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a tickling RPG (f/* and */f)

That was great! I'm a huge fan of older RPGs, so this was perfect for me. The regular mode wasn't any tougher than say, Phantasy Star. 🙂

I did something similar with the PSX's version of RPGmaker many years ago. I made an RPG with some friends that was basically three hours of in-jokes wrapped in a loose plot. After it was done I added in an easter egg: stepping on a certain tile triggered an event where all the female characters came out and initiated an endless battle where all their moves were various tickle attacks.
sweet RPG

wow played this small rpg for 30 min and i love it, only a few complants from me which are, not enought sexy monster chicks to tickle XD, plus it be even better if u could target a specific spot (ribs, hips, feet, etc). like some monters are weaker in those spots than others, ther only onter this it is somewhat short, but still damn good for a custom RPG, the only this i haz to say is

ARE you gonna make another or possible extend the current cust i really like this :lol

Looks like fun! I'll try it out, heh. Makes me wish for FF3 (6?) style animations showing the monster-gals being tickled. 😉

Holding out hope for a graphical tickling MMORPG with full animations! You could probably hack that into Second Life with some doing.

Edit: That was fun, beat it in about a half-hour on my first playthrough, normal mode. Reminded me a lot of the SNES Final Fantasy turn-based RPGs, with a little Chrono Trigger influence, maybe...fun retro feel, lotta good potential here. 😀
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I just finished the game myself. As a veteran RPG player since childhood, I would not be deterred by threats of grinding, and I was rewarded with a very enjoyable, if simple game. And the grinding wasn't that bad at all, once you get the Toothbrush, some decent armor, and a few energy drinks and SP potions, you are set.

Here are my thoughts as an RPGer: Like others say, the SP costs and gold costs are a touch high. I wouldn't want you to lower them TOO much, but shaving off a few points/gold would not hurt. For one, once I realized Duct Tape could miss, I pretty much never used it in favor of Rapid Poke or, when I learned it, Merciless Tickling or whatever that other ability is called, haha. Mostly because of how much SP it costed, though. If it costed a bit less, just a bit, it'd be a lot more useful. Also, in an RPG where you don't have party members, Defend is a useless command, because you could spend the turn you spent defending healing or attacking and it would overall be more efficient. Now, Defend IS useful if you want to get KO'd by the monsters to see their Game Over endings (I know once I got into the game and learned they had them, I sure did just to experience the writing), but then that makes you take less damage and makes it take longer to get what you want. I think for a game like this, it'd be more efficient to have a "Give Up" option rather than a Defend option - lets you see their Game Over endings immediately. Just make sure it's not easy to click by accident! Also, you mentioned inspecting everything for items and funny comments and such. That's true, but unfortunately, some of the humor felt a little weak. Some gags made me smile, and it's good to have a game with a sense of humor, but even so, the more I groan, the worse I feel.

As a tickle fetishist, boy, did this game deliver. There's literally just as much 'lee-focused elements as there are 'ler-elements - I just want to thank you for that on the behalf of all 'lees! That's what skyrockets this from "interesting diversion" to legitimate, well, fap-fodder, if you don't mind me saying. But I'd assume that was your overall goal, right? In which case, you did a very good job. The ending was pretty weak, I thought, but then it threw me into the Bonus Dungeon, and you instantly redeemed yourself tenfold. I was desperately hoping for something like that, and you surpassed expectations by adding in new content! That's going above and beyond. Remember when I said the writing for the gags and such were a little weak? You do manage to make up for it with the actual tickling. There's a wide variety of ways to get yourself tickled silly, and I could really spend a long time in that end-game bonus, on both floors, because I enjoyed the tickling scenes so much.

Like I said, I was very glad I played this game, and I will be hanging onto it. There are lots of spots that could be improved, but this makes for a great way to test the waters to see if your time was well spent, and given how much people seem to like it, I'd say it was a-rousing (LOL.) success. IF you did make a second game similar to this (not saying you would HAVE to, but if you DO), I would advise you take a bit more time with it, pay a bit more attention to detail, and possibly get some people to help you out - find a writer or two to bounce ideas off of and get a new perspective on the game's plot and characterization, and maybe find a few serious RPG players to help shore up some of the actual game aspects to make it that much more than just a game you load up and play one-handed, if you catch my drift.

Such overall positive praise is kinda hard to get from me, so be thankful, but don't let it go to your head! Always strive to find any way to get just a little better at what you do.
Wow, I think it's an astonishing game! Congratulations!

I only got one question. Isn't any way of winning against the mimic or the blue slimes trio, is it? I think I tried everything and I dont know how many times I've seen the "game over" screen so far... xD

I missed some tickling graphic, but your ability to write and make the story makes up for it lack of tickling pics.

Is there gonna be a second part?

I only got one question. Isn't any way of winning against the mimic or the blue slimes trio, is it? I think I tried everything and I dont know how many times I've seen the "game over" screen so far... xD

The Mimic you can escape (by jumping back, I think), but that switch is a trap - if the blue slime trio get you, it's all over.

At least, that's what I found.
The Mimic you can escape (by jumping back, I think), but that switch is a trap - if the blue slime trio get you, it's all over.

At least, that's what I found.

Then I think I can stop trying to beat 'em... :cry
A few things I think would help, way down the line:

-Choosing a (somewhat) customizable male/female body for the protagonist.
-Party members?
-An expanded bonus dungeon. 😉

As well as others, I understand the program limitations, as well as time constraints. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and constructive criticism.

The Mimic and Blue Trio are traps indeed. Shouldn't be opening strange chests or pulling odd switches, ya know! However, this is made up by the fact that you can save at any time... and I encourage that so people can experience everything without fear of losing progress.

The story is indeed weak... as this was just a random test, I didn't even try to come up with one until towards the end. Originally, it was just going to be 2 or 3 game screens and be over with.

I've already come up with a full story for a sequel, but whether I begin working or not is really just going to depend on my mood, so... don't hold your breaths. It'll be a nice surprise if it's ever finished.

Also, I've attached a picture of where that secret weapon is in the forest. I think I hid it far too well... just follow the arrow and hit Action.
Would assistance in making a sequel help? 😉

And yeah some clues shown around the game would've helped greatly in finding the weapon.
-Choosing a (somewhat) customizable male/female body for the protagonist.

I would like to allow a character choice, but as you start getting more customizable, it requires more "Switches" and "Variables" to keep track. This game only used about 3 global switches and a lot of local switches (which is extremely simple compared to other games.)

I probably wouldn't be able to use pronouns (him/her/etc) as I would actually have to make each one a variable, and then have the variable selection based upon the character choice (a switch)... starts getting complicated and easy to use the wrong variable, thus making more typos.

But, if this were easy in changing certain encounters, then I could make things a bit more... sexual... otherwise you may be playing a girl character and a monster tickles your testicles, and you go "...WTF?!? I HAVE THOSE?!?!"

Basically, once I learn how to do it, then it's just a matter of copy&paste and it speeds along...

-Party members?

I'd really like to do this in the sequel if I do one. I would have to change the battle mechanics a bit. At the moment, the enemies tickle different "spots" on you... I achieved this by giving them half-a-dozen skills which are named "She tickles your ____!" This way, she randomly picks spots.

If I have multiple party members, then I'll probably have to make them resort to Normal attacks (eg: your Poke move) and just name it "Tickle"... so it becomes "She tickles ___!" as opposed to "She tickles your ____!" and ends up hitting someone else and not you.
awesome game man. If you make a sequel with party members it should have a gang tickle option as well. Again man nice game. Well made in my opinion.
Hahaha, I searched all the forest looking for something but I couldnt find the TIB9000...! Hahahaha (evil laugh) and I thought the toothbrush was a powerful weapon... muahahahaha...!!! Wait, until I met that mimic girl again...! Hahahaha...!

Also, I've attached a picture of where that secret weapon is in the forest. I think I hid it far too well... just follow the arrow and hit Action.

AHHPTTTHHHHHHH yeah I never woulda found that shit.

I'm pretty curious as to what might go on in a sequel, myself. I would advise, though, that if you do enlist help from others, you avoid letting just anyone help you out, you need to make sure they have skills they can contribute that will help the overall product.

Also holy SHIT is that thing a SHOTGUN?! I can't tell quite what it is from its icon but that thing really looks like some sort of shotgun and that unsettles me.
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Hey! This is my first post, but this game was such a great trip down memory lane that I just had to come out of lurking.

As someone who has also worked with RPG Maker, this was a very nice treat 😀 Kudos on the great writing when it comes to the tickling scenes, I was very impressed. It really wasn't too hard if you know how to play an RPG, but it was very fun!

It also got me interested in trying my own hand at something similar. Granted the game I have in mind would be a bit more of an investment on my part. Currently I'm thinking having a gender choice at the beginning, about six different character classes (which determine weak spots, armor, and story details), tons of enemies with varying ticklish spots, a slew of skills, quest logs, and really a more full-fledged RPG experience. Right now, I'm thinking around 25 story "quests" with at least 2 secret side-quests (in the vein of Final Fantasy, making the hardest bosses hidden side-bosses).

I've got the plot pretty well worked out if anyone is interested.

Would you mind if I tried a hand at a game similar to this? Credit, kudos, and much love would go in your direction for setting the groundwork with this game (which I will be holding on to for a while!).
Hey Deus, welcome to the forum, and it's good to see this RPG has inspired you, both to start posting and to throw your own proverbial hat in the ring.
Just some words: thanks for this rpg!!
I was born with this kind of game so thanks
I don't liked only one thing.... is too short :lol
It also got me interested in trying my own hand at something similar. Granted the game I have in mind would be a bit more of an investment on my part. Currently I'm thinking having a gender choice at the beginning, about six different character classes (which determine weak spots, armor, and story details), tons of enemies with varying ticklish spots, a slew of skills, quest logs, and really a more full-fledged RPG experience. Right now, I'm thinking around 25 story "quests" with at least 2 secret side-quests (in the vein of Final Fantasy, making the hardest bosses hidden side-bosses).

Wow, I'm sure that a lot of people would really appreciate that!

I just want to give you a little warning (having made quite a few (tk) games myself already) and that is, be careful with lofty goals. I myself have misjudged a project or two in the amount of work/time that needed to be invested and those projects, usually after having already spent a big amount of time, tend to end up unfinished in the waste basket.

I read you have used the tool before, so maybe you know a little what you can do and what not... just be careful that you don't try to overperform. It's better to start out small and keep room for expanding than to start too big and then have to close down the project because it was simply too much. In your case, maybe starting out with two classes and writing things so that it is easy to add in more if you see that you can take that amount of extra work.

Other than that, I wish you good luck. Making games can be really fun. Been there, done that... and I'm actually doing it again... 😉
Wow, I'm sure that a lot of people would really appreciate that!

I just want to give you a little warning (having made quite a few (tk) games myself already) and that is, be careful with lofty goals. I myself have misjudged a project or two in the amount of work/time that needed to be invested and those projects, usually after having already spent a big amount of time, tend to end up unfinished in the waste basket.

I read you have used the tool before, so maybe you know a little what you can do and what not... just be careful that you don't try to overperform. It's better to start out small and keep room for expanding than to start too big and then have to close down the project because it was simply too much. In your case, maybe starting out with two classes and writing things so that it is easy to add in more if you see that you can take that amount of extra work.

Other than that, I wish you good luck. Making games can be really fun. Been there, done that... and I'm actually doing it again... 😉

Thanks 😀 I'm a big fan of your games as well! I appreciate the advice, I am the king of lofty goals, but with the right motivation I can be pretty deadly efficient and hardworking.

As it is, I've got the time, so I figured I may as well try. I'm designing the database (characters, classes, items, skills, enemies, etc) first, as I always do. I'll probably start my own thread once I have a working demo and then make periodic updates. Thanks again for the advice!

@Kleptomaniac- What site exactly did you get the battler graphics from? If it's just the monster encyclopedia then damn I'll have to do a lot of editing. If not then, would you mind pointing me in the right direction? (Assuming, of course, you don't mind my doing this).

I found a lot (if not all) of Kenkou Kurosu's artwork here: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=kenkou_kurosu

Almost all the pictures had to be edited in photoshop to give them transparant backgrounds and make the face box for them.

Also, if you wanted to look at my game project to see how I did some things, here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IXPOYN43

That's the project file, and all the custom files, but you'll probably still need RPG Maker XP installed to open it.

Building the game isn't that hard... but all the writing and getting the switches right is very tedious and long... and then fine-tuning it to be fair-yet-fun takes a lot of time too (since you basically have to run through the whole game repeatedly to make sure it flows.)
I would like to allow a character choice, but as you start getting more customizable, it requires more "Switches" and "Variables" to keep track. This game only used about 3 global switches and a lot of local switches (which is extremely simple compared to other games.)

I probably wouldn't be able to use pronouns (him/her/etc) as I would actually have to make each one a variable, and then have the variable selection based upon the character choice (a switch)... starts getting complicated and easy to use the wrong variable, thus making more typos.

But, if this were easy in changing certain encounters, then I could make things a bit more... sexual... otherwise you may be playing a girl character and a monster tickles your testicles, and you go "...WTF?!? I HAVE THOSE?!?!"

Basically, once I learn how to do it, then it's just a matter of copy&paste and it speeds along...

That's sorta what I was thinking, you wouldn't even need pronouns, really, since everything is just about done in second person, they call the PC "You" most of the time. So, you could kinda cheat that a bit, except maybe in certain spots, where it really moves things along instead of just filler.

And, heh...what about making Hermaphrodite a gender? 😉 But seriously, was just thinking either a customizable graphic, or choosing from a few preset male and female outfits depending. I figure the variable 'switch' thing prevents the old-school SNES RPG standby of being able to choose a name for the character for those same reasons?

I'd really like to do this in the sequel if I do one. I would have to change the battle mechanics a bit. At the moment, the enemies tickle different "spots" on you... I achieved this by giving them half-a-dozen skills which are named "She tickles your ____!" This way, she randomly picks spots.

If I have multiple party members, then I'll probably have to make them resort to Normal attacks (eg: your Poke move) and just name it "Tickle"... so it becomes "She tickles ___!" as opposed to "She tickles your ____!" and ends up hitting someone else and not you.

Hmm. Is there any reason it couldn't be "She tickles X's Y," choosing party member X and tickle spot Y, maybe randomly choosing between that and more verbose descriptions - "She works her nails/tentacles/whatever over X's Y, X screams with laughter" for example? We could call the random description "Z" for this - so it'd wind up as "She does Z to X's Y." Or would that require massive blocks of code? I dunno, never used the programming engine myself.

Edit: Another thought just occurred - randomly generated responses to the tickling? Again these are just ideas and suggestions.
Is there any reason it couldn't be "She tickles X's Y," choosing party member X and tickle spot Y, maybe randomly choosing between that and more verbose descriptions - "She works her nails/tentacles/whatever over X's Y, X screams with laughter" for example? We could call the random description "Z" for this - so it'd wind up as "She does Z to X's Y." Or would that require massive blocks of code? I dunno, never used the programming engine myself.

Programming language is unqiue. Sort've similar to C++. The more I read up on it, the more I think this could be possible... it'd just require me to do a lot of trial-and-error with variables and switches.

Basically, I'd have to set up a few variables relating to different body parts, and have it call a random number before the attack. It fills in the variable with the related body part, and voila. Name's the person and the body part. However, this would involve me figuring out how to bring up a variable before each attack... and I frankly don't know how.

This program is both severely limited and highly customizable.. if that makes sense.
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