P P paracarl44 Oct 15, 2013 I notice that the springs at Dripping Springs were really dripping. I saw where a bus was overturned in the high water. Are you driving a bus, or running a ferry?
I notice that the springs at Dripping Springs were really dripping. I saw where a bus was overturned in the high water. Are you driving a bus, or running a ferry?
T T Thatsecretchord Jan 28, 2013 Hi! I used to use the name herts tickler but Iv got a new profile now so I'm adding all my old friends Hope your good 🙂
Hi! I used to use the name herts tickler but Iv got a new profile now so I'm adding all my old friends Hope your good 🙂
G G General Zod Feb 26, 2012 I did post my latest model in a blog. Plus another two have stuff curing on them. So no,I have nothing better to do. 😛
I did post my latest model in a blog. Plus another two have stuff curing on them. So no,I have nothing better to do. 😛
Gothika Jan 14, 2012 doing ok thanks looking forward to the albany gathering next month 🙂 how about some bitter cold weather lol 😛
doing ok thanks looking forward to the albany gathering next month 🙂 how about some bitter cold weather lol 😛
Gothika Nov 29, 2011 hay dude u doing alright? never heard back from ya on thanksgiving hope all is well
P P paracarl44 Nov 23, 2011 Something of interest for you I saw under national news at The Weather Channel about Ghost Towns turning up in dried up lakes in Texas.
Something of interest for you I saw under national news at The Weather Channel about Ghost Towns turning up in dried up lakes in Texas.