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Why are people so incredibly entitled these days?


Sep 18, 2001
I grew up learning that the world doesn't owe me jack fucking shit.
Why do so many people today (and not all of them are millennials)
believe that other people and/or life itself owe them anything? When
did people stop believing that they are solely responsible for themselves?
To the older generations, did you ever know people like this growing up?
What about now? I'm curious.

"The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first." -Mark Twain
Yep, see them every day... and you've met some of them yourself :) All ages and walks of life. I owe them a job. I owe them all their benefits. I owe them overtime. It's never ending.
I wish someone owed me something....I only owe to others.
Because many of us are lucky enough to grow up in a democracy with varying degrees of freedom of speech and a welfare state to back them up when things get really bad.

Some people then take that to mean that not only can they say whatever they want, but people must listen. And that they should be helped not only when things are really bad, but also when things are slightly inconvenient.
It's a combination of things in various levels, but it all boils down to the stigmatizing of mistakes.

It's true the world doesn't owe you anything, but it can actually TAKE AWAY damn near anything with the slightest provocation. Since the establishment of America as a global superpower and not just a fledgling nation (basically around WWI believe it or not), we've done a pretty good job at innovating ways to make life more and more predictable and implementing fail-safes to prevent catastrophic collapses. And yes, welfare is part of it because the welfare system was created in response to The Great Depression. People might argue about it now, as they did then, but most of those people weren't saved from starvation because of it; the people who were have a different take on the issue. Either way, as the decades went on and technology and politics started shifting to make society even more stable--our violent crime rate is the lowest it's been in over a century--the result is that we've become more hypersensitive to things when they go wrong.


Making matters worse, our traditional practice of sensitivity from 1800-1999 was "Walk it off, crybaby" which was a sentiment prevalent among the status quo...if you WEREN'T part of the status quo, then every aspect of the social, cultural, and legal system that protected people from life's misfortunes had an exception clause at the bottom of the page with a box marked "Woman/Nigger/******"; if you fit one of those 3 categories, then you didn't qualify for those protections. When the "Women/Nigger/******" demographics finally got numerous enough to stand up for themselves, they ensured that the legal system didn't allow for such preferential judgments about whom the rules applied to. Unfortunately, this set a precedent that all people are corrupt and shiftless without the shackles of bureaucracy holding them on the straight and narrow.


Basically every politician prior to 1968 according to Hippies.

The Protestant Work Ethic essentially established the idea that constant work and busyness is a sign of a morally focused person. As a result, material prosperity became associated with good character. In real life, a multi-millionaire could have built his fortune on the backs of child slaves in Third World sweatshops and illegal tax shelters, but as long as he can afford to shave and pay taxes, he'll be perceived as more virtuous than a scruffy 20-something who dropped out of college to volunteer in the Peace Corps and ride his bike between soup kitchens to maintain a carbon footprint of 0.5. This was bad enough in the effect it had on the arts as a sustainable career move, but when Ayn Rand and her Manifesto-As-Novel philosophy of Objectivism established Oligarchy as the sign of heroic capitalism, it became the religion of Wall Street sociopaths for generations, and currently inspires the belief that anyone who isn't an investment banker is a parasitic socialist.


The Great American Hero.

For all of their obsession with innovation and advancement, Americans are pretty convinced that social stuff stays the same. When the academic system was built, people were pretty sure that the 18th-century model would be the template in perpetuity, and the employment arrangements based on accomplishment would remain intact forever. That ended in the 1950s when economic prosperity flourished to the point where a college education was a skeleton key to a living wage in a stable workforce. With reasonable tuition prices, post-war college attendance skyrocketed, and people worked their asses off to get their diplomas. The result of such a massive upswing in enrollment--and graduations--created an "academic inflation": with more people in the workforce qualifying for a finite number of positions, employers had to increase the required credentials just to filter out the applicants. Cut to 2014, and a job once requiring a BA now needs a Masters, and a job once requiring a Masters now needs a PhD, and jobs requiring PhD's are full at the moment, but McDonald's is always hiring. Nobody anticipated this, and nobody has any idea how to fix it because it would require gutting and rebuilding the entire credential system from stem to stern.


What do these 4 things have to do with each other? Well, if you combine 1) a society increasingly accustomed to an automated society where nothing goes wrong, 2) a culture of legislation where everything is liable for something, 3) an added emphasis on wealth being a reflection of character, and 4) an unbelievably competitive academic system where only the 1% of the 1% stand a decent chance...

...Then you have a society where accidents no longer exist, everybody is susceptible to crushing legal action, and only people with flawless performance records are considered the exemplar of success, which is the only virtue.

Oh, and one more thing...

As #1-4 progressed, technology had to develop in order to facilitate their respective goals. The busier life got, the more profit could be derived from labor saving devices and combinatorial technologies. The result: more innovation in communications and data transfer systems in 20 years than all technological advancements over the last century. With this stuff, there was no limit to how busy people could stay, no limit to how much work they could do, and best of all, no time too early to get people started using them.


The Kindergarten thesis paper is the most important one you'll ever write.

All 5 of these things create a society where patience is obsolete and everything must be done perfectly on the first try in order to be considered eligible for a life that doesn't involve selling blood on days off from the restaurant.

And as I've said before, when the self-esteem movement came about, they realized that there were better ways to motivate children to learn than beating them like pack mules when they fucked up, but failed to adjust the system to allow more autonomy for them so that accomplishments actually meant something. So instead, they championed the cause of celebrating mundane tasks that preserved parental supervision and micromanagement, and dissuaded children from real-life experience of doing things for themselves.

As a result, you have at least 2.5 generations (with more to come) of people who have had everything done for them to protect their entrance acceptance scores from the permanent taint of mistakes, and a society that trains and conditions them that everything is to be done fast and with little effort. Couple that with a culture loaded with technology that keeps them constantly stimulated and interconnected, and you have a society of people who have never experienced impulse control beyond 10 seconds. Neurological studies have shown that instant gratification wires the brain in a way that increases information processing, but atrophies creative thinking because it relies on accessing information sources rather than cognitively extrapolating a theoretical answer. A study conducted with American and Chinese elementary students showed that American students gave up on a problem within 15 minutes if it couldn't be solved while the Chinese students worked until the clock was stopped: we've been conditioning people that things are supposed to be doe quickly and if they can't, then you should quit and move on to the thing you can get done fast. In our obsession with efficiency and return volumes, we dissuade people from putting effort into anything.


And with that massive level of interconnectivity, you have hundreds of millions of people hanging out in the same digital space trying to make themselves noticed without any experience in defining themselves outside of other people's opinions. And without any idea of how to do things for themselves.

So of course you have people with massive entitlement: the world taught them to shut off their brain and let other people do shit for them.

While at home, I was raised to pretty much fend for myself, I grew up in a society that awarded everything and nothing. You got a trophy for showing up, even if you lost. And all kinds of childrens tv shows were telling me I was special for no reason. I was important for no damn reason. And while I am sure that the intentions were good, they certainly set you up for a bit of a mind fuck when something disappointing does happen, or you realize that if you want something out of life, you have to do more than just "show up." But also, this country is pretty much run by dreams of getting rich quick. Everyone just wants to win the lottery, invent something that sells like hotcakes, get famous, etc because stuff is seen as more valuable than qualities that would probably help you get it like good work ethic, intelligence, fast learner, team player, etc. And because people in general are lazy assholes.
Well this is the world that the self motivated , hard working and independant generations created . Did they invent or build anything that wasn't designed to make life easier ? Did they say " I want my children to have a harder life than mine " ? No they created labour saving devices , automation ,computerized everthing to a degree that a chimp with the right training and enough software could run the civilised world . They turned their children into mini gods that must be worshiped , obeyed and have their infinite needs satisfied with infinite sacrifices AKA " stuff " . Those cosseted , over indulged , over protected and under trained ( in things that really matter ) children became adults . who are now facing the reality that ,while their parents had been wrapping them in cotton wool , Chinese parents had been sending their kids to sweatshops .
Well this is the world that the self motivated , hard working and independant generations created . Did they invent or build anything that wasn't designed to make life easier ? Did they say " I want my children to have a harder life than mine " ? No they created labour saving devices , automation ,computerized everthing to a degree that a chimp with the right training and enough software could run the civilised world . They turned their children into mini gods that must be worshiped , obeyed and have their infinite needs satisfied with infinite sacrifices AKA " stuff " . Those cosseted , over indulged , over protected and under trained ( in things that really matter ) children became adults . who are now facing the reality that ,while their parents had been wrapping them in cotton wool , Chinese parents had been sending their kids to sweatshops .
^ I most agree with this explanation. I have seen the "child as mini god" syndrome in operation.
Thanks for the responses, everyone! Amnesiac, that could almost be a cracked article! Nicely done! :)
I believe that our advancements in technology is most likely the reason for most people's entitlement. The very purpose of technology is to make anything and everything easier for us. Around this, our culture shapes to match it, thus most would believe everything should come easy to them. Nearly everything we do is based on little to no effort. Look at a phone, it can pretty much do anything aside from flying you to the moon (at least not yet). To me it is no surprise that this would cause such an attitude. Technology is great, but this is probably a negative byproduct of it.

Plus as someone else stated, the whole thing about the media telling everyone how they're a special snowflake. Basically our culture seems to enforce the wrong values.
Dialon I think Technology is one of, if not the biggest reason why this is happening. When you invent technology that makes everything easy and done for you impatience rises, impatience and thoughtlessness. When you take away the purpose of man you are asking for trouble, and that is what we are now beginning to see.

Add to the fact that National TV is turning people in to vegetables, and liberalism hates common sense.

In this country for example you now have to drive not just for yourself but for other road users! This has only began to get worse since these horrible anything-but smart phones have taken off.
Untrustworthy news sources saturating the air waves with incendiary topics and conversations aimed to piss off the viewers and cause knee-jerk reactions versus critical thinking in order to keep them eating it up and get ratings.
I believe it's a cultural shift that has started in Europe and has spread here. The idea that government and society owe you a good life. The idea of success as the result of steadfast hard work used to be the norm, but not today. Individualism is discouraged. Collectivism is encouraged.
The invention of the idiot box and the "Cult of the Child" which began in the late 50's and continues ignorantly today. Unfortunately, we now live with 3-4 generations of 'Adult Children' with ages ranging from 65 to 18. When everyone is artificially placed on the same ego pedestal of being 'special' and (laughably) 'unique' there is no incentive to compete and excel.

The backlash is the pervasive parlor of disillusionment, apathy, and cynicism, as children in adult bodies, from Baby Boomers to Millennials, start to realize the baby bottle is empty and no one is willing to pay their internet access bill. All the real adults have passed away.
It's because the majority of people aren't persons anymore. They are (emotional) Vampires.
Untrustworthy news sources saturating the air waves with incendiary topics and conversations aimed to piss off the viewers and cause knee-jerk reactions versus critical thinking in order to keep them eating it up and get ratings.

How sad is it that some of the more trusted news sources these days (trust being a loose term here) aren't even from the US? (i.e. The Guardian, The Daily Mail)

Blame liberalism as always. :Grrr:

I can't stand the horribly abused Welfare programs (ever see someone on welfare who wasn't scamming the system?), Everyone's a winner attitude, Political Correctness B.S., or the way the left teaches women and minorities victimology 101 every chance they get (try sitting through a Social Problems course in college... wow)...


To be fair, what have the Republicans done for society in the last 25-30 years? (besides saddle us with tons of debt via a never ending war)

P.S. That was an epic post Amnesiac
Morals went out the door. Parents do not have the responsibility of parenting as our parents did. People are selfish and self-centered and do not have a care in the world about other people's feelings. It's a dangerous and sad world out there. Maybe that is why I never had children-God has a different plan for me. I wouldn't want to raise a child in this day and age anyway. I would be severely worried about him/her every day all day. Maybe this is because I have Aspergers Syndrome. Maybe it's because i'm sensitive to what is happening in this world today. I'm not going to go into my political standpoint--but I feel that is one of the great contributors of today's society. It's sad. Really sad.
Could it be that we believe that our ancestors paid the price for us to be here, and now that life is relatively easy (don't have to forage for food or build your own house) we collectively feel that its time to kick back as an entire generation?
Could it be that we believe that our ancestors paid the price for us to be here, and now that life is relatively easy (don't have to forage for food or build your own house) we collectively feel that its time to kick back as an entire generation?

I think there have been a few generations between when humans had to forage for food and now. Granted, im sure some still do have to forage but yeah. Not quite sure I follow what youre saying here.
Just that most of us don't have to struggle to survive, we live in relative comfort/convenience and believe we can sort of "relax" as an entire generation
Just that most of us don't have to struggle to survive, we live in relative comfort/convenience and believe we can sort of "relax" as an entire generation

So which generation are you referring to? Millennials I can understand as I notice the same things about them that others do, but I hate to generalize. As a whole, in comparison to those that have come before, there does seem to be a stigma of "whiny and entitled. " I wonder how many past generations, when reaching adulthood and on, were referred to in a similar way by their elders as well, though.
Coupla points tangentially related to this discussion:

1) Every generation gives shit to the ones that follow it: you kids don't know how good you have it, you kids are spoiled, you kids have it so easy you'll never man up like my generation had to, etc. (Grok the caveman to his cave kids: "In my day we didn't even have flint to make a fire!") All a load of self-serving bullshit. Every generation has it easy; every generation has it hard.

2) Just as there are those who get without working, there are those who work without getting. I worry more about the latter than the former.

How do you balance the idea that there are some things that are owed to every citizen by a civilised society, with the fact that some spoiled bastards believe breaking a finger nail should get them twenty grand in compensation if they did it in a supermarket?

Fucked if I know.

What I do know, is that jack shit comes your way unless you either make it happen, inherit it, get million to one lucky or steal it off someone who already did. Unfortunately in this society, which as the big ol' article above says is getting progressively more ridiculous in its demandments for formal educational qualifications, people like me who are dyslexic and dyspraxic are fucked from birth.

Whatever stage of civilisation we're in, humanity is basically a cruel, bullying and greedy **** of an animal which (by and large) doesn't give a shit about the suffering of its more unfortunate members, unless there's some way they can make a cut off it.

Without the tools to "go out and earn it for yourself" there is no chance and no hope of getting fulfilment or accomplishment, unless you are really attached to solitude, cardboard boxes and alleyways.
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