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What I learned over summer vacation... by Phineas


1st Level Orange Feather
Feb 13, 2002
"I learned something today."
- Kyle Broslovski, just about any episode of South Park

Those of you who know me have probably read a few postings of mine in the past regarding the fact that I married a woman who was not one of us. Not only was she not one of us, she did not have much interest in indulging my fetish. We divorced earlier this year. The divorce was not prompted by said lack of indulgence, but it sure didn't help.

Anyway, since then, I've done a lot of soul searching. Heck, I'd done a lot of soul-searching anyway, when things were bad and I was on my own in Seattle during the separation. I've come to several conclusions that I think are going to go a long way towards helping me make peace with myself and ultimately lead to a happier life. These things are important to anyone who shares our fetish, and it is for this reason that I am posting them here. I hope they help some of you, as they helped me... because it took me a long time to realize these truths.

Truth Number One: You cannot truly be happy if you try to be what you are not.

I have a tickle fetish. It's never going to go away.

End of story.

That may seem like a simple acknowledgement, but for many years I always felt like it was some kind of dirty little secret that I needed to suppress. After all, having a fetish is weird. Society says so. If you have one, you probably need therapy. Well, if you like spanking it's okay, because everyone knows that's kinky, but to hell with you if you like something else. Let's all point and laugh at the creepy foot guy, children.

So the logical thing to do is forget about it, right? Just control yourself and live a normal life.

The problem is, that doesn't work. Trust me; I tried to make it work for five years. My wife did not share my fetish, and she did not indulge me to keep me happy. This led to a lot of confusing, depressing feelings of self-guilt; I felt guilty that I wanted to "torture" the woman I loved. I felt guilty that I spent money on tickling videos and then hid them from her, watching them when no one else was around and hoping she didn't come home and catch me doing something "weird". I felt guilty that I spent time here on the TMF, hanging out in the chat room because I wanted to talk about things she couldn't understand. And finally, I felt guilty for socializing with people who shared my interests without her knowledge.

That's alotta guilt. Guilt I should not have had to swallow every time I opened my browser and typed in this URL.

And it all came from the fact that I was hiding something from her... something I felt was distasteful, that I wanted to shield from her. And I felt it was distasteful because it was something I wanted to do that she didn't like. Since I loved her, I shouldn't want that, right?

Truth Number Two: Be yourself. If you accept yourself, others will, too.

When I started dating again, I decided that I was finally going to be up front about my desires. Every time I place an ad in the personals (not here, in places where I have a shot in hell of people responding!), I specify "respondees must be ticklish", or "I have a foot fetish, respondees must be okay with that", or something similar. Why beat around the bush? It's what I want.

And here's the interesting thing - a lot more people will be accepting of your fetishes if you accept them. After all, unless the other person has it themselves, they won't know anything about it. If you're awkward about it and treat it like a dirty little secret, they will too. They're looking to you for guidance. If you're up-front, confident, and state your desires in a simple, matter-of-fact way, even people who aren't into it will be far more willing to experient than if you shuffle your feet, glance furtively around, and then mutter an admittance shamefully.

I didn't think this would work, but it does! If you present something to someone in a way that makes it seem fun and interesting, they'll be willing to try it more often than not. I met a lot of wonderful women who never had any idea how much fun tickling could be - and you know what? The fact that they had fun was the most indescribable of feelings. I mean, it's one thing for the TMF to accept my fetish. We're all in it together, right? But normal, average, everyday, gal-on-the-street type people were accepting it, too - not just accepting it, but wanting to experience it! I was at ease with it, and with myself, and it showed. They wanted to be a part of that.

As sappy as it sounds, you deserve the best out of life. The only way you're going to get it, though, is to go out and take it.

I'm a tickler - and finally, after more years than I'd like to count... I'm proud of it. The next woman I am with is going to be proud of it, too.

You know why?

Because there's no reason for her not to be. There's nothing wrong with it.

Well said. Well presented as well.

*Standing Applause*

Take a bow, sir.
After that, you really deserve a standing ovation........well said!!! :happyfloa
I bow to your feet oh great one! Brava! ::CLAPS::
You are dead on!
A very timely post for me as well, Phineas. Thanks for posting it. My marriage ended for lots of reasons, but I had the same experience as you as far as the tickling thing. Now I'm at a point where I have to decide how to proceed. I've told various people (people here, who get it!) that any future relationship MUST include tickling.

I kind of figured that I would just stick to meeting/dating people from here to make it simpler and that may be how it works out, but lo and behold, someone has entered my life from another source and now I might have to deal with the "telling" of it all if it gets that far. Seems like a lot of effort. Seems like it would be easier to start from a point where both parties are already into it. I'm pondering all this at the moment.

I'll tell you this, though. I know someone who is in the situation you and I were both in. He's married, ashamed of his fetish, and hiding from his wife. Good luck to him. One thing I can say for sure is that I'm not ashamed of anything.

You're very eloquent and you seem to have figured out quite alot about life. While divorce is never easy it's just the LEGAL end of a relationship; and relationships end. I'm not divorced yet. I've been married for 15 years but my relationship ended 6 years ago for a number of reasons...one of them was my wife's disgust of my tickling fetish although this was not even among the top 10 reasons why the marriage went down the shitter. I've stayed with her for the sake of our 3 sons whose happiness and well being is more important to me than my own. A few years from now I will divorce her and I will take my life back for myself. I will never marry again. I don't need a legally binding contract with a woman to tell her how I feel about her. She will know how I feel about her by the way I treat her and by my actions toward her....not because of a marriage certificate or some stupid ring. In your next relationship make clear that tickling (and any other little likeys) are part of who you are....and that you like who you are. You're on your way to a great place brother. I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Good luck.

Phineas, it's really great to see you back and posting again, man. You've been through some tough times, and it looks like you've finally come to the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't agree more that a tickling fetish is nothing to be ashamed of. Well said, brother!
Way to go Phin...My vanilla wife of 16 years and I parted 10 years ago and then I got lucky enough to meet Tracy....she was not into the fetish at all, but wanted to know all about what made me tick....the rest is history...could not have turned out better...

You are right...be up front about who you are in every relationship and you will always be better off...

You da man, Phinnie. Wonderful post. I am SO glad you've reached a point of acceptance of your fetish, and most of all, COMFORT with who and what you are. Kudos to you my friend...you reached a place far too few ticklephiles ever get to. Way to set an example. :D

Great post Phineas....I'm with ya on all fronts....

I had the fortune of finding an issue of LEG SHOW magazine at 17-18 y/o....not so ironically, 'Ticklish Tracey' was on the cover.....and it was that issue of that very magazine that helped me to come to grips with this fetish I have for ticklish female feet in an almost overnight fashion....the Home Photos segment ALONE validated so much for me.....I wasn't alone.....nor was I 'left field' for having such an interest. It wasn't too long afterwards whatsoever that I'd make the most of every chance to test my interests on the ladies in my life that I knew and trusted....especially those I was close friends with. I was amazed at just how open and receptive a number of them were to letting me tickle/play with their feet. Some of those same female friends also took enough interest to ask me how such an interest even developed, which enabled me to open up and share my history about it with them....which in turn, made it easier to open up with the ladies I would develop a more intensive relationship with; all but ONE...learned to greatly appreciate my fetish, or...took to it immediately!!

...so...as it's been said: Openness...confidence...and acceptance of ALL that makes you who you are...and what you're about can make all the difference in the world in finding someone who is AS open...as confident...AND accepting of all that and willing to share it.

Continued luck and joy Phinny....
This thread should be read by all members

WOW! this thread really hits home and reminds me of my own failed marriage due to lack of enjoyment to my tickling fetish. I also tried to share my tickling fetish with my ex wife but it always fell on deaf ears. The funny thing about it was she had a fetish that i always took part in when she was in the mood and she could not even come half way with mine.She said it was not mature enough for her and she would tell everyone if i keep asking her to participate...UUUURGH!! So yes i was also one of those guys that purchased tickling video's and had to hide them in the ceiling so i would not be burned at the stake!.......Life was very frustrating then and now im leading the life of a single man that tells all up fornt ..."Hellow im into tickling armpits,feet,and ribs and love the sound of female laughter".....Wish me luck because im going to need it ,so many closed minds and very little ticklees willing to come out and play.
Precisely, focus. My wife was never that cruel about it, but ultimately, she was just too self-centered to ever care about anything that wasn't directly important to her. It didn't matter if it was tickling, putting in an appearance at my friends' house for gaming night, or watching the movie I rented with me. If it didn't interest her, away she went.
hey, phin. your post speaks grand volumes, friend. for the longest time, i felt like an outcast (and still do, but i don't mind as much). when my friends caught wind of my fetish, they did their best to embarass me...which did happen on occasion. it wasn't until i typed "tickling" in a search engine and came across fm concepts that i realized i wasn't alone. a little while later, i found the tmf. telling girls about my "quirks" was never easy, and usually led to a messy break up. i had myself convinced that i'd never, ever find someone i could live my life with that would share my interests.
then i got older. wiser. even came unto a charm i never knew i could have. let's face it, i ain't a pretty face. but i was able to talk to girls about my fetish(es) and was able to indulge it fairly often. now i have someone in my life that, long ago, accepted me for who i am and is more than happy to enjoy my fantasies with me.
we all have that someone that will understand and fulfill our desires, sexual or not. just takes patience and will to last through the searching.
Phineas said:
If you present something to someone in a way that makes it seem fun and interesting, they'll be willing to try it more often than not. I met a lot of wonderful women who never had any idea how much fun tickling could be - and you know what? The fact that they had fun was the most indescribable of feelings. I mean, it's one thing for the TMF to accept my fetish. We're all in it together, right? But normal, average, everyday, gal-on-the-street type people were accepting it, too - not just accepting it, but wanting to experience it! I was at ease with it, and with myself, and it showed. They wanted to be a part of that.

As sappy as it sounds, you deserve the best out of life. The only way you're going to get it, though, is to go out and take it.

I'm a tickler - and finally, after more years than I'd like to count... I'm proud of it. The next woman I am with is going to be proud of it, too.

You know why?

Because there's no reason for her not to be. There's nothing wrong with it.

Welcome back Phinny and very well said my man!!

The best of luck in finding a new lady!!
Phineas, really, like everyone has said, very well stated. I wish you luck going forward and I truly believe you are on the correct path. Honesty up front is a necessity for getting along. You certainly have my heart felt prayers for the hard times you and your ex went thru, but I am certain that you will find the partner you deserve by your current path of getting to know possible mates by letting them know you first. Who knows, you may even get back to MTP with a friend by your side one day soon, at least I hope and pray that will be the case. :wavingguy
And here's the interesting thing - a lot more people will be accepting of your fetishes if you accept them. After all, unless the other person has it themselves, they won't know anything about it. If you're awkward about it and treat it like a dirty little secret, they will too. They're looking to you for guidance. If you're up-front, confident, and state your desires in a simple, matter-of-fact way, even people who aren't into it will be far more willing to experient than if you shuffle your feet, glance furtively around, and then mutter an admittance shamefully.

I've been posting variations of this paragraph here on this board for the past three years. It's ALL in how you present it. It's all how you feel about yourself. Thanks, Phinny.

I believe also that you should never settle for anyone who you ultimately have to sell this concept of ours to on a daily basis. Long before I met my wife, I vowed I would never, ever even attempt to make a go of it with someone who didn't understand or was intolerant of my tastes. In our first conversation on the phone, my wife, because of my questions, came to an assumption about my foot fetish, and asked curious questions about it herself, trying to understand what it was, and why it was. I did well with this...my wife grew to love me. There are aspects of the tickling that, because of traumatizations stemming from her childhood, that she can't get past, but she went from a completely vanilla individual to what Venray calls an "evil ler". Talk about a transformation!

That's the secret of salesmanship...when you yourself believe so strongly in something that you can make a prospective SO believe in it, too. The power of your personality, should you choose to release it, can make converts. So, stop standing in the corner, sweating, being ashamed of yourself and what you are. Stop looking like Uncle Pervy, and scaring people! You are what you are. Now, be you.
An excellent post, Phin. :smilestar :smilestar :smilestar :smilestar

An intelligent, well thought-out message, very nicely communicated.
Great post bro. This should be a sticky thread :)

peace out,
well, i'm in the same situation as yourself.. sort of. but i have been married far longer than i knew deep down inside about my fetish..if that makes sense... he is way way way vanilla..but divorce him over this? i can't.. he has been beside me thru thick and thin.. i only wish he would embrace my fetish.. he did read my story i wrote, called melanie's abduction.. which i suppose could be considered a start.. however he said that he would never play out that scenario, because he said i would post about it here... i said of course i wouldn't. but he wouldn't believe me... ahh life can be so hard, but i expect it to be...

anyway good luck Phineas..



I admire your courage and your decision making process. Now you're free to pursue better options for yourself, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
Great post, it is something that I struggled with until I found and finally joined here. An interesting thing happened awhile ago, forgive me but I must share this bit of a story. I went to see a former long distance girlfriend, it's about the only relationship I have had for the past few years and that's fine. Long story short she knew about my foot fetish but would not let me see her feet when we finally met. Well, I am now very happily in another internet thing but was up front about both foot and tickling fetishes, and she couldn't be more accepting, she loves both of them because they are a part of me.

No one is saying this will last, but if it does I've found a person who is open, and if it doesn't I know that I can be open because it is who I am.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it should be a sticky thread, like an introduction to how to be a better tickle enthusiast.

We must be Twins in another life!!!

Great post! I've posted somthing simular a few months ago but you expressed it much better. (You stole my thunder!LOL) My marriage ended a week ago and I was in the same boat. Like you, tickling did not end my marriage but if it had been a part of my marriage maybe, just maybe it would not have ended. It took a life threatning illness in 04' for me to realize that life was way too short to not get what you want. I realized only "you" can make you happy and you have to live life on your own terms. When you live for other people(excluding your children) your life will eventually be miserable. I am no longer ashamed of my love for tickling or women's feet. (Yes I have a tickling and foot fetish) I mention this to every woman I meet some where durring the conversation. My attitude is "I have nothing to loose". Remember, those who don't ask, don't get!! I apply this theroy to my personal and business life. If no one know's what your looking for, how can you expect to get it?
Good luck to you, and good luck to us all.
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Great post! I've posted somthing simular a few months ago but you expressed it much better. (You stole my thunder!LOL) My marriage ended a week ago and I was in the same boat. Like you, tickling did not end my marriage but if it had been a part of my marriage maybe, just maybe it would not have ended. It took a life threatning illness in 04' for me to realize that life was way too short to not get what you want. I realized only "you" can make you happy and you have to live life on your own terms. When you live for other people(excluding your children) your life will eventually be miserable. I am no longer ashamed of my love for tickling or women's feet. (Yes I have a tickling and foot fetish) I mention this to every woman I meet some where durring the conversation. My attitude is "I have nothing to loose". Remember, those who don't ask, don't get!! I apply this theroy to my personal and business life. If no one know's what your looking for, how can you expect to get it?
Good luck you, and good luck to us all.

sorry to hear that.. good luck in the future.. and hope your illness is better now.. keep us posted.

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