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Mad Men: Tickling the Topaz PantyHOES (multiple m/fff)

Taly;4414055 said:
Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read this story. I've always wished there was a Mad Men tickling story around, so I decided to right one! I'm pretty pleased, but do keep in mind that this is my first tickling story. As for the show itself, it takes place around season 4-5, but isn't necessarily entirely faithful to the show. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!


Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce’s pantyhose brand, Topaz pantyhose, was looking for a new direction to take their advertising. They wanted something to really draw in the both the ladies and the men, and they were looking to SC’s copy chief Peggy Olson to do it. Don had been expecting great things from her lately, and she NOT want to leave that man unimpressed.

Peggy met with Pete in the conference room to brainstorm some ideas. They were trying to find something unique about these pantyhose that would make them stand out among the rest. What new angle could they take to pull in more business and impress Topaz.

“Haven’t you got any ideas in that head of yours,” Pete snarked, “I mean, isn’t this your job? Do you think Draper will be impressed with you coming up with nothing?”

“Well he’s shot down everything I’ve had so far, nothing seems to work for him with this. He’s going to wait until he comes up with some brilliant idea to save the day like he always does” Peggy replied, exhausted from trying to find ideas all day.

“Well what are they like? You’ve at least worn them haven’t you?”

“I’ve tried on a couple of pairs, but I’ve never really taken a liking to them” she said, sort of quieting down a little bit. In trying to change the focus off her, she asked, “Doesn’t Trudy have any?”

“She likes her brand, and I haven’t brought any home to her anyways. She tried one pair and said they made her feet too sensitive. But why are you asking me, you’re the one who’s worn them here, why can’t you just describe them? Do I have to do all the work?” Pete was getting visibly frustrated and sneering at Peggy, tired of trying to make this work on his own.

“Fine!” Peggy exclaimed, getting uptight and frustrated herself, “Every time I’ve worn them, I feel everything on my feet a lot more clearly. It’s not like they’re itchy, they’re just make the feelings on my feet a lot more intense and it distracted me while I was trying to go about my day.”

“Well why didn’t you say that before, that might actually be an angle. Look at you, actually earning your place around here. Do you have a pair on right now?” Pete replied, interest piqued.

“No, I told you, they’re too distracting! Why?” She was getting nervous because she felt the direction this conversation was going.

“Well go put some on then, and get back here so we can see what they’re all about. I want first hand experience with these pantyhose, so DON’T leave me waiting here all day” He was forceful, but she could see he was excited by the smirk across his face.

As Peggy walked to the bathroom to get changed, she started to think about where this idea could go. What were they going to do for the ad? She could admit, it would be a different avenue to go down, but how would they display sensitivity in the ad? What would be the tag? Is this a route Don would even want to go down?

The moment she took off her regular pantyhose and put on the Topaz, she immediately felt a difference. Her feet touched the cold tile floor and wiggled as a shiver went up her spin. Each step she took back to the conference room felt as if someone was slowly rubbing her feet with a flat palm. She noticed her steps a lot more, the balls of her feet making most of the motion while her heel barely touched the ground, probably from wearing so many heels. As soon as she made it to the conference room, she realized that she left her shoes back in the bathroom.

Peggy felt every fiber of the carpeted flooring as her nylon clad feet slid across it. She hopped at the feeling of the carpet brushing against her feet, forgetting how sensitive her feet had been in these things and why she’d stopped wearing them in the first place. She looked nervously at Pete, who looked slyly at her and said “Okay, now put your feet up on the table so I can see what we’re working with.”

“What?” she said, shockingly, “I thought you just wanted to see them on, what are you going to do?”

“Come on, I have to meet a client in an hour, you want my help don’t you?”

Peggy reluctantly sat down in the chair she had been sitting in before, moved the pieces of paper riddled with notes, and laid her nyloned feet and legs up on the table. She has most of her calf on the table, so her knee meet just at the end. It felt weird to her, propping her feet up on display facing the wall of windows ahead of her. Her slight embarrassment was quickly increased as Pete reached out to touch the nylons, “Do you need to touch my legs? Can’t you get a good enough idea of how they feel from what I say and what you can see?”

As if he didn’t even hear her, he started to run his fingertips along the top over her nylon covered leg. It was fairly sheer, so he could see the muscles in her leg twitch as he ran his fingers towards the top of her right foot. He started to circle his fingers around the top of her toes, which were natural, without any toe polish at all.

“H-Hey, what are you doing?” Peggy was starting to regret agreeing to put on these nylons, and as she looked at where his fingers we going, her heart started to race.

“C’mon, don’t act like we’ve never done this before,” He said softly, with his eyes not leaving her dainty feet, “I know what I’m doing.” Pete thought he was wooing her, but really he was putting her through hell. As his fingers reached the top of her toes he saw Peggy bite her lip. He leered, wondering what she was so bothered by. As he moved to stroking the sole of her foot, he quietly remarked “this fabric is amazingly soft, I’m surprised they need advertising at all.” He ran just his index finger from the tips of her toes down to her heel. He could see Peggy quivering as she stared up at the ceiling, scrunching her lips to not burst out laughing in the middle of the office. Pete, noticing that she wasn’t talking anymore, said, “Well? How does it feel? I can’t help you find an idea if you just sit here and shut your trap.” Still, Peggy remained in silence. She was holding down her long yellow skirt so that he wouldn’t be able to see up it, and it also gave her something to focus on aside from the sensations on her feet.

He kept going up and down on her feet, for about a minute without either of them saying a word. Then suddenly, she felt a sensation on her other foot. This time, Pete was slowly scratching up and down the arch of her left foot with all five fingers. She quickly gripped her skirt tight and bit down hard on her lip. She never realized how bad it was until now, she knew she was when she was a kid, but now she was afraid Pete would find out too. Suddenly, Pete stopped for a moment, grinned and looked her in these eyes to say “Ticklish?”

Her eyes went wide as he started scratching up and down her soles. She was wiggling back and forth in her chair but didn’t want to pull away in fear of him yelling and drawing more attention to the situation. She thought if she could just keep from laughing she’d be okay. But Pete was not letting up, and Peggy was starting to smile like a dork through biting on her lip, making her lose grip of the lip and just starting smiling and giggling in her seat. Pete was thinking about how much he missed tickling Trudy, but she hated it because she always said she was too ticklish. Probably why she wouldn’t wear Topaz anymore.

“Please… Please Pete, I can’t do it anymore…” She was on her last legs, she felt the laughter bubbling up inside her, until all of a sudden she heard Dons voice down the hall. She thought she would be saved, Don surely wouldn’t participate in such childish games at work. She could see it on Pete’s face too, he was scared of what Don might think. Peggy heard Don talking to her secretary, who led him to the conference room.

As she opened the door to let him in, they both looked confused as Peggy’s feet were up on the table and Pete was hunched over right next to them. Don looked sternly at the two of them like kids who just dragged mud through the house. “What the hell is going on here?” He demanded, louder than Peggy had hoped as a few people started to look in. “We… We were just trying to look for an ide-” Don cut Pete off “I don’t want to hear it Campbell. Peggy, what’s going on? What are you doing with your feet up on the table? Does it look like a day off to you?” He seemed more explosive than usual, so Peggy tried to explain the best she could without saying to much about how dire her situation was.

“We wanted to bring you a fresh idea for Topaz because they have been looking for something different that will get both men and womens attention. Pete suggested I try them on so we could get a feel for what were selling, which wasn’t the worst idea…” she trailed off, thinking about what happened as soon as he started touching her feet. “Huh… that doesn’t seem like such a bad idea actually. How’s this test been going?” Don asked, to which Pete happily replied “Oh just wonderful! Little miss Olson here is especially sensitive in these pantyhose, hell, she’s practically slipping out of them from excitement!” Pete was ecstatic that Don was okay with the idea, so he thought he would push it a little further. “Why don’t you give them a try?” he said, smirking at Don.

Don didn’t answer, but he walked over in front of Peggy’s feet and looked her dead in the eyes. As he crouched down, Peggy put her right foot over the left in anticipation of what was to come. She looked scared, and Don looked hungry.

In an instant Don lunged his hands forward and started spider tickling her feet and then started to smile. Peggy let out a yelp, and quickly realized how bad this was getting and felt the laughter bubbling up inside her. She knew she was about to burst, so she tried to pull her feet away, but Pete was faster and held her feet in place as Don scratched the balls of her now immobile, dainty size 7 feet.

Joan was standing next to Don’s desk talking to Megan as they both watched Peggy’s helpless feet get tickled. “Wouldn’t you hate to be her? I wouldn’t be able to do it, I’d be screaming by now, especially in those nylons” said Megan, feeling bad for Peggy and her poor feet. “No, I wouldn’t mind at all actually. I’m not ticklish, so it wouldn’t bother me in the least. I’d never let one of these men have control of me like that.” Joan replied, confident and dismissive of Peggy’s torture. “Really? I couldn’t help but give in, just the thought of someone’s fingers tickling my feet makes me squirm!” Megan said, smiling and giggling, happy that it wasn’t her feet getting tortured.

Peggy scrunched her toes to try to stifle the sensation, but it didn’t help are at all, as her felt every quick and vicious swipe of Dons fingers. After holding in for so long, she finally exploded with the laughter as she couldn’t contain it any longer.

“HAHAHAHA PLEHHEHEHEASE STOHAHAHAP” she cried out, but to no avail. A moment later, Roger came through the glass door and asked “What the hell is going on in here?” As Peggy looked at him, she could see countless of the secretaries looking in at her and giggling. She was extremely embarrassed.
Don finally piped up “We’re just testing out the new Topaz line, c’mon Roger lighten up, we’re just having a little fun.”

“Ohh trust me, I love the idea, but with her? I’m sure we could find someone a little more fun than Miss Olson here.” As Roger peered out through the glass to find someone to torture next, he made eye contact with Joan. She started to walk away, knowing what he was going to ask of her. Roger called out “Hey Red, come in here for a second.” She stopped, paused for a moment, and then followed Roger into the conference room, putting on a fake smile to hopefully get out of this quickly.

“What did you need from me Roger?” she asked with a smile and charm.

“Are you wearing Topaz pantyhose right now?” Roger asked with a hopeful grin on his face.

“Of course, I like to represent our brands however possible.” She glared at Peggy, who was sweating from the tickling treatment she just endured.
“Great! Well how about you go over and sit next to Miss Olson there and pop your feet up on the table so we can get a feel of these nylons on a Marilyn type girl. You know, for research purposes of course.” He said, looking at Pete and Don with excitement.

“Sure, whatever you need to get an ad out of these creatives.” She said, slightly worried but confident it would but nothing she couldn’t handle. After all, it was only some light touched on her feet, and she wasn’t ticklish. Something she would keep repeating for the next little while.

Joan strutted over to the seat next to Peggy in her hot pink skirt with a white patterned shirt tucked in, with a neckerchief to match. Taking a seat in the middle chair, she casually popped off her pumps as the men watched eagerly and Peggy glanced wearily at Joan, unsure of how she wasn’t as afraid as Peggy was. Joan lifted her shapely legs up and laid them on the center of the table with her plump size 8 feet facing towards the watchful men. She wiggled her toes and rubbed her feet seductively against each other, showing off how confident she was about this little game. Her feet were a little sweaty from walking around in those pumps all day as she could feel the nylons were a little damp.

Joan wasn’t all that worried. Unlike Peggy, Joan had been wearing these nylons for years. Ever since SCDP got the account she’d been wearing them. The few times she wore them, she felt as if someone was stroking her feet at every moment. When she would walk around on the carpet at home, it felt like hundreds of little fingers caressing the nylons. However, she never let it bother her, and eventually got used to it. She’d denied being ticklish since she was young, and vowed to never let something so childish like tickling.

After the few seconds of Joan teasing, Roger finally started teasing Joan’s wide, shapely soles. Both index fingers going up and down her wrinkly, white arches. She was staying completely still, but Roger wasn’t going to have it. He went with both hands scratching up and down her feet. Her face was totally still, with a plain smile on her face. While she may have been good at putting on a brave face, Roger saw her legs flex every time his fingers found the balls of her feet.

He started tracing his fingers horizontally, playing around on the soft, plush skin of her soles. They nylons weren’t doing what Roger was hoping though. She was still just sitting there with a plain smile, completely content and not writhing in laughter like Roger had hoped. He could see her toes twitch, and that drew him in.

“That’s a pretty deep red toe polish there Joanie. Did you get a pedicure along with it?” Roger cheerily asked.

“Actually yes, just last night I had the girls come over to work my feet over because it was such a long day. Why do you ask? Don’t tell me you’re distracted over there” Joan responded coy and confident. Her legs may have been twitching, but she was holding her demeanor quite well for someone getting their feet tickled through these sensitive nylons.

“Ha! You amuse me Red, let’s see if I can make you laugh too.” Roger said as his fingers started playing with her plump toes. As he wiggled and scratched her meaty toes, he saw her start to scrunch her face a bit, and she was breathing heavier. The men around watched with bated breath, waiting for to burst out laughing, but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t budge, she wasn’t even fidgeting anymore. She was in complete control now. The nylons were barely helping Roger at this point. She definitely felt the tickling, but she wouldn’t let it get the best of her. Even Peggy was amazed that she wasn’t crying from laughter the way Roger was playing with her toes.

“Hey Pete, don’t you have a meeting to go to?” Peggy asked, finally taking her eyes of Joan’s dominant figure and feet.

“Damn, you’re right. Clara! Clara! Cancel my meeting for lunch, tell him I’m under the weather or something!” He called out, which she then did.
Pete heard a familiar voice in the halls, one he didn’t expect to find at work. “They’re really doing that at work? Isn’t that rather silly?” the woman softly spoke. As Clara opened the door, Pete looked and saw his beautiful wife Trudy standing in the doorway, wearing a tight blue skirt with a blue top to match, heels and shopping bags strung across her arms.

“Hello Peter dear, what exactly… are you all doing in here?” She questioned, confused at what she was seeing.

Roger stopped tickling Joan, unsatisfied with his work so far, to say “We’re testing out nylons for Topaz, and you’re our next guinea pig.”

Caught off guard and anxious of the tickling, she said “Oh no I couldn’t I don’t even have any with me! You can continue your test, I’ll… just watch!” Trudy remembered the way Pete used to tickled her feet, her feet twitched in her heels just at the thought of it.

“Really? Well what if I told you there would be money involved? Like, a lot of money. One cheque that’s sure not to bounce.” This piqued Trudy’s interest, as did Peggy and Joan’s. Just as Roger was about to begin explaining himself, Harry Ken and Stan walked in to see what all of the fun was about.

“Great of you guys to join us, you’re right on time.” He said, eager to tell them all about they game they were about to play.

“Mrs. Campbell, if you’d be so kind to put on the Topaz and step back in then follow what they’re doing, that would be great.” Trudy wearily accepting the pair of pantyhose and stepped into Joan’s office for a moment to change. She’d been walking around all day, her feet were lightly damp and bright pink from all the shopping. She definitely didn’t mind putting her feet up, but the context in which she was doing so was all but relaxing. As soon as she put them on she wiggled her toes and felt a ticklish sensation shoot up her spine. This wasn’t going to be easy for her.

As she stepped back in, she sat on the other side of Joan and slowly put her feet up so as to not ride up her dress. From right to left, facing all the men, was Peggy, with Joan in the middle, and then Trudy on the end. All with their feet laid up. Trudy’s feet were an attractive in between of Joan and Peggy’s. Her feet thicker, but not as wide as Joan’s and her toes weren’t quite as plump either. Though, her big toes were pretty close, the rest of her toes were just cute and bubbly. She wore a shiny blue toe polish to match the dress she had on. She nervously awaited Rogers plan.

“All right ladies and gentlemen, here’s the game. Each lady will be tickled mercilessly until she breaks. The last one to keep from breaking, will get this cheque.” He laid it down, and wrote down ‘TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS’ across the top line. “You’ll get ten grand if you’re the last one standing.” Peggy looked around at everyone as Trudy’s eyes were set on Pete, and Joan smiled as she was sure she would be victorious. “But, since we don’t want Campbell to go easy so his wife takes home the money, there’s a stipulation for just him. If he breaks Trudy before she’s the last one, he’ll get my office.”
“What? Roger, are serious?” He exclaimed, amazed at such a chance.

“I am totally serious, you’d better tickle the hell out of her if you want it.” He responded, worried he might lose his office.

“Peter you can’t be serious, imagine the money and what it could do for Tammy!” She pleaded, hoping her would go easy.
“I’m sorry sweetie, I would if I could, but this office is important to me. You’d better buckle up if you want that money.” He said with a smile but with a hint of pressure. He wanted that office more than anything, if for nothing else but to take it from Roger.
“Ohh, and a few more things. Because we have some extra handed here, they’ll be tickling your bodies as well. Pete, please don’t mind us unbuttoning Trudy’s blouse a touch. It’s for a good cause.” He said smiling, as Peggy and Joan followed in pursuit of that money.

“Peter you can’t be serious, come on.” Trudy pleaded more, as her feet weren’t the only ticklish place on her body. She was sensitive everywhere and didn’t know if she was prepared to take this on. Though nervous, she was going to struggle through it to get that money for herself and her daughter, and save it for her schooling.

Peggy went along with it because she needed the money. At this point, 10,000 dollars was insane to her and would really stabilize her financially. There was nothing she wouldn’t go through now.

Joan wasn’t phased and was not honestly surprised either. Still, she had confidence in herself and her ability to focus and suppress the ticklish feelings. Not only was the money important, but it was a point of pride as well.

Roger started, “Okay ladies, here are the rules. You have to keep your legs facing towards us with your feet up. Some light moving around is okay, but if you pull your legs away of put your feet down, you’re out. Likewise, you have to keep you arms on resting on the arms of the chair, giving access to anywhere one might want to tickle. If your arms leave those armrests, you’re out. And of course…” he paused for a moment, “If you laugh, you’re out.” The three women looking in shock as they essentially had to just sit and bare it. Was he serious? They couldn’t move OR laugh?

“I’ll allow some giggling from time to time, but if you burst and laugh once, you’re out. Keep in mind, there’s a lot of money on the line. Let’s get this started.”

The tickers got to work right away, and they were not going easy on the sexy bodies of these women. Peggy’s feet were being tickled by Don, who was mostly just here for a fun break at this point. He loved watching Peggy squirm in her seat, and they way he scratched up and down her arches was really doing the trick, sometimes he’d tickle the tips of her toes and she’s jump, but he was impressed with how she was keeping it together. Behind her, Stan was digging into her ribs as fast as he could. He adored her smaller figure, especially when it was jumping around trying to get away from his hands. He could feel her body vibrating trying to hold in laughter, so he moved to her tummy to try to bring some of it out. “C’mon Peggy, you know you want to laugh, such a ticklish little boss” he teased, and it was working as a smile was spread across her face. She was embarrassed about the way she was being teased, and couldn’t avoid smiling with the torture she was enduring.

Joan was staying steady as Roger was tracing every wrinkle of those sexy thick feet. He could see in her eyes that she was suffering, but she wasn’t cracking yet. On the inside, however, Joan was beginning to feel herself losing control. Harry was behind her, and after he found little success in her armpits, unbuttoned her skirt, reached his hands down and started working her hips. Being this exposed made through Joan off guard, which made it tickle even more. Harry was infatuated with Joan’s curvy body, and was absolutely mystified by the way she would huff when he tickled he hips the right way. Even when Roger started to tickle her toes, he could see it wouldn’t be enough, and he knew just what to do. “Alright Red, enough I’m done toying with you. I bet you’ve become pretty used to these pantyhose…” Joan’s eyes widened, worried as to what she inevitably knew what was coming next. “…so why don’t we strip it down to the bare essentials?” He said with a devious grin as he ripped the toes of her nylons and pulled them down past her ankles. Her feet were sweaty from all the tickling, with a delicious pink hue and enticing wrinkles. And boy, those plump toes of hers had never looked so inviting. Joan was in for it not, and she knew it.

Trudy was a lot more vocal than the rest. There was no rule against begging, so she pleaded all she could. Pete was mesmerized by the way her toes wiggled and he tickled the balls of he feet. He could see her trying to protect her toes, moving her feet around without lifting her legs. She was desperate to escape her husbands eager tickling fingers. “Please Peter, let’s just take the money, go lightly, be gentle! Peter please I’m begging you, I can’t take it, please Peter I can’t last too much longer. PLEEEEASE!” she cried, as Ken was behind her lightly stroking her armpits. “I know Cynthia hates when I tickle her lightly here, she goes nuts, She’s got hollow armpits like you.” Ken said, surprised with how much he was enjoying tickling Trudy. His armpit tickling worked well too, as her could see Trudy’s arms shaking on the chair. He really wanted to get her, so he started light tracing her arms all the way down beside her bosom, and then would go back up. It was maddening for the poor brunette, and distracted her just long enough for Pete to get a good tickle on those toes. “NO PLEASE PETER! NOT MY TOES!!” She begged, but it was too late. He grabbed tightly onto her right foot and began tickling her foot without mercy. He felt he was getting close, but seeing what Roger did, he got a bright idea. He ripped the nylon right off, and immediately smelt the sweet scent of Trudy’s body lotion. Now with the smooth, soft toes exposed and bare, there was no way she could hold it in.

Peggy was on the brink of exploding and Don could feel it. She violently shifted around in her chair while Don and Stan had their way tickling her. Don was looking to end this in one go, and Stan knew just what to do. Don used his left hand to hold Peggy’s toes back, and quickly spider tickled her stretched taut arches as methodically as he could. At the same time, Stan took his fingers and dove into her small belly button, tickling around and inside her poor button. With all this at once, Peggy felt herself breaking down and couldn’t take it anymore, “STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEEHEHEHEH STOP TICKLING MEHEHEHE!! IT’S TOO MUCH!!” she screamed out, pulling her feet back and grabbing onto her tummy, curling up into a ball on the chair trying to protect herself. Don cheered and high-fived Stan on a job well done.

Joan scoffed at Peggy for breaking so easily as Peggy looked back utterly defeated. “I’m not surprised you were the first to go” Joan said. Peggy was shocked. How could she say that? Why was she being mean? Now she really wanted Joan to lose.

Joan’s focus quickly shifted back to Roger as his finger slipped under her plump toes, feeling the dampness from her very worked out feet. As he quickly stroked the fleshy base of her toes, he started to tease the dominant woman hoping to break her quickly. After all, he didn’t want to lose his office. “Feet a little sweaty Joanie? I bet they’re o’ so ticklish like this, my hands are slipping all over the place!” He teased as his fingers slipped in between he shapely toes. She was uncontrollably smiling big now and couldn’t regain her focus. “Aww, is Joannie a little ticklish between her tootsies? Is it funny when I play between them like this? You’re such a giggly girl.” He was right, Joan had begun to giggle and even she was getting embarrassed by the teasing. All the secretaries were stood out watching the event, and she could see them teasing about the way her feet were being tickled. They were watching the offices sternest secretary broken by a little bit of tickling.

Trudy was about to burst with laughter, but tried with every fibre in her body to keep it in. She couldn’t get her toes away from peter if she tried, so she had to bite hard on her lip to keep from exploding with laughter. The was Pete was holding her foot wrinkly her soft soles, and every trace of her wrinkles brought her closer to losing this challenge. But when his fingers started tickled the pads and undersides of her toes, she completely lost it. She actually did try to pull her foot away, but it didn’t escape Pete’s firm grasp. He was having too much fun, and it gave her second chance.

Just as Joan was beginning to stabilize, again, Peggy leaned over to Joan and said “You know Joan, you have such a pretty belly.” She reached her nails over, and as she pulled her chair closer she started to trace Joan’s smooth skin. “Don’t touch me Peggy, you’re not part of this.”

“Ohh, is the Big Bad Joan Holloway giving in to a little tickling? Your tummy seems a little sensitive.” Peggy slyly teased, as he began to circle Joan’s deep belly button. He body was quivering, and she was in fear of what Peggy was doing to her body. How was she so good at tickling?

“I know, the belly button is the worst, isn’t it? I know mine is, let’s see if yours is too.” Peggy said as her index finger went into Joan’s belly button and started to circle the sides of it. “Peggy. Stop right now.” Joan begged, but she didn’t let up. “Peggy… please” tears were starting to form in her eyes as she begged Peggy, it was becoming to much for her. But begged just smiled as Joan whimpered, little giggles coming through as well.

Trudy was on her last legs as Ken started teasing her belly button as well. He soft tummy was addictive to touch, and he couldn’t help but explore he belly button as she shook around trying to get him out. “Please stop Ken it’s too much, I can’t take anymore of this. I’m can’t lose, get out of there! Please stop, my belly button is too ticklish! PLEASE!” And then Trudy yelped as Pete focused all of his tickling on the pad and underside of her big ticklish toe. He big toe was so plump and soft that Pete had a ball tickling it, but her knew this is where she had it worst. Trudy started to sputter as she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Pete teased every side of her pretty toe and it couldn’t escape his fingers. She felt the laughter about to come out.

Joan couldn’t take Harry, Peggy and Roger all tickling her at once. Peggy got close to Joan’s ear as she relentlessly tickled the inside of her poor belly button. “Laugh for me.” she whispered into Joan’s ear. Joan was losing control, her body was shaking. Rogers was ready to finish her off as her lunged his fingers under her thick toes. She tried to protect them but only ended up trapping his fingers in there. His fingers wiggled frantically under her sweaty toes and Peggy kept teasing her button, even teasing her poor belly along with it. This was too much for her to take, and she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “GET OUUUUUT!! GET OUT OF MY BEHEHEHELLY BUTTON!! GET OUT FROM UNDER MY TOHOHOHOES. IT’S TOO MUCH!!!” She howled with laughter as tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. She continued laughing for another 15 seconds of so until they finally let up their torture on the poor woman. She was absolutely destroyed.

Only seconds later, Trudy erupted with laughter as he big toe couldn’t take the torture any longer. “PETER LET ME GO!! MY TOES ARE TOO TICKLISH!! I’M GOING TO DIE!!” she screamed helplessly “MY BIG TOE CAN’T TAKE IT!!” though the game had ended and the Trudy had won, Pete wanted to make her beg. “Why did you win? What makes your toes so ticklish? Tell me! I thought you were ticklish!”

“I AMMMM!!” she yelled, “MY TOE IS SO SOFT IT TICKLED SO MUCH!! IT’S SO PLUMP AND TICKLISH AND I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!” She hollered and snorted until Pete finally let her go.

Roger walked over to her and handed her the cheque as her and the other ladies were getting dressed again. Trudy was pleased she got the money, and all in all, Peggy was pleased that she got an idea for her ad. Although it may have been torture, it was one of the more exciting days she’s had at work. And her tagline for the add, which was all too true for her, ‘HE WON’T BE ABLE TO KEEP HIS HANDS OFF YOU’

The End.


Happy New Year, Amanda. I enjoy reading your blogs and I've enjoyed getting to know you. You've been a wonderful friend. Love you lots. :bubbleheart:
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Why thank you very much, Nikki! :pounce: It's been my pleasure. Happy New Year and don't do anything Carsomyr would do. ;)
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Even though you didn't mention meeting me as one of the highlights of your year, I still love you.
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Daaww, I still remember when you first popped out of nowhere and spammed up the Silly Stuff Forum with me. Those were the days! :wub:

I'm glad that you've had such a great year, and that you were a part of mine. :twohugs:
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Lub you, Dirk. :twohugs:

Hey, we'll do that again sometime, you'll see. :D
Twinny, you make my heart get a hangover. :wub:

Thanks for being a highlight of my year, Jaybird. :pounce:
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I'm so glad that we started "talking" on here! I love reading your blogs. You are such a kind-hearted, funny gal and damn it, I wish you lived closer!!!! I could take you to all the fun gay parts of the 'burgh damn it!!!! Lol, you're awesome! Always continue being you..........:bounce: :twohugs:
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Oh, I know. Pennsylvania seems like such an epical city. D: Hey, if gay marriage becomes legalized, then I might just consider it. ;)

D'aww, your compliments have totally made my day, sweetie. You just have a way of making me feel so good about myself. XD :wub:
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AmandaBear;bt6796 said:
Oh, I know. Pennsylvania seems like such an epical city. D: Hey, if gay marriage becomes is legalized, then I might just consider it. ;)

Pennsylvania's a city? :confused: I did not know that. :p :neenerneener:
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Hey, I was high on caffeine when I said that, Nem. :eek: So you shush. =(

LOL, of course I meant to say state. XD Blonde moment :facepalm:

Thanks so much for the words of kindness, Ray. :twohugs:

*ignores twinny* :neenerneener:
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