OMG ILY! You dedicated a song to me! D: You have no idea how much those words you attributed to me just warmed my heart and I want to thank you a thousand times over. I'm very blessed to have befriended you here and I truly look forward to getting to know you better as the years go by.
And it's "I Kissed a Girl". LMAO! XD Why am I not surprised? 😉
So you like jib jabs, huh.'ll love the next one because you are a main character to an old theme. Old theme. Old.........theme. Nice show last night. I couldn't be there but I just got done listening to the replay.
Hi Venray, I've been trying to watch video clips but for some reason my new laptop shows them with all the colours crashing into eachother, do you know what I can do about this?
Hahaha darn it man, tyou havbe tyo stop doing what youäre doing and vbring the cats inside... there's hair EVERUWERER! Sorri for not making any sense but thise furvballs are starting to puss me oiff 😡
Habe fun with the plaulist tonight, I'm about to pass out. Will tune in in the archive 🙂 SAY HAI TO AMANDA FOR ME IF SHES ThERE!