Work, work, work. Some silly training tonight -- they keep me busy, and alas, sleep-deprived, but what can ya' do? I'm not bailin' on my job in this economic weather.
On the positive, I'm trying my hand at writing a book... Dunno if I'm really up to it, though. With the exception of some screenplays I was really passionate about a couple of years back (which got lost tragically in a hard drive crash), I've never written anything longer than a short story or a long term paper. Trying to do something novel-length has me questioning myself -- I like small, easily manageable things I can tweak and micromanage. Novels feel big and unwieldy by comparison. I dunno. I'm trying to take it slow... Shooting for ten thousand words of progress by the end of October, but my research is nowhere near done, so that part's bound to be really rough and shoddy to start... Anyway.
Oh, and thanks for the help on Libertine's intervention -- that desperate Dutch soul truly needs our help. 🙂