vanilla stuff," and I think that's rightfully so. I fail to see how people come to the conclusion that vanilla sex is inherently morally superior to kinks and fetishes; likewise those who participate in either.

And to MrTicklefeet: I only used the words "slut" and "immoral" as a means to clarify my meaning of "look down on..." that I used in my original post. I did not mean to offend anyone with my choice of words, I simply felt that without specific clarification many people would respond to the thread asking what I meant exactly. That's all, not trying to piss anyone off here.
On the contrary, if you answer yes to any of these questions, then you may indeed be thought of as a hypocrite.
I disrespectfully disagree. Service patrons are a completely different thing from service providers. I might retain the services of a bookie, but I would not want to be married to one, nor would I want one as the mother of my children. Same with trash collectors, sewer workers, etc.

Your argument seems to be that it's ok for someone else's wife, mother, child, to be fetish model, so long as they are not related to you.
I made no argument whatsoever. I only provided an avenue for deeper thought and personal reflection.

Anyone who uses TMF is complicit.
Also untrue. Not everybody is here for the masturbatory cornucopia at Clips4Sale.

As for blessings from a god, it may be better to leave the supernatural out of the question.
Then again, it may not.

Always an odd question to me. That I should be troubled that others might be having sexual thoughts about my partner. Should I be disturbed that as we walk around the market, someone might see them and decide they are attractive, and store their face for later wank-time?
The question doesn't presume nor infer how someone should or should not react. It was strictly a question of self-examination. There have been many threads on the concept of spousal fetish involvement with other people, and there is clearly a fair body of TMF members who aren't comfortable with it.

I'm not threatened by other people finding my partners attractive, erotic, or even objects of direct sexual lust. That is in their heads. Not mine, not my partners.
That's true in general. However if you both consent to releasing fetish material that is considered erotic by the bulk of the target audience, then that knowledge is in YOUR heads as well, unless you make a considerable effort to block it out. It's one thing to have an attractive wife that appeals to other men. It's quite another to offer fetish related imagery of her as a sexual object.

It's all outside the relationship, and can only come in if we choose to let it have the weight and impact to do so. And why would we?
I'm not saying you would or wouldn't. Clearly you're not territorial when it comes to your significant other. It's an attitude to which I hold as well. But there are many who are understandably uncomfortable with the notion of their spouse as a fetish object of desire. After all, it's one thing to have an attractive wife that appeals to other men. It's quite another to offer fetish related imagery of her as a sexual object.

Here we open the question of a personal choice effecting others. In this case, a parents choices reflecting on their children.

In an ideal world no child would face question like the ones above. But we don't live in a perfect world. It can and will happen.

So my approach is this. If my children's mother wanted to make fetish material, then I'd make sure that we had a discussion that provided insight to me on if she had considered the external costs of her choice, and if she was willing to act knowing those costs might need to be paid by others at some point.

If she has, and is mindful of how her actions could have negative impacts on our children, and is willing to own her choice, then I'm 100% fine with her making the decision.
This is where we part company, I'm afraid. As you said, it's not a perfect world, and the impact on the children will happen. I would consider it bad parenting to knowingly subject my kids to that kind of thing, regardless of how comfortable my spouse was with it.

If the time comes to discuss it with the children, they will be prepared for the real world results they might face. It is in fact a good lesson to impart. People will judge you for things you don't control, and never could. Learning to handle that is an important life skill. Regardless of if its because your parent did something society frowns at, your skin color, or the fact that you are a foot taller then your peers.
I understand the sentiment here, but in my opinion they will already likely have more than enough instances of learning these lessons without adding this to it. To me, using something like this to teach personal fortitude to your kids is tantamount to throwing a child into the deep end of the pool to teach him how to swim. Even if you jump in with him and give him all the encouragement in the world, he'll still likely experience a significant and entirely unnecessary trauma.

My children would be able to handle it if I as a parent did my job correctly.
Children can be remarkably resilient, and can handle many things, to sometimes include alcoholic or abusive parents. That doesn't mean they should have to.

We all make judgements all the time. Every time we look at a person we judge. It's part of the human condition. It's what we DO with our judgements that really counts. Do we dismiss them as personal concepts that we are applying to others? And then approach said person with awareness that we hold personal prejudice toward them about some aspect of how they look or act? And work to overcome that INTERNAL judgement so we can forge on and have a meaningful and possibly valuable exchange with them.
I agree with all of this, but it seems a moot point to me. The original question posed in the OP was about how we feel, not how we act on those feelings. I assumed that's what we were still talking about.

We always will judge other. But we can also rise above those judgements to see things from a better perspective.
I agree. However, when I used the phrase "judgement free" I wasn't referring to judgement in general. I was referring to the specific judgement as outlined in the OP, specifically negative attitudes toward fetish models. My apologies if that wasn't clear.
Crikey. I'm gonna have to put my thinking hat on for this, I think!

Oh I don't think it was that much of a strain upon ones puzzler.

It's just that when you said that you were "cool" with WHATEVER a person does to their body, it sounded, to my ears anyway, a little callous.

My philosophy CAN sound callous. Because it is based strongly in the concept of personal sovereignty and mindfulness.

I believe that people are able to make mindful choices about their lives that take into account the effects those choices will have upon themselves and others, and thus they take responsibility for those actions and the costs that arise from them. In return for being mindful individuals they are granted the autonomy to make personal choices by me without restrictions based on my own personal opinions, feelings, tastes, morality, and so on.

Does this leave those individuals open to making choices that I view as self destructive? Yes it does. But I don't feel it's my place or right to interfere in the choices of other mindful sovereigns unless they invite me to do so (which is another mindful choice on their part).

Am I saddened by what happens to people I know sometimes? Yes. I often deem choices made by others as "Unfortunate". But I remain committed to allowing them to make said choices in mindfulness.

I mean the examples you give pertain to cosmetic procedures, which are, on the whole, relatively harmless. But one could do pretty serious harm to oneself, to one's body (either in a 'work' context or no), without necessarily being a burden to society. In that scenario, one ENDEAVOURS to respect the person's free will, but to respect it automatically and absolutely could potentially be a mistake, could it not? I suppose once a person intervenes, then some sort of - er - societal cost (if that's the right term - probably not!) may be incurred, but only once somebody has said: "Never mind free will, this person is a danger to themselves."

A person may be a danger to themselves in the context of societies viewpoint. But if they are operating in a mindful state, then they have every right to be a danger to themselves. You are responsible for yourself. If you choose to destroy yourself, that's your business, not mine. Note, that I believe this as long as the individual is being MINDFUL. And there rare a lot of devils in that detail.

I suppose one could say that I have an issue with certain types of - extreme - fetish modelling, and as you rightly say, this does not give me, or any such person, the right to prohibit people from participating in it; but at the same time I could never be cool, fine, whatever the word is, with it. That may just turn out to be a shortcoming of mine, though, I dunno. Nevertheless, one TOLERATES it because, to get back to my initial point, one respects the prerogative of the model.

I'd be the last person that would say that you need to be cool with any behavior another has. Being cool with something is 100% your business. It's an internal thing. From my perspective you are free to like, loath, or be indifferent to anything you wish.

But once you externalize that personal opinion is such a way as to try and somehow prevent another mindful sovereign from acting upon their will you fall into the wrong. And as you note above, you need to tolerate said behavior, as you haven grounds to stop it.

I shall now look forward to seeing what kind of intellectual hole I've dug myself into. lol

No hole that I can see. Your thinking seems pretty manifest and well reasoned.

P.S. We do, at any rate, agree on one thing: tattoos. (Sorry tattoo-wearers! :D)

I've actually come to enjoy some tattoos, and find a fair number to be positive additions to persons presentation. So don't take my statement as universal dislike. Much like any decorative aspect that a person might take, I tend to come to have personal opinions that range across a spectrum about it. With Tattoos I tend to fall into the 'less is more' school, and cohesion of design matters also.

I disrespectfully disagree. Service patrons are a completely different thing from service providers. I might retain the services of a bookie, but I would not want to be married to one, nor would I want one as the mother of my children. Same with trash collectors, sewer workers, etc.

I made no argument whatsoever. I only provided an avenue for deeper thought and personal reflection.

Also untrue. Not everybody is here for the masturbatory cornucopia at Clips4Sale.

Then again, it may not.

The question doesn't presume nor infer how someone should or should not react. It was strictly a question of self-examination. There have been many threads on the concept of spousal fetish involvement with other people, and there is clearly a fair body of TMF members who aren't comfortable with it.

That's true in general. However if you both consent to releasing fetish material that is considered erotic by the bulk of the target audience, then that knowledge is in YOUR heads as well, unless you make a considerable effort to block it out. It's one thing to have an attractive wife that appeals to other men. It's quite another to offer fetish related imagery of her as a sexual object.

I'm not saying you would or wouldn't. Clearly you're not territorial when it comes to your significant other. It's an attitude to which I hold as well. But there are many who are understandably uncomfortable with the notion of their spouse as a fetish object of desire. After all, it's one thing to have an attractive wife that appeals to other men. It's quite another to offer fetish related imagery of her as a sexual object.

This is where we part company, I'm afraid. As you said, it's not a perfect world, and the impact on the children will happen. I would consider it bad parenting to knowingly subject my kids to that kind of thing, regardless of how comfortable my spouse was with it.

I understand the sentiment here, but in my opinion they will already likely have more than enough instances of learning these lessons without adding this to it. To me, using something like this to teach personal fortitude to your kids is tantamount to throwing a child into the deep end of the pool to teach him how to swim. Even if you jump in with him and give him all the encouragement in the world, he'll still likely experience a significant and entirely unnecessary trauma.

Children can be remarkably resilient, and can handle many things, to sometimes include alcoholic or abusive parents. That doesn't mean they should have to.

I agree with all of this, but it seems a moot point to me. The original question posed in the OP was about how we feel, not how we act on those feelings. I assumed that's what we were still talking about.

I agree. However, when I used the phrase "judgement free" I wasn't referring to judgement in general. I was referring to the specific judgement as outlined in the OP, specifically negative attitudes toward fetish models. My apologies if that wasn't clear.

Sir, I read your comments with interest, and I'm afraid I think they do you little justice. I don't wish to be personal, but your original comments about fetish models could be construed by some as being those of a hypocrite. I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but unfortunately, you have chosen to compound your statements with remarks about bookies, trash collectors, and sewer workers. - all of which are, I believe, perfectly respectable, law abiding and tax paying occupations. That you would not wish to marry or have children by any woman employed in one of these professions is, of course, your prerogative. Perhaps a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher, would be more to your taste. However to the word hypocrite, I feel that there may be those who would now add the word snob.
My question is, despite this, does anyone still view these models as immoral, sluts, etc. and hold them in low regard for their choice of profession or income as many do for strippers and other porn stars?

Of course not. Do people actually do that for strippers and porn stars…? I think I was vaguely aware of that, but it seems antiquated.
I will keep it short. They are like independent contractors just trying to earn a living similar to other roles. Tho I feel theres a difference between a fetish model and a girl who does an isolated tickle video or the like.
Do people actually do that for strippers and porn stars…? I think I was vaguely aware of that, but it seems antiquated.

People do still think that today as a matter of fact. Girls trying to earn money for college by working at clubs are often ridiculed immensely by their peers. Often, the word "slut" is used in such situations. I've seen evidence that this is a double standard, and that males in the same profession are considered perfectly fine if not encouraged and envied by their friends.

With females however, this disapproving view extends to those in fetish modeling because of vanilla society's perception of porn (or what they consider porn or sexual) in general. As porcelaindoll2 mentioned several post earlier, I think we ticklephiles/forum users are much more tolerant and understanding of it all than the majority of society.

If I may be very frank, I've wondered at times how women can be so quick to label other women as immoral, sluts, cheap, whores, etc. (I realize that sometimes people exaggerate things with their choice of words, but the effect and premise remain) while simultaneously living in such a constricting society with such rigid expectations. That's to say nothing of the legions of female hypocrites out there.
Eh, whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote. It's not my body, so it's not my call, and honestly, it's something that I enjoy seeing and benefit from, so were I to somehow look down on a fetish model/stripper/porn star, I'd be a hypocrite of the largest caliber. That goes for anybody who falls into that category of 'judging'. Of course, I could apply this to other aspects of life, but we'll stay on topic.

Would I mind if my girlfriend/fiance/wife did it? No. I mean, of course not. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Again, I don't deal in hypocrisy, so it wouldn't bother me at all, nor should it. "OMG, she's my girl, but all these dudes/chicks are getting a boner/lady boner because of what she does for a living!" Big fucking deal. Suck it up, buttercup, and deal with reality. Every man/woman is hot to somebody. I have no doubt that people doing average, mundane, everyday things is helping some complete stranger get their rocks off. I mean, that's just common sense. I suppose it's more of an in-your-face realization if you date a fetish model/stripper/porn star, but if you didn't think that them just walking down the street, through the mall, to Starbucks, to church, to the doctor's office, wherever was exposing them to all manner of people who put them in their mental 'I'd totally bone you' spank-bank storage unit, then you're not living in reality, and I hereby invite you to join me there.

In other words, the second your inner judgement affects your actions, you have a problem.
I think this is actually a good question. It's one that has often made me feel hypocritical. In general, I have no problem with them and enjoy the videos, but at the same time, I wouldn't be quite so comfortable with it if I were seeing my sister or a female cousin doing something fetishy on film (that's putting it mildly). Now there was one situation where I befriended a former fetish model (unknown to me at the time that she used to be one) who, as it turned out, had a very serious drug problem and had for many years... including her filming days. This was someone that I had to let go of after discovering the drug issue and the associated trouble brought into my life as a result. Obviously her being a fetish model did not cause her to be an addict (she had started down that road beforehand so it would have happened anyway), but in her particular case, you could see the laundry list of poor decisions made because of her addiction issues. This included her being seeming regretful of some of her modeling decisions. If nothing else, it serves as a good cautionary tale for others.
Generally speaking I think fetish models are great! They provide a service that I enjoy (quite frequently) and earn an honest living.

The question about how family members would feel was brought up. I have a 21-year old daughter and if she wanted to become a fetish model, I might have some apprehensions but would ultimately be supportive. I would want her to do it wisely and because she enjoys it, not because she's in desperate need of money.

I feel like fetish models who enjoy their craft have a fulfilling job and the whole experience can be very enriching. I think I could get over whatever discomfort I might feel to allow my daughter experience that. Of course it's a moot point as she's expressed no interest in feitsh modeling...at least not around me.
Oh shit, what kinda discussion is this? Why should there be something immoral or slutty? Damn, you guys watch this stuff, so tell me, are you immoral too?

Lol, but now my oppinion. I think it's a job, the same way as working at a bar or anything else. You get paid for it and that's it, nothing more.
TBH, I doubt that they like it, but that's completely normal too. I worked in an office and din't like it too, but the money was ok and so it was all cool. lol, So why should modeling be something different?
they are sexy but for me the looking is not important as much as ticklishness...

I would prefer to watch ultra ticklish helpless female rather than porn (or new fetish) models...

Lots of models try to avoid from the torture. They want ticklers to stop it or they have safeword.

In many years ago, this industry had fun and no one could stop laughing while get tickled unless tickler wants to stop.

Unfortunately there are no very ticklish models or there are but they do not want to get tortured. What they want is, just save Money and go back.

I'm a very ticklish male and I could get tickled for half an hour non-stop. I know it will become torturing after 2 mins but this is what tickle fetish is. Otherwise it's called like tickle fight.

New producers either choose very ticklish models with tickle fetish or they will keep tickling non-ticklish sexy models.
they are sexy but for me the looking is not important as much as ticklishness...

I would prefer to watch ultra ticklish helpless female rather than porn (or new fetish) models...

Lots of models try to avoid from the torture. They want ticklers to stop it or they have safeword.

In many years ago, this industry had fun and no one could stop laughing while get tickled unless tickler wants to stop.

Unfortunately there are no very ticklish models or there are but they do not want to get tortured. What they want is, just save Money and go back.

I'm a very ticklish male and I could get tickled for half an hour non-stop. I know it will become torturing after 2 mins but this is what tickle fetish is. Otherwise it's called like tickle fight.

New producers either choose very ticklish models with tickle fetish or they will keep tickling non-ticklish sexy models.
What you just wrote is one of the reasons I've always felt I stand out from a lot of fetish models. Most are just in it for the money and aren't really in the lifestyle. It is the ones that don't just model, but also participate in BDSM that I feel are the best. You can also usually tell when a model looks like she is actually enjoying it vs just putting up with it for the money. I know I could last a whole hour of tickling because I really truly enjoy it. I have a ton of other fetishes I enjoy as well. Don't get me wrong the money is an awesome perk, but in all honesty I do it because I enjoy it. What's more awesome then having a job that doesn't really feel like work? Oh and even though I enjoy what I do I always have a safeword. Now I try to not use a safeword unless I feel I really need it.
If the fetish model was just a friend of mine, I wouldn't care as long as it didn't effect me. If anyone I knew was doing tickling videos I'd want to know the details just to protect myself from accidentally seeing them, but other than that, I wouldn't want to hear about it. I'd also advise friends to be careful. Participating in something kinky is very different from making a video that people will be masturbating to for the next few decades. Participating in porn (of whatever variety) is a heavy decision that can't be taken back.

For a partner, it would be a total deal breaker. I might be able to let it go if they did it in the past, but it would be hard.
Just a question that popped in my head yesterday that can only really be answered by one of us.

Most of us love a good tickle video featuring a lovely model and we freely express our affections here in the forum. My question is, despite this, does anyone still view these models as immoral, sluts, etc. and hold them in low regard for their choice of profession or income as many do for strippers and other porn stars?

Just curious. I don't mean to start a war over this, I just want to see people's opinions on this. That's all.

I think they're imaginary sometimes. I would like to meet one one day. But I just think they aren't real/nobody that would opt to meet me.

Kind of like I have a gf that doesn't mind if I tickle some, but is quick to cut the shit.
In other words, I don't hate them, I don't really care if they're sluts/immoral, I just find the porn business insincere even if I "like" a model.
Ok, let's turn this debate around a little. Many 'vanilla' people would consider our fetish to be weird, creepy, and perverted. In which case, fetish models need not be overly concerned about our opinions of them. If we are prepared to judge fetish models for their activities, we shouldn't be surprised if others judge us. For many people, I suspect, the fact of fetish models being financially rewarded for their work would not make them any more immoral than we are. Indeed, to use an analogy, some countries have enacted a law that has criminalised the users of prostitutes, rather than the prostitutes themselves. Perhaps many in society would not be as discriminating as we would like to think.
Ok, let's turn this debate around a little. Many 'vanilla' people would consider our fetish to be weird, creepy, and perverted. In which case, fetish models need not be overly concerned about our opinions of them. If we are prepared to judge fetish models for their activities, we shouldn't be surprised if others judge us. For many people, I suspect, the fact of fetish models being financially rewarded for their work would not make them any more immoral than we are. Indeed, to use an analogy, some countries have enacted a law that has criminalised the users of prostitutes, rather than the prostitutes themselves. Perhaps many in society would not be as discriminating as we would like to think.

If it were donation, I could understand. But from what I hear, a lot of cash is raked in. It's not like local music with "support the scene, we all succeed" because the bands are paid shit now. They just do it cuz they love it.

But porn ....it doesn't seem like anyone would ever put themselves out there "for free".

Yes, I believe your initial post should eliminate the Immoral Slut usage, as most of us don't have a problem with it. The models I've met have been great fun, and I appreciated their contributions, why turn around and call them sluts for? It just don't make no sense.

I think it's just the "real people" factor....you might've met them and they are just "all in" with tickling. Cool. Seriously, wish I had that chance. Ever. But for people outside the scene, or maybe watchers/lurkers....who knows where these models come from? Are they into it all or are they for a quick buck? Do they even like it? But the camera makes the snap judgement that much quicker. "Regular girls" don't dig cameras (normally), these ones do. And like money. So the judgement becomes easier.
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