TickleCrazy said:To rob a person of their entire future on earth is a sin against God and a crime against humanity.
TickleCrazy said:I can't read this thread -- too upsetting. I'm just going to represent the many who believe that the moment of conception is the start of a new human life. To rob a person of their entire future on earth is a sin against God and a crime against humanity.
JoBelle said:Time passes, views change.
I can also speak from the viewpoint of someone who had to terminate a pregnancy because it was in the process of terminating itself. Last year, it was save me or save the baby. The doctors chose to save to viable life that was laying there in front of them. I have to agree that the choice between mother and child should result in the person most likely to live being chosen. That's just my opinion.
JoBelle said:
By week six, you can hear the baby's heartbeat. You know those things called eyes, ears and a mouth? Yup...you'll see those already started out there too by week 6.
desdemona said:(btw Big Jim's scientific assessment of a fetus as a parasite is biologically correct - but I like to think a desired pregnancy would be a symbiotic relationship - with the mother benefitting from the positive emotions associated with carrying a child of love).
TickleCrazy said:I can't read this thread -- too upsetting. I'm just going to represent the many who believe that the moment of conception is the start of a new human life. To rob a person of their entire future on earth is a sin against God and a crime against humanity.
TickleCrazy said:To rob a person of their entire future on earth
bella said:Bella again,
I have a question for those against abortion. What do you folks speculate happens to the soul,(or essence, or whatever you call it) of a child that isn't born into this world?
I'm asking because I figured out why I'm not saddened by abortions despite being a proud mama. Death doesn't sadden me, except for missing the deceased IF I already knew them. Without being very religious, I have a strong belief in the soul, and that it can't be destroyed or wasted, if you will. Hence, the baby unborn to one person will be born to another eventually, either in this world or another.
Your stance isn't in the least unusual Joby. 🙂 Most people hold opposite views on the live vs. death debates. I think being pro-choice and anti-death penalty myself, is damn rare. Seems strange that I should believe murderers can live while innocent embryos get terminated? Difficult to explain. Someone would have to read all my long, tedious posts to understand why.JoBelle said:Simply put, I've got a huge problem with things like murderers and child molesters. I think they should be strung up. It's hard for me to explain my stance of pro-life given that fact.
Quite possibly. In my opinion, definately. That wasn't the argument though. A blade of grass is "life". A tape-worm is "life". But what constitutes a sentient life-form that is capable of even primitive emotion (such as a foetus) and what constitutes a non-sentient lifeform that is not able to physically feel fear, pain etc? (Such as, in my opinion, an embryo.) Is it immoral to prevent a ball of cells that has no physical emotion or sensation (You notice I always distinguish between the physical and the spiritual levels of emotion?) from developing into a foetus that is plainly, a small human beginning it's life?JoBelle said:Frankly, I just think that once you introduce a sperm to an egg, you've got life.
My sympathies luv, I really feel for you.JoBelle said:I can also speak from the viewpoint of someone who had to terminate a pregnancy because it was in the process of terminating itself. Last year, it was save me or save the baby. The doctors chose to save to viable life that was laying there in front of them. I have to agree that the choice between mother and child should result in the person most likely to live being chosen. That's just my opinion.
Bless her. She must be an incredibly centred and strong person. If she's able to do that, then may the Force be with her. 🙂 Some (most in my not exactly veteran, but still substantial experience) can't.JoBelle said:Rape? Well, I know the mother of a rape baby. She's 24 and loves her kid. I'm sure there are other results. I won't pretend to make that choice.
99% down to not being bothered. People like that make me bloody furious. But as I said earlier, what happens if even 2 paralell methods of contraception fail at the same time? The condom bursts at exactly the same time as the pill is nullified by antibiotics, D&V or whatever? Should the woman be morally allowed to terminate then? I think that's up to her personally. It's not something that anyone but herself can judge. (And in the end, we are ALL our own harshest judges.)JoBelle said:Abortion as a form of birth control? WHAT? It's my guess that if you have access to abortion, then you probably, not always, but probably had access to a condom. Or, oh my goodness, abstinence! I know....sick eh? Not having sex? Yeah, but it's a natural process of the human race. Yep, and the resulting pregnancy is too.
And a very welcome one it was.🙂 It was a pleasure reading and digesting them Jo.JoBelle said:Joby, not meaning to offend. Just stating her opinion.
I tend to think of "God" as a sentinent energy than an "it". After all, without the body that's all we are. A human body is just a genetic suit we need to wear if we are to experience this level of being.TickledToDeath said:However it is ok? for "God" to wipe out damn near everything in existance because they did not worship him and give up all they have for and to him? (Actually "IT" is more accurate since "God" is without gender and is not "human"therefore if "God" is an "Entity", God is an IT.)
Personally I think people with some STAGGERING disabilities can overcome them and lead a reasonably fulfilling life. I also believe that some people have specific spiritual lessons that can only be taught through hardship. For that reason, I disapprove of abortion on the basis of disability, unless the disability robs the child of 99% of sensory input. Then perhaps it might be a kindness.TickledToDeath said:IF you knew that the being inside your body was going to be deformed and or retarted or deaf dumb and blind, are you saying that THAT is right to bring such a being into the world and subject him/her to a life of hell and torment? .
areenactor said:just to clear up a couple points. studies have shown that the infant, while in the uterus, does feel pain, and emotions.
areenactor said:just to clear up a couple points. studies have shown that the infant, while in the uterus, does feel pain, and emotions.
areenactor said:i too believe in reincarnation. i don't believe in the theory that god is a kind all loving, all knowing father. so big jim, and bella since you believe in the reincarnation of the babys soul ,why not believe in the reincarnation of the soul of a criminal who has been sentanced to death?!?! if this mortal coil is just a stopping point on the journy of a soul, why can't you look at it the same way for foul fiendish murderers, as you do for inocent babies?
I'm assuming I'm the only one you mean here, because I don't think Bella made any comment about religion.areenactor said:and lastly to all, why was it nessecary to jump on the religious beliefs of another member? this thread was going so well, then some of you just had to go, and show your smug superiority (or your mistaken belief that you are).
Cokecan said:Sources? Citations please? No way any good debater is going to let you get away with such a statement as this without proof.
BigJim said:I can't name the sources at the moment Cokecan, but Steve is definately right. Once neural activity is present in an un-born foetus, physical sensation is obviously present. I can't remember the source about emotion, but that is true too. (Even if it's not as developed as a grown human.) Sorry I can't be more specific.