Aww wow i love you more each post haha =D
Trunks was well cool, he is an epic character and i love Gohan in stages, Like i think he's great on Namek, great against Cell, then when he fights Buu properly he becomes great again, but Vegeta has such a great storyline, Goku is awesome too... whcih is your fave Bad guy?? =)
Sonic Adventure is amazing!! Adventure and Adventure 2 are my faves!! =D along with the mega Drive games, but Sonic Adventure is so amazing =) i absolutly love it, but weep Sonic games are not as cool anymore
Yeh like Belly area aww thats cute =) Suppose if you dont have a foot fetish then feet wouldn't be bothering you =P so how did you know you had a Tickling fetish, are you more a Tickler then? =) xxx