I thought that about NEST also when i went for the first time in 2007.But even on Sunday,the day of the main event i spent most of my time outside of the club,and after about three hours i was ready to go back to the hotel.The last two years i booked my return flight on Sunday when the action was in full swing.Just not my thing.
I don't want people around me all the time.I needs my solitude i does.Even when i go to a gathering or NEST i tend to spend a lot of time alone.I don't like crowds.In real life i am best taken in small doses.🙂
As do i.And the older i get,the worse it gets.I am something of a hermit at heart.Sometimes i think i should have been a mountain man like Kit Carson or Liver-Eating Johnson.🙂
Just getting out for a bit today helped.I didn't do anything special,just drove around town for awhile.Maybe next Monday i'll go on a day trip.We don't have many museums in Austin.
It's ok my friend.I appreciate the thought behind it,and the kind words posted by everyone.🙂 You are a good friend for being so worried about the old bugster.I'm feeling a bit better today,maybe i have turned the corner.I hope so.