<b>Scott, old friend..Might I suggest that you read and study the Bible in it's entirety before believing what you read in articles written by modern man</b>
I'm sorry old friend, but what I have stated has representation in scripture. In what would be the end times vision, Revelation, God gave to St. John the Evangalist a glimpse of what was to come:
You say that what I have claimed is not biblical. I say you have not studied the bible or you misunderstand it:
"The Church teaches and has always taught that Mary is an integral part of God's salvation plan. She was conceived in the mind of God before the worlds were formed. She was God's masterpiece. One Protestant theologian has translated Gabriel's greetings to Mary in Luke 1:28, "Hail, favorite of heaven!" Nothing less than perfection sufficed for the one who would become the Mother of God. It was her DNA that enfleshed the second person of the Trinity. She alone provided Christ's humanity. Without her, there is not incarnation.
This, however, does not make Mary divine. She is and will always remain, "the handmaiden of the Lord." There is no goddess worship here. Mary is completely human. Unlike Jesus, who is both fully God and fully man, Mary is simply fully human. She, however, provides the logical counterpart to a God who has no form. The human woman and the Holy Spirit unite to give us Jesus, the physical, visible and audible expression of an invisible God-Emmanuel, God with us. Mary is the essential human component in the perfect symmetry of the incarnation - Father, Mother and Son.
The $ 64,000 question is, "How does this beautiful, loving, Christ-like creature engender such fear and animosity in the hearts of millions of Christians?" The answer, at least in part, can be found in two parallel passages of Scripture: Genesis 3 and Revelation 12. In the Genesis story, Satan comes to "the woman" and succeeds in convincing her to disobey God. The text indicates that Satan appealed to the woman's egocentric disposition. The woman was so self-absorbed that she didn't believe God really meant what He said. It is evident her pride go the better of her in Genesis 3:6, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was...desirable for gaining wisdom ('you will be like God' verse 5), she took some and ate it." The woman's disobedience highlights the three sins that have plagued humankind since the fall: 1.) Self-centeredness 2.)unbelief, and 3.) Pride.
This part of the story ends with the woman and man leaving the garden completely stripped of their majesty. Entering paradise, they were clothed with the radiance of God's presence; leaving paradise, they were covered with the skins of dead animals. Once robed in light, not draped in death.
This is in stark contrast to "the Woman" in Revelation, Chapter 12. This woman was clothed with the sun. This is the word (helios) that is used to describe the radiance of God's presence that "clothed" Jesus, Moses and Elijah on the Mount of the Transfiguration and illuminated St. Paul's Damascus meeting with the glorified Christ.
This is no ordinary woman. Her glorified state was so evident that St. John used the phrase, "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven," to set the scene for what he was about to describe. His vision had four central characters: 1.) A woman 2.) A child 3.) A dragon/serpent 4.) An angel. The dragon and angel are named in the text as Satan and Michael respectively. The child and the woman, however, are not identified, but the description of their function makes their identity obvious - the child is Jesus and the woman is Jesus' mother, Mary.
Most Protestants bristle at the suggestion that the woman is Mary. They will state, emphatically, that the woman is "Israel" and on one level of interpretation, that is true. Her crown of 12 stars identifies her as symbolizing Israel, just as the child represents the messianic promise, the dragon the forces of evil and the angel the forces of good. However, the woman is first and foremost the mother of Jesus. One can see the weakness of the argument of the woman being Israel and not Mary when you examine the four central figures. If the angel is a person, Michael, and the dragon is a person, Satan, and the child is a person, Jesus, then the woman is a person, Mary.
In the early fifth century, the heretic, Nestorius, claimed that Jesus was two persons, one divine and the other human. Mary, he contended, was the mother of the human person and should be called Chrisotokos, " Mother of Christ." In 430, at a synod in Rome, in 431, at the ecumenical Council of Ephesus, and again in 451, at the ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, the universal Church proclaimed that Jesus Christ was not two persons but one person with two natures. He was, at the same time, fully human and fully divine. Thus, the Church declared that Mary was Theotokos, "Mother of God," Today, Protestants who insist that Mary is the Mother of Jesus but not the Mother of God, continue to propagate this heresy.
Since Mary is, indeed, the Mother of God, it should come as no surprise that St. John saw the woman in Revelation, Chapter 12 as the Queen Mother. He saw her crowned with glory and robe din majesty, not as a goddess but as the sign and promise of our inheritance as children of God.
The words of St. John bring this into sharper focus: "To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God (John 1:12-13)." St. Paul puts in this way: "God sent His Son, born of a woman....that we might receive the full rights of sons....and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir (Galatians 4:4-7)"
Through faith in the Son of God, we have become the King's kids. "How great," St. John declares, "is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are (1 John 3:1)" Years later, St. John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, referred to us as a "royal family."
But what is the connection between Mary, the exalted woman in Revelation 12:1 and those who, by faith, are "children of God?" The answer is found in verse 17: "Then the dragon (Satan) was enraged at the woman(Mary) and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring -0 those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus." According to Revelation 12:17, all Christians, whether Catholics or Protestants, are children of Mary. The writer of Hebrews puts it this way: "Both the one who makes men holy (Father God) and those who are made holy (us) are of the same family. So, Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers (Hebrews 2:10)" Since God is our Father and Jesus is our Brother, then Mary is our mother!
If Jesus is proud to call us His brothers, and God is pleased to call us His sons, why are we ashamed to call Mary, mother? How blessed we are to have the Mother of God as our mother"
Mary is biblical, in fact what is happening now in our world is the literal battle of Satan versus the "woman clothed with the sun" Mary, and the battleground is our souls. This lustful forum is in alignment with evil. This place is signature of acceptance with Satan. The serpent beneath Our Mother's foot will claim many, but in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph. Do not give up Heaven for these short lived earthly pleasures. That is why Mary's statues weep. Her children are giving up eternal happiness in Heaven because they do not see the shortness of their lives nor how severe their sins offend God. Repent! The time for conversion is drawing near it's end! The Hour of Great Mercy is ending. You all know me. I won't decieve you. Get out of here! There's not much time left. I'm praying for all of you.