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A question for ALL the Artists...

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Kalamos? You can draw a straight line? Honestly I need a ruler or a straightedge everytime. LOL 😀

I certainly agree with your point above. Everyone's " magic button" varies a little. If I was to draw a gal dressed up a Dutch milkmaid it would do zip for me, but doubtless somebody out there would find it exciting. I rarely find my own stuff erotic because by the time I'm done plotting it out and shading it in, all the spontaniety is gone and I can't see the forest for the trees anymore. I almost need to post it here to have someone acknowledge that it still conveys my original idea. To tell you the truth I'm usually more interested in it having a good punchline than sexy tanlines anyway. I also have to agree with Celtic in that "teasing art" can be exciting in it's own right. All those pinup girl calenders of the 1940s and 50s are fondly remembered for good reason.
@ Kalamos- Theres nothing long-winded about your reply, my friend. I would call it being thorough, and covering all your bases in a single stroke. Thats what I often try to do, and I get criticized for it, and by the same few people. No one will say anything to you or anyone else directly, but when its me, its different. So I sometimes have a hard time discerning whether I'm treated the way I am by them because of the past or because of the present. If it is both, then they are even less tolerant than I am, more judgemental, and have proven that they can't leave it be and let it go. Whatever it is, its obvious to me and others that it predates this thread by some time.

But regardless of that fact I find everything you say very important. While I feel individualism is very important, working together as a unit has its advantages. And while we're on the topic (sort of) of fans and requesters, working as a unit is also good because if some of us aren't available for requests someone else can take them up.

Also, it sometimes happens that the same person will request the same picture from two different artists. In cases like these, the fans win either way because they end up getting two pictures, or at least one from someone.

Lastly, you capitalized on several things I pointed out. Thank you for doing so. 🙂

@ Fairfeather- I will agree that its "different strokes for different folks" (as thats just a given of life).

As far as the rest, I'm sure part of why we share the art in the first place is for a second opinion. Its important to know what other people think. While what they say (or in this case do) doesn't change the picture in any regard, their second opinion is important. All I'm really saying though is that second opinion doesn't always have to be dealt with in the bathroom (or wherever you dare).

If someone's first impulse is to masturbate over my art rather than appriciate it, I also feel, in some small way, that I've let them down as an artist. But then the reality of it all sets in and you realize they would have done it anyway perhaps regardless of the picture. Its not something I did, its something they did. And it really makes me wonder what goes on in their minds as they look at my art, with all perverted thoughts aside. LOL

Really now, I'm not going to sell my talent short because I've improved by leaps and bounds since I got here without any practice or help, much to my astonishment and those of my some of my peers. So I'm not going to sell myself short or doubt myself, BUT theres no way for me to see the atraction to my art in a completely sexual means.

Now I know you're going to say "But thats because they have a fetish, and fetishes are sexual, etc, etc".

But thats not my point. My point is that there must be some X-Factor about my art, some unseen tangent or quality that would attract my art to them as a masturbative choice. There are clearly other artists and art to choose from. Since I can inquire only of myself, I now wonder what that element is. It could be the "cute and innocent" factor thats abound in alot of my work, or it could be something completely different.

Its very interesting, even though the end result is unsettling in its own ways.

To know what attracts other people is to know a personal side of them that would otherwise be denied or obscured. If you think about it, we artists know alot more about our fans then they know about us. We also have more pull and influence than we think we do. Its very important we keep that in mind as well.
-> DJ

Now, since I'm not a native speaker, I can't help but being a bit verbose. 😀

Italian is a really verbose language - but I DO master it, so I can get straight to the point.

English is a different matter... 😀 😀 😀


Back to topic, I don't really know you, DJ. I was here, lurking from behind as I used to do, when you first appeared on TMF.

I don't know if you appreciate frankness, but hope you do, since I'm telling my initial feelings toward you were a bit mixed.

While I appreciated your pics, I couldn't see a good reason for the verbal wrapping.

So far, ppl just posted their pics, and cared for nothing more than a passing comment. On the other hand you were QUITE articulate over your motives and inspirations.

You had a vision, and you wanted to share it with innocent bystanders. 😀


If I recall well [but do NOT correct me unless I'm really off 😉 ] the first celtic flame war started over a fan pic.

Sl44n3sh [another artist I deem has matured and gotten even better over time] did a pic out of a fan-pic of yours.

You accused him of stealing your idea. He replied "rukiddingman?".
Long story made short.

I think you couldn't hold that position, even if you felt your pic was really original - 'cause you knew of your toil and labour of love.
But it was fan-art [at heart] so you couldn't claim enough originality about it to call it your own.

I'm sort of replying now to that thread, after a LONG while, so my view wouldn't be biased.

All boils down to how ppl perceive pics - and really how they use them.

Most consider pics posted here as "food for fetish".
This is not just a public art gallery.
It's an erotic gallery. By all means NEVER forget it. 🙂

I'm not implying that fans cannot appreciate pics from an aesthetic point of view - or they can't understand the underlying artistic tension.

But equally as many of them just want fetish contents - and don't really care about artistic talent [unless one posted stickmens... and yet I feel somebody would like them... 😉 ]

So, since you seem interested in expressing yourself [and I mean expressing you graphically, verbally and maybe "sentimentally"], I would suggest you gauged your audience first.

I find it a bit pointless to write an essay on the feelings I had while composing a pic, if ppl just want to grab the loot and the hell with blurb. 😀

I'm not saying you are wrong, but you must accept the consequences of it. Maybe you'll have a narrower fan base [I don't know, I'm just guessing now. 😀 ] made, though, of really loyal appreciating ppl.


Now, humans are a weird bunch. 😀

Most of them can't really be bothered about your X factor, or special aura, or anything.

They see hand drawn pictures. And they see good stuff. And they like it.

I just feel being more casual about it would help.

But I am a disillusioned, iconoclastic, unobserving-catholic, verbose european, so I have little respect for anybody or anything. 😀 😀 😀

Even for my own pics. Just don't crap on them and I'm satisfied.


Really guy, cheer up. It's art. 🙂

-> FF

No. Just a white lie. I use PSP for straight lines.


Gay lines are another matter altogether. [I use a quill...]


@ Kalamos- Since you came right out and just said it, I might as well tell you something you might not have known or observed well enough about that situation. Its not merely as simple as you make it to be.

Basically, he copied me, said it was his idea, denied it when called on it, and only admitted it after a feud. What pissed me off about it wasn't actually the picture. It was the level of his denial and pure malice and spite in the matter. He knew me at the time though claimed to not know who I was, what I was talking about, and he played the role of 'ignorant foreigner'. Note people, I'm not saying foreigners are ignorant, but he sure did use his (then) poor english and spelling to his advantage.

He was beating around the bush, dodging my request for an admittance and apology, and he even went so far as to deny it still even after I provided proof for him and everyone. A short while after that he created a short, spiteful and immature comic basically taunting me and making light of the situation. I've never had that done to me before, so at that point I had snapped on him. I had tried to reason with him, but it wasn't doing any good. Its like he was deaf.

But dispite all of it, its the fact that several people, namely a few who have it out against me still obviously, sided with him, supported him, and even egged him on knowing very well it would only continue to stir the pot.

Even now, the picture is still on his group, which is fine with me, but the description says that I'm claiming rights to the characters in some way, which is completely false. Its a lie and I never said or implied that. I simply didn't find it appropriate for him to copy me and then go through alot of trouble to cover it up.

But, that was then and this is now. Him and I don't speak much but we have spoken, and, suffice to say we aren't enemies. I honestly don't have a problem with the guy, and I can see no reason to.

But some people here have a problem with me still. And by some a mean a couple. And I don't understand why. Theres no logical reason for it. I don't bring it up, and only did now because you specifically brought it back. I have never done anything to those two artists so I don't know where this deep-seeded resentment is coming from. I can only assume its because they haven't forgiven me. But really, I wasn't the one who needed to be forgiven. It was slaanesh's doing (yes, thats how you spell it, I don't know why he uses the numbers) and it was his fault and foul.

I just found it suprizing and confounding that I would be made to look like the villian when I was the victim. I don't care that it was only a fan-art picture. He used me and the picture he copied to introduce himself here. You might say he debuted at my expense, and its the methods which he used and the things he did that made it a dispicable act alltogether.

In the end Kalamos, it had very little to do with the damn picture. Looking back at it now, sure, its a piece of crap, but back then it meant alot to me and he exploited me for the fun of it. I know for a fact he did it for kicks. It wasn't an honest mistake (copying isn't a mistake), it was intentional, planned, and diliberate.

And to top it all off, the only reason I could think of at the time for why he'd want to do something like that and go through all that trouble just for me is because I happened to mention on his group, to another christian member who was asking for christian art, that slaanesh didn't draw that type of material, and that he infact had produced a satanic picture. I only mentioned this to the member, and he blew it out of proportion taking it as me meaning that hes actually a satanist and that I'm some witch hunter.

Completely obserd, silly, and a bit demented.

Once more though, him and I don't have a beef with eachother anymore. I would just as easily talk to him right now as I am talking to you and it wouldn't bother me. Now, if he were to bring this up (assuming it hadn't been brought up yet) then it would make me uneasy, only because I don't feel he gave me an honest, sincere apology for all the trouble he put through and the bad he put me in with other people by arguing with him. I can honestly say that if that event had never happened the folks who have a problem with me because of it wouldn't.

He did apologize, gave me credit for the picture, and I guess technically thats supposed to be enough. It corrects the wrong he did, but it doesn't say anything about me and it hardly made me feel any better after the lengths he went to. Sure, I was arguing and ranting and raving, but it was legitimate anger. He only played off of the situation, made it worse and didn't care.

I'm just glad that it ended in a suitable way. I find it amasing however that I had to PM the owner of this place just to get something done technically as far as the mods were concerned. They should have interveined much sooner, repremanded him, and stopped both of us. Somehow the situation was allowed to boil and fester and no one seemed to care.

On topic-

Art is supposedly "all things to all men" so go figure. I however appriciate art, not just mine, on a deeper level. Its only natural and I would encourage it. It gives you deeper insights.

Lastly, I don't give a damn how long this post was, but I do apologise for it suddenly veering off course like that. But to be perfectly honest myself, CC provoked it by insinuating I would bring it up. Granted, I did. But only after Kalamos went into detail about it. Rather than just leave it as it was, he left out some very important details, and I wouldn't want anyone ignorant or unaware of the situation to think one way about it without hearing at least my account.

I don't care for the topic, and I, most of all, more than any of you, know and feel the disgust in it having been brought up again. I'm the one who experienced it first hand, not any of you. So its easy to take the judgement seat as a third party. In retrospect, the situation could have been much worse, much, much worse.

I don't have any desire to talk about this, but if someone should reply to any part of it, I'll have no choice but to reply to it for my name sake. Sorry, thats just the way it works with stuff like this. So if no one wants that, I'm telling you now to just let it pass, and even ignore it if you can. If you can't, at least don't fester over it or become disgruntled towards me. The event itself was not my fault, remember that. I was just acting out of self defense. Its really as simple as that. Had he not done it, the whole event never would have happened and I'd be in good with those few people that still don't like me.

One incident shouldn't loom over me or him forever, especially considering the time that has passed, the fact that he has grown up and I've forgiven him (and in the process grew up a bit myself). That one event hardly describes my character, and it would be sad and complete tomfoolery to avoid me because of it when I've seen FAR worse things happen multiple times with the SAME people in the General Discussions forum. They are like cats and dogs in there on almost a regular basis so they make what him and I went through seem like peanuts.
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Its not merely as simple as you make it to be.

That's my point: if I perceived it to be as simple as that, it means many other ppl perceived it as such.

Truth doesn't matter if "looks" are against you.

I'm loathe to say this, but Sl44n3sh [he spelled his name in the l33t way] was quite subtle and cunning.

I think he wanted to make fun of you. Probably he didn't share your outlook on art, so he wanted to gauge your reactions and get a cheap laugh at your expenses.

It's quite clear you haven't forgotten the whole matter yet - and this is a weakness. I'm not being very tactful, here, but he discovered a weak spot, and capitalized on it. And anybody else could, once again.

I don't know much about satanic pics, or anything. BUT I might tell you Slaanesh is just a fantasy chaos divinity, so maybe you mistook fantasy art for satanic art. Slaanesh is the god/goddess of lust, so it is not unlikely.

Of course actions beget reactions: it is quite possible he tried to trouble you, a "bleeding heart christian" from his point of view, by faking your art.

Nobody realized the true extent of the fake, since he just copied a fanpic. Nobody can claim originality over a fanpic, so it was easy for him to appear innocent.

Since few can draw, and ever fewer care for the sanctity of art, most sided with him 'cause the was the "nicest" contender.

Am I implying you are not nice? Tough call. You are verbose. You seem humourless. You value the sanctity of art above anything else.

How can ppl side with you if they don't even understand you? 🙂
I failed to understand your issues... what about ppl with less time to spare?

I think the whole matter boils down to this: since you seem to care much, and react a lot, it's quite natural for "smart guys" to single you out for this kind of pranks.

I'm very sensitive myself, but, hey, I can't shoot them, can I? 😀
So I just ignore the crap and leave them be.

Completely obserd, silly, and a bit demented.

Making fun of somebody usually is. Does this stop ppl from doing it? 😉

But only after Kalamos went into detail about it. Rather than just leave it as it was, he left out some very important details, and I wouldn't want anyone ignorant or unaware of the situation to think one way about it without hearing at least my account.

Hey, leaving the ignorant masses be isn't that bad. 😀
Knowledge is power.

Are you some kind of lore communist? 😉

I don't care for the topic, and I, most of all, more than any of you, know and feel the disgust in it having been brought up again. I'm the one who experienced it first hand, not any of you. So its easy to take the judgement seat as a third party. In retrospect, the situation could have been much worse, much, much worse.

Well, nobody mailed be about the "gory" details, but I wouldn't mind much if ppl were turned on by my pics.

I've resorted to "graphical help" myself for a while, before churning it out myself.

So it looks natural to me if someone jacked off my pics. And you don't want to know what I did off yours... 😉

Sure, since I'm a lazy laidback fella few ppl care to mail me.
Too few pics, largely unknown, nah... there is no thrill poking fun at me.

I don't have any desire to talk about this, but if someone should reply to any part of it, I'll have no choice but to reply to it for my name sake.

I admire you for your proud demeanor. Somehow, not everybody can recognize pride as a quality.

There's always someone willing to "punish pride"...

Sometimes, ignoring a dolt is worse to him than the most flaying insult you can think of.

By all means, though, don't consider these as guidelines or hard set rules. I'm just a raving arse, keen on sharing with you a couple of tidbits I learnt the hard way. 😀

But if you are deep a person as you claim to be, think it over. 🙂

Sorry, thats just the way it works with stuff like this. So if no one wants that, I'm telling you now to just let it pass, and even ignore it if you can. If you can't, at least don't fester over it or become disgruntled towards me. The event itself was not my fault, remember that. I was just acting out of self defense. Its really as simple as that. Had he not done it, the whole event never would have happened and I'd be in good with those few people that still don't like me.

I don't know why am I doing this.
It must be something wrong in my brain.

Oh well, the hell with consequences!

Read well. Ponder about it: this last phrase does not mean a sacred fig to the casual observer.

You ramble about ppl being disgruntled, about somebody's fault, but if somebody happened to read it without starting from the very first post [and maybe some side thread to know all the details] he would have NO idea of what you are talking about.

Are you referring to the masturbation matter? Are you still talking about the Slaanesh's joke?

Can you pause a sec, and try and see my point? 🙂
If you really care about expressing yourself, you should try and make your prose drier.

I like a lot to talk and write. But ppl can keep their concentration for about 15 minutes. Smarter ppl, like me [😉 😉 😉] for about... 15'30". 😀

Maybe your thoughts and feelings are quite deep, and sensitive, and all... but if you fail to convey them in a suitable way, ppl will only see a longwinded post and skip over something shorter.

Do I lack tact in telling you? Yes. I've just breached the fundamental rule in human relationship.

Do you care about being fully read and understood, since you really want to express your feelings?

Your choice.

Personally, I usually read your posts to the last word.
Do ppl you care about do the same?

That one event hardly describes my character, and it would be sad and complete tomfoolery to avoid me because of it when I've seen FAR worse things happen multiple times with the SAME people in the General Discussions forum. They are like cats and dogs in there on almost a regular basis so they make what him and I went through seem like peanuts.

Tomfoolery? You actually wrote tomfoolery. Very archaetypical. With a spot of antilopical and a small hue of archeological. 😉

Wait! Am I poking fun at you?
Huh... yes. 🙂

In a friendly, good natured way.
Because I care about persons and feelings and I would never want them to bear a grudge over an innocent prank without proper perpendiculars holding a straight look over the whole deep-thought matter.

Hope it made sense.

Jesus Christ, not this again...

If I have to speak bluntly (and more importantly, to the point), you're not gonna win many friends or fans here with that attitude, C_E. He copied you? Big deal. So many artists have emulated past tickling pics and toons who thought they were brilliant. Myself included. I've heard people (I'm not naming anyone) who are fed up with this whole issue. The worst case scenario would be for someone to stick their name/sign on your picture and say to everyone that this is theirs. This issue is totally off-topic, and you should leave that to your own thread.

The Original Art forum is too sacred for flame wars. The only thing that should belong here is tickling art or anything remotely related. If you want flame wars, go to alt.multimedia.tickling. Please C_E, for the sake of yourself and everyone else here, fugedaabhadit!
Okay, you guys definitely need an outside opinion here. Personally, I like you all. Since I can't draw a happy face without screwing it up, I'm respectful of all of your abilities.

At the risk of sounding like I don't "get it," I would ask this. If you don't like the idea of someone jerking off to your artwork, why in the name of Isis' toe rings do you draw fetish-related art? Isn't that kind of like the stripper saying "those bastards don't appreciate my outfit. They just want to see me take it off!"

And C.E.; I mean, why should the guy who pleasures himself (or herself for that matter) to your artwork have to know that you're personally disgusted by it, but yet you produce artwork within the fetish genre, and then post said artwork to a fetish forum. Don't you feel a little hypocritical to make such a statement?

Surely there has to be a nice quiet art-appreciation website somewhere where you can contribute nice things that don't induce spontaneous masturbation; Things like bowls of fruit, trees, or even dogs. Dogs are nice; cute too; and almost no one would jerk off to a nice drawing of a pooch. Almost no one.
@ Kalamos-

1.) I know perfectly what he did, why he did it, and to what extent he meant it. I was, at the time, perhaps the person who knew him the most.

2.) Just because I can remember vividly what happened, to the detail, doesn't meant I think about it or ponder on it, or would so long after. Forgiven, not forgotten. Humans don't don't forget things that hit home even if they want to. Some would say its only human to hold grudges, but I refuse to persecute him any further than I did at the time. Since it was made an official TMF issue I think he got the point, learned his lesson, and realized the game was over.

You mentioned one thing thats very important for all to remember, and thats that hes bound to have grown up and matured since then. I not only believe it, but I know it. Its quite evident that hes changed, at least superficially.

3.) I know very well who Slaanesh is. He's the dark god of pain and pleasure. And I suspect he got the idea from a game called Warhammer( which uses the name of this mythical god) (being that one of his almost current pictures bares a heavy resemblance to Warhammer 40,000 art/styles.

Trust me, when I say the picture in question was satanic in nature. He even admitted it to, and it was in fact him who IMed me showing me a picture of himself with goth makeup on and then he showed me the picture, saying it was "light satanism" and that he was experimenting with different ideas. Naturally it made me uncomfortable, but I didn't much of it. If he feels like drawing that kind of stuff, thats his right, I just didn't need to see it.

4.) I forgave him. This is perhaps the most important part. But just because I've forgiven doesn't mean I should be forbidden from talking about it when other people apparently bare it in mind as well. Its a double-standard that I won't tolerate.

@ GC- I see no flame war. I see two men talking to eachother peacefully, and you weren't included at that point.

I knew someone would say something like that. I actually have several different versions of what you said made up in my head. I can practically predict what you would say, and I did pretty much. What you ended up saying wasn't that much different from what I expected you would say.

Though, you make it seem simple. It wasn't that simple as you seem to be forgetting there was more to it than that. More things he did and said. It was a downright attack of my person. Funny how you never wanted to acknowledge that. As far as losing this and that, really, what will I lose from the TMF? I'm not part of a cliche like you are, so it wouldn't matter what I did. Losing members, I really doubt that. You're trying to scare me, and its not going to work. People leave my group all the time, but more replace them. I'm not hurting for members and I'm not hurting for feedback as I get it in one way or another. This mere mention isn't reason enough for people to ignore me like you and CC have in the past. Its good to see whether because of me or my art that you are coming around.

But yes, for my sake and everyone else's this shouldn't be allowed to be carried on any further by ANYONE. To tell only me to shut up in a polite way would be hypocritical at this point. I told you all to just ignore it, but you can never seem to do that. The need to call me on it is even more stronger in you than my thoughts are on the matter today.

Make no mistake about it, this isn't bittersweet for me.


Thank you for the sentiments, as far as I'm concerned however:

I've made several posts and an edit saying just how its not hypocritcal. Perhaps you did not read them or don't care. Theres really no need for me to recap this part.

Lastly, I do go elsehwhere, but I also have a place here and work for it. It is a fetish site, thats a given, but that doesn't mean I'd have to go elsewhere. Time and time again people have shown me the appriciation on a purely artistic level. However, thats countered and balanced by this thread and the realization that there are those that get off on it also. If you haven't already read my posts, go back and read them to get a better understanding of how I feel on the matter. If you don't have the patience to do that or the will to read then I can't help you.

As for the very last comment you made. I do take offense to that. I should not nor will not change my art or limit myself just because of this. Thats like telling me to kill a part of myself. I won't draw whats 'safe' just to avoid crap like this.

Yeah, I may not like the idea, but I'm here aren't I? I don't have any plans on leaving.

Now as far as the topic, I've said all I can on my own. Should someone post something that would be worth replying to, I'll of course respond to that. Theres no reason to leave this interesting thread alone.
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I'm not an artist either, but I agree with Shadow here: It's a fetish board. I respect artists, and all, but honestly, nobody asks what tickling videos are for, because we all know what they're for.

I think the real problem here is people saying specifically something like "I jack off over this kind of thing" because that's simply just not said, because it's disgusting, and it's presumed that you already do that kind of thing.

Really, I have to ask the artists: Why would you come here and presume that it's anything BUT sexual, considering everything else that you see in the forums here? Enjoying one's own art, I won't go into, but is there any other kind of enjoyment that one would get from tickling artwork that one wouldn't get from, say, drawings of muscle cars?
You make very good points, and they are valid. 🙂

However, let me say again, that there would be, in these instances, two extremes in which to choose on how to deal with the feelings you get from viewing our art (this is assuming the artwork is pleasing to you and you plan on masturbating to it either way).

You can appriciate them in their full worth, and SAY so by posting, and then perhaps masturbating if you feel the need to. This extreme, in and of itself doesn't bother me.

The other extreme is the 'I don't give a damn about any of it, I need my masturbative fix and I need it now!'. People that would fit into this category obviously don't respect us, don't care about the art in general, and only seek to fulfill their own selfish desires. This is the extreme that does bother me.

I hope you can see a difference and where it would apply. 🙂
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Oh! Thread has grown a lot, lately.

So, let's recap. 🙂

-> DJ

I do not forgive, let alone forget. Never. Ever. Period. 🙂
If somebody had done something really bad to me, I would have done anything to hunt him/her/it down and pay dearly. 😉

So far nobody's ripped my pics. No one has taken credit for my art, so I do not know of your troubles.

You are probably right, so I won't discuss further on this matter.

-> Shadow

Your point is simplicistic but very sound. Yet, there is more than meets the eyes in drawing a pic. 🙂
Drawing a tk pic isn't painting Monna Lisa, yet it is more than just wiggly one's arse. 😀 😀 😀

CE/DJ's point is quite subtle - and I kind of understand it despite the way he chose to explain it.

To him art is Art. He does what he does, but he'd rather remain "ignorant" about what ppl does with his pics.

He's stil conflictual about his fetish pics. If he simply admitted it, it would have been easier. I am conflictual myself. But since I don't see anything wrong with masturbation [hey, it's making love to the person you love best! 😀 ] I don't see any issues here.

-> Chimp

No, nothing. We get next to no chance to have a nice chat. Did I tell ya I liked your pics from the very first time you posted them?

I liked your fan pics a lot! And I would recognize your style anywhere.

I really admired your progresses with colouring. Great stuff so far.
I would like to suggest you a trick that changed my life, but I don't want to sound the arrogant old fool tampering with other's art.

So, just tell me if you'd like to know. 🙂

-> Derrida

My grasp of english ended with your post. Would you mind re-elaborating it a bit, so I can post a comment on it?

-> DJ [again]

I think ppl should do as they intimately feel like.
If you feel like posting your pics, it's great. Good foot art doesn't come any cheap, so keep posting. 🙂

I would suggest you summed your thoughts up a bit, though: ppl fail to see your point. Sometimes it's quite good and sound and noble. But make it short, quick and easy.

Let me say it is too well hidden and I now understand HSD's post about you. 🙂

You don't seem a bad fella - but your posts don't really give you due merit.

This being said, this is just my personal feeling on the matter. 😀

I won't indulge much more on this thread unless new points get uncovered.


Oh, I would like to know if female viewers got excited over my art, for a change.

THAT would be kinky, and nice to hear! 😀 😀 😀

To be perfectly honest, my friend, I haven't come to full terms with a fetish. I've said this several times here and there, but I don't think people really understand my problem unless they are conflicted themselves.

Heres the problem-

I am not a fetishist or have a fetish by definition. BY DEFINITION. Meaning that I simply do not need feet, real, drawn, or fancified, for sexual gratification. I do not have a fetish, therefore.

I don't think its fair for me to be labeled as a fetishist or one with a fetish because its simply not true. Yes, I like feet. I think female feet are cute, sexy, and have a character all their own. I admire feet. And because I have the gift of being able to draw, I can express this admirmation. But thats where the buck stops for me. I know it can and does go much further phychologically for other people here and everywhere, but this is where it stops for me. At least right now.

Do cute or sexy feet that belong to a cute/sexy woman turn me on sometimes? Yes. I wouldn't lie about something like that.

I hope this serves to show you why I'm conflicted. I enjoy your guy's company, I like being here, but in truth I am not one of you at heart. Whether I will become one is yet to be seen, but its clear to me in my emotional and phychological development thus far that I don't need the material I produce or the material anyone else produces here for sexual gratification.

I therefore cannot see things fully your way, and vice-versa. We do however share friendships, and a common cause as artists, but we're different. Being different is good, but for someone in the minority of things such as myself, it is not good. Surely people see me as a credit to the community for producing the artwork I do, but its not without costs to my development here.
To be perfectly honest, my friend, I haven't come to full terms with a fetish. I've said this several times here and there, but I don't think people really understand my problem unless they are conflicted themselves.

Oh! At last. You said that in layman's terms. 🙂

Ok. This should explain DJ's point to anybody.

He is EMBARASSED. He feels CONFLICTUAL. Copy that guys?
This is why he would even leave the community if forced to.

He needs time to metabolize his would-be fetish, or to outgrow it.

If you like his art, it would be nice to respect his feelings.

Nessonite congratulated on you for your post on TT; I do for this one here.

You had GUTS. You admitted it [to me, at least 😀 😀 😀 ]and I think you deserve respect for that.

Besides, your last post was short and to the point, so I don't think anybody can complain over it.

Your art is good. Your art is free. You'd rather NOT know about the intimate feelings of some of your fans.

Simple, true.

Mind you, I don't share some of your feelings. But I can understand them - most of them - fully.

Well, that's it. If I smoked, I would have a smoke now. 😀

Well, thanks, I guess. Its not like this is something new that I just came out with. I've mentioned it at least three times that I remember.

I guess you could smoke if you wanted to. You're an undead skeleton. So you don't have to worry about things like cancer and emphazema(sp?) 😛 😀
Kalamos said:
-> Shadow

Your point is simplicistic but very sound. Yet, there is more than meets the eyes in drawing a pic. 🙂
Drawing a tk pic isn't painting Monna Lisa, yet it is more than just wiggly one's arse. 😀 😀 😀

Please don't misunderstand me. You have no idea the reverence in which I hold artists who have the ability to create a visual representation of what their mind's eye sees. Its an incredible talent, and one that I wish I possessed. Squiggly lines? As far as I'm concerned, it might as WELL be the Mona Lisa. LOL

Don't be so thin-skinned. 🙂 Theres no reason for you to take offense to anything I said in my post. I'm not trying to slight you. I was not suggesting that you leave the forum. I was suggesting that you might want to seek art appreciation somewhere where people appreciate art for its artistic value if that's what you need for yourself.

As far as reading your posts is concerned, I've done that to the best of my ability, but I find myself struggling through volumes of dissertation in order to understand what you're saying. I like your artwork, and I have no bone to pick with you, so don't take offense. 😉
I already do post my work elsewhere. Sometimes I wonder if people think fetish material is all I draw. Although, I wouldn't exactly post this stuff just anywhere. LOL

When you put it the way you do, theres no reason for me to take offense to it.
Well, DJ, just repeating something doesn't always suffice.
HOW you say it, means much more. 🙂

I think putting things under another light sure helped.

We made it clear, in a fistful of poignant words, how you felt.

Wielding words properly is POWER. 😀

Now, thanks to Shadow for his/her/its kind words. I don't handle appreciation too well, but it never hurts, does it? 😀 😀 😀

I don't know about DJ, but I suspect many other artists here post their non-tickling pics elsewhere.

They just don't reveal their other screen name. Maybe out of shyness, maybe to avoid unwanted attention. You name it.

Worst case scenario: what would happen if DJ [or CG or name your fav artist] had his non-fetish pics posted on a vanilla art forum, and fetish enthusiasts started posting allusive comments about his adult works?

It would be embarassing.

[Personally I wouldn't care too much. I came out to my family with the whole fetish thing. I've even shown my tk pics to hear about them.

So, since momma knows, I don't care much about the rest of the world. 😀 😀 😀

Fellow non-tk artists expressed their opinions on my fetish art quite frankly. And NONE of them criticized even slightly the tk contents. Their comments were mostly about my new colouring technique - which they don't quite like since I almost only do monochrome.]

It would be VERY embarassing and obnoxious too!

That's why some artists deem sensible to have separate handles/nicknames.

Besides, it is very satisfactory too.

I turned here for the thrill of it, after about seven years on the "normal" scene. My non-tk works used to get much less attention.
So I wanted to give fetish art a try.

Now my tickling pics get a lot more exposure; about TEN times more exposure than non-tk art.

Sure, the way back is quite hard; here you get much more support and input. But if you can't handle some issues, it's really fresh air posting on a "family forum", where ppl come and post a comment over your art's qualities only [and NOTHING else 🙂 ].

There is nothing wrong about experimenting. If you think you deserve a pause from fetish art, do so. 🙂
We know you would be just charging up your batteried for more greater tk art later.

Just be sure to keep your worlds WELL APART, so you can let out the steam when you need to. 🙂

Oh... about that smoke... Living habits die hard. 😀 😀 😀

I too share some of my fetish art with my non-fetish friends and on none-fetish sites. Generally, this art is accepted and gets decent feedback, though its not requested. And thats fine, since the community here does enough of that to fill the gap.

I'm not really embarassed about being involved in the tickling community and telling my online friends about that. I've told them about my feelings in much the same way I did in this thread, just not as discriptive. My girlfriend knows all about it, accepts it, thinks its cute, and of course supports it. I was taking a really big risk there, but it turned out just fine.

I'm extremely fortunate to have such understanding people accept this from me and from my art.

Old habits...in your case, they don't seem to die at all! 😛
Ok guys...


No right or wrong here...I think everything's been said quite well.

😀 😀
LOL! You sure are funny, Dave! 😀

Although, it might have been more pleasing if more of the artists would have participated rather then everyone else. We ended up getting replies from non-artists and that seems sort of contradictory of this thread and of the one I made.

Hopefully, next time a thread is created for the artists and specifically calls on them, that only they will answer. We didn't have as many artistic opinions as we could have. Sort of a shame.
Okay, thats it...

Kalamos said:
Well, I didn't perceive the whole matter as an issue.

It wasn't until Celtic got his hands on it 😛 he lives for that kinda stuff!

Originally posted by Celtic_Emperor
I knew someone would say something like that. I actually have several different versions of what you said made up in my head. I can practically predict what you would say, and I did pretty much. What you ended up saying wasn't that much different from what I expected you would say.

(first off, for everyone else, visualize Mojo Jojos voice when reading the above quote)😛

This is it, I'm tired of pretending to be nice. Listen you high and mighty #$%@. You talk down to every single person who doesnt agree with your views, acting like some kind of all powerful, all intelligent pariah who must be acknowledged for his actions and sacrifices. "I'm not even a fetishist and I do this art anyway..." WHY!?!? Is it you need the attention? You can't fit in to any other art community so you try to "lay among the freaks" to feel superior? I chatted with you many times one and one and tried DESPERATELY to look passed the grandstanding and hipocracy to see something better but for the life of me I couldn't. You are an incredible artist, one of the best actually....which is what makes it truly sad..

I'll no doubt be recieving the usual 7 page letter of how I unjustfully and maliciously verbally assaulted you or some @#$% like that...I don't care, I'm tired of this. Those people you treat like sh*t are friends of mine, including slaanesh. As for THAT whole fiasco...you made it worse by bitching and bitching and bitching the way you did. I for one looked down the supposed "copy" he did. I can tell ya this as the son of a Lawyer, there is no substantial evidence showing that this was a case of copyright infringement. You never once thought i may have been a coincidence did you? Too busy typing I supposed....

Oh yeah, and that last post about what a shame it was how this post went off topic? Almost comical really...that you would have the gaul to post that...

And oh yes...one last thing....I've been wanting to say this for SOOOOO long...lets see if you could have predicted this?

Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!
This is why America is so great, if only for the freedom of speech. 🙂

To defend the only point that need be defended, I wasn't protecting a copyright I did in fact NOT have, I was protecting myself from a very devious, underhanded and contemptual assault. He knew when and where to strike, and how. He played his cards perfectly, and as a tactician I applaud him for that. I just simply can't agree or be expected to accept what he did as less than wrong. The degree to which I dealt with him was completely proportionate to level of his spite.

Everything else, you have a right to say. I could say things about you and everyone else, but I hold my tongue. Not that theres much to say, but I could choose to. What I do say isn't so personal, in case you haven't noticed that. Its more general and is meant as comments rather than personal judgements. Are these comments sometimes snide? Yes, but if I really meant to hurt someone I would. There is surely a difference between passive-agressive comments and comments tailored and designed specifically to destroy someone emotionally.

The only one being personal here now, is you. You obviously have more contempt for me than I did for him. You are no different than me then, and if you want to consider what I had done as sinking to a low, then you sir are in the same boat by harboring these feelings for me for all this time, whether you feel they are justified or not.

You and I and Chimp have never had a run-in, or had any personal problems with eachother. I'd like it to stay that way.

EDIT: I have lawyers in my family as well, and right now one of my cousins is planning to go to law school.
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Did I miss something?

Celtic_Emperor said:
Hopefully, next time a thread is created for the artists and specifically calls on them, that only they will answer. We didn't have as many artistic opinions as we could have. Sort of a shame.

Here I go trying to understand you again. 😕
Okay, so you start a thread in a PUBLIC FORUM so you can talk PUBLICLY about everybody else whose opinions we should keep PRIVATE. Am I understanding that snide, elitist-sounding statement correctly? Cause I really want to understand.
I knew it might sound that way, but thats not how I meant it Shadow. Furthermore, there is no where else for us to gather unless it was in some sort of instant messenger chatroom. And not all of us use the same services. So this is the only good option.

Lastly, the threads were directed at the artists, and all I'm saying is I would have prefered if more artists would have been involved than anyone else. I appriciate the posts made by non-artists, as they helped form the discussion itself. I'm just saying that for future purposes perhaps more could be achieved by having more artists respond.

I'm not suggesting you be shut out of all of them. But it wouldn't hurt for us to have a thread to our own. Theres threads like that everywhere on this forum, its only fair the artists can have some sort of thing as well. Its not like its some kind of club, its just a thread. And if its decided that a public opinion should be aqquired then it can be changed. Its really simple, and theres no need to be mad about it. 🙂
Celtic_Emperor said:
I'm not suggesting you be shut out of all of them. But it wouldn't hurt for us to have a thread to our own. Theres threads like that everywhere on this forum, its only fair the artists can have some sort of thing as well. Its not like its some kind of club, its just a thread. And if its decided that a public opinion should be aqquired then it can be changed. Its really simple, and theres no need to be mad about it. 🙂

I wasn't mad. I always type that way. lol 😛
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