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Ah, the casual cruelty of college friends (F/M)

If the therapist WAS really on the same page as I am, then she'd have known that this is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both of you, and would never have suggested you stop in the first place.

I hear you. And I think you're right: she does have a superiority complex.

But in the therapist's defense, for whatever it's worth: I wasn't her patient, so optimizing my happiness wasn't her professional responsibility. And it was after our very first conversation that she concluded there was some element of mutuality in Sarah's torturing of me and released her from her prohibition.

Also, alas, she lives in a whole different state. So for that and about six other reasons, my crush on her is likely to remain in the fantasy realm.
I hear you. And I think you're right: she does have a superiority complex.

But in the therapist's defense, for whatever it's worth: I wasn't her patient, so optimizing my happiness wasn't her professional responsibility. And it was after our very first conversation that she concluded there was some element of mutuality in Sarah's torturing of me and released her from her prohibition.

Also, alas, she lives in a whole different state. So for that and about six other reasons, my crush on her is likely to remain in the fantasy realm.

They all do.

I just don't trust therapists in general. Any form of counselor really. It's nobody's damn business but my own how I think and act. Helping one to cope with traumatic events in the past is one thing, but trying to "fix" something that you were born with simply goes against the laws of nature. Unless it's some form of biological illness, genetic abnormality, or other form of physical deficiency. Trying to erase what someone was born with and replace it with the current socially accepted image of "normal" is, to me, the very definition of taking someone's identity away and making them a slave to the mass mind. A "sheep" if you will.

If she has anger issues, she'd be better served finding a path in life where that anger can be put to good use, rather than just denying that part of her personality entirely. Perhaps try some form of competitive martial art.. MMA, Boxing.. Something athletic where all that rage would give her an edge.

And again, if you don't try, the answer is no. You've got very little to lose by just giving it a shot. Up to you whether or not the reward is worth the effort.
What Not to Wear

So the first thing you need to know is that in our bedroom, the one my wife and I share as equal partners in life, there are two closets. And both closets are filled with my wife's stuff, because that's only fair. All my stuff is in a closet in the guest room, including about 6,000 T-shirts all folded along the high shelf, because what if I only had 5,999 t-shirts and that turned out to be not quite enough?

So basically when I need to get my clothes, I have to go into the guest bedroom to do it.

Second thing you need to know is that on the occasion I'm about to relate, Sarah was visiting us. She's seriously thinking about relocating to our area (!) and had some job interviews and was looking at some apartments, so she was staying in our guest room for about a week.

It had been probably about a year since that previous time Sarah sat on me and tickled the ever-loving snot out of me. We'd seen her once since then but she didn't torture me at all that time.

So I was upstairs changing and I needed to snag a T-shirt. I knew Sarah was downstairs so I dashed, shirtless, into the guest room to get one. I was standing there looking at all my many T-shirt choices, deciding, when I heard someone enter the room behind me.

Aw, hell.

"Oops, sorry, Wade," I heard Sarah say. I glanced over my shoulder: there she was, her arms crossed, sauntering into the room.

"No, I'm sorry, didn't mean to get all up in your room," I said. "I'll give you some space..."

"Well, you can finish getting whatever you came in here for," she said. I hadn't turned around but she was getting closer to me.

"Uh, uh, okay, thanks." She was right behind me now; I could sense it. I thought I could feel the hairs on her crossed forearms fluffing against the bare skin of my back.

"For crying out loud ," she said -- yep, she was right behind me -- "what are you waiting for?"

She knew why I was hesitating. To get a shirt, I had to reach up to the shelf. And reaching up, exposing my sides bare and undefended, would surely be too great a temptation for Sarah. Is there any way I was going to get out of this without her torturing me?

I continued to hesitate.

"Wade," she said, "I swear to God, get your shirt and get out of my room. My, you know, my temporary room."

Fine. I lifted both arms, reaching for a T-shirt -- any T-shirt -- trying to make it quick. But I wasn't quick enough. As soon as I reached overhead I felt her fingertips grazing impishly against my sides, and immediately, involuntarily, my arms jerked back down -- I hadn't even made contact with my shirts. I managed to refrain from emitting a high-pitched giggle but that was about as far as my dignity went.

"Don't," I said haplessly.

"Wade!" Sarah said, her voice an audible smile. "Get your damn shirt."

Okay. Mind over matter, right? I just have to snag a shirt, any shirt. And I know the tickling is coming, so I can just power through it. Just tough it out for the few milliseconds it will take to reach up and --

Nope. Her fingers oscillated against my ribs and my arms yanked back down again without any control on my part, this time accompanied by an embarrassing yelp.

"You’re really having a lot of trouble, Wade."

"Sarah! Stop it!"

"Okay. I promise I'll stop. Just get your shirt."

I reached up -- just one arm this time -- as quickly as I could; my fingertips just brushed against a stack of folded shirts when Sarah started tickling me just above the waist, causing my whole torso to twitch violently as my arm flew back down and I giggled sharply.

"You said you'd stop!" I said.

"It's really hard to stop," Sarah said in a tone of amused surrender.

"Damn it," I said, reaching up with both arms, looking to bring down two or more shirts if I could manage it, but there were Sarah's maddening fingers again, thrumming against my back this time, the smooth skin just above my belt, the backside of my love handles -- who knew I was even ticklish there? But it certainly had the desired effect -- my hips thrust forward and to the side, I twisted at the torso as I tried to fold my abdomen in half sideways and lower my bent elbows to my waistline. And I made a noise that sounded a lot like "HAHAHEEHEEHEE."

I tried again -- this time I felt her fingers slipping over my shoulders and paddling in the hollows of my collarbones, forcing me to hunch forward with an "eeheehee" -- then, suddenly, they were scrabbling at my ribs, making me arch my back with an "EEHEEHEE!"

"Screw it," I said, turning around to face her. "I don't need the shirt right now."

"Nope," Sarah said, both her hands darting at my stomach and sides. "Not an option."

I doubled over, twitching and lurching, my hands zipping desperately to and fro, trying to shield my ticklish spots, always getting there a millisecond too late. The giggles started to pour forth with hiccupy abandon. "No Sarah no wh-what are you DOING?"

"Not stopping until you get your shirt," she said, as if that made all the sense in the world.

"Not fair," I gasped through the helpless laughter, jerking and squirming under the relentless assault of her fluttering fingers. "That's n-not fair!"

"Rules are rules, Wade," Sarah said, beaming with such a delighted smile as she tormented me.

"FINE," I cried, spinning to face the closet again. But Sarah's onslaught didn't let up; her fingers kept spidering against my sides -- my ribs, then my waist, then someplace in between -- my arms were clamped at my sides but that did little to protect me; the spots just millimeters behind the parts of my sides guarded by my arms proved to be every bit as ticklish, and of course the sides of my excruciatingly susceptible abdomen were completely vulnerable.

"STOP," I shrieked, twitching and writhing. "STOP OR I CAN'T--!" I can't even finish this sentence, I might as well have said, but the involuntary laughter took over.

"You've advanced to a higher degree of difficulty, Wade," Sarah intoned drily.

"OH MY GOD," I yelped, doubling over again, her fingers continuing to scrabble away unimpeded at the wide variety of ticklish targets before them. There was no way I could do it. Lift even one arm, overhead, while she was doing this--? It was impossible.

"The struggle is real, Wade," she said.

As she continued to tickle me mercilessly I made a series of pitiful attempts -- flinging one arm blindly in the general direction of the shelf only to have it ricochet back as if recoiling on a rubber band. I might as well have been trying for the shelf with stumpy T. rex arms. I could just barely hear Sarah's merry laughter over the hysterical din of my own, so I must have been putting on a pretty hilarious show.

Finally I drew on all that remained of my nearly depleted resolve and self-control and I reached up with one hand -- as her fingers flitted ruthlessly across the exposed skin of my twisting, spasmodic side -- and I grabbed a T-shirt and yanked it down again, raining a cascade of T-shirts spilling to the floor but I couldn't care about that right now, I gripped the shirt in my fist and spun to face her and doubled over again, guffawing as I said "I GOT IT STOP I GOT IT."

But she didn't stop. I was still wriggling and wailing, which meant I was still getting tickled. "You gotta put it on," she said, loudly to be heard over my caterwauling.

"NO--" I said before dissolving into wild giggles again, but it's not like there was any point in arguing; Sarah had the upper hand. She was making all the rules here.

As her fingers continued to pincer and scribble at my sides, my stomach, my neck, my ribs, my stomach, my neck, my stomach, my ribs, my neck and my sides, forcing me into a constant involuntary dance and a steady stream of helpless giggling, I struggled to turn the shirt around and orient it so I could get it over my head -- no easy task when your elbows keep flying to your sides and your hands keep darting to your abdomen as if you're a marionette hanging helplessly from frantic strings.

I almost had it -- even as I kept making this maddeningly embarrassing EEheehee EEheehee sound -- I just about had the shirt turned the right way when I lost control of it and it dropped to the floor.

"Oh, Wade," Sarah said with feigned pity, still tickling away.

"Damn it," I giggled, trying to reach for the fallen shirt but having a version of the same problem that plagued me when I was trying to reach the closet shelf -- every time I extended an arm toward the floor, strumming fingers targeted my exposed sides and my hands jerked back, empty.

"Sarah, I'm... I'm trying," I said through the now full-throated laughter.

"I know," she said, busily pawing away at my assorted weak spots. "That's what's so pitiful."

I kept snagging the shirt with my hand only to have it spring back to the floor when my arms jerked back to my sides -- finally, dimly I realized that Sarah was standing on the shirt, pinning one corner of it to the floor with the toe of her shoe.

"Thahahahahahat's not fahahahahahahair," I cried, though she probably couldn't understand me.

I reached again for the shirt with both hands this time, realizing it was going to take some muscle to dislodge it, and suddenly her hands firmly grasped my rib cage on either side, delivering a merciless series of robust squeezes that dropped me to my knees as the helpless laughter kicked up into a more desperate register. I sounded like someone who was having the time of his life or watching the funniest thing imaginable -- "HA HA HA HA HA! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!" -- except for when I finally mustered the power of speech and brayed "Plehehehehease STOP!"

She did not. Stop.

I tumbled to my side on my shoulder and rolled on my back, my hands in a frantic dance of pointless self-defense, wriggling and writhing on the floor in a fit of giddy hysterics. Sarah loomed over me, fully in charge, her hands also in constant motion but in a much more controlled and strategic manner, delivering unbearable ticklish sensations to all my worst spots in a randomized series of endless mini-attacks. And the smile on her face -- which can sometimes look grim or cruel -- was bright and delighted, like she was watching a rainbow or a sunrise or puppies playing in a field.

But she also betrayed a little disgust when she finally said -- still tickling, mind you; she never stopped tickling -- "Wade for God's sake aren't you even going to try for the shirt anymore?"

I hadn't realized the game's rules were still in effect. Frankly I'd forgotten about the shirt. As I rolled back and forth on the floor, convulsing and guffawing, I gestured halfheartedly for the shirt but I wasn't even sure where it was anymore. Sarah snorted disdainfully and as her one hand kept probing provokingly at the side of my abdomen, with the other she grabbed the shirt and tossed it on top of me. Then she returned to tickling me with both hands with merciless abandon; the ball was in my court.

"Oh God," I cackled, struggling again with the shirt. Even as I twitched and wriggled spasmodically -- "HUH HEE HEE HEE" -- it was actually marginally easier to manipulate the shirt in this position, where my arms were pretty much folded helplessly at my chest and I'd nearly lost all hope anyway, than it had been when I was standing up.

I turned the shirt right-side-up -- worrying about whether it was backwards or not was beyond my current capacity -- and, even as I despaired frantically at the relentless agitation of Sarah's fingertips across the twitching landscape of my abdomen -- managed to throw the shirt over my head. Oh God, oh God, almost there. Fighting the instincts that kept bellowing at me to keep your arms down, don't lift your arms, are you crazy, we're under siege down here -- I put my arms in the shirt and began feeling around for the armholes. My head and arms were in the shirt now and all I had to do was pull it down and this nightmare would be over.

But I couldn't pull the shirt down. What was happening? Turned out, Sarah had gathered its fabric into one fist, balling it up by my chin so that it wasn't a shirt so much as a bag that my head and arms were trapped inside. And with the other hand she started rippling her fingertips relentlessly against my side, just below my ribs -- I arched my back and unleashed a torrent of delirious laughter that eclipsed whatever racket I'd been making before. Toggling from the previous situation, when my arms were at least free, to this new incapacitation added a new edge of desperation to my vulnerability. There was a new wild abandon to my laughter as it poured unbidden out of me. For the moment, Sarah had achieved in me something resembling Maximum Ticklishness, and I can only guess how satisfied she must have looked because -- well, because my head was basically in a bag.





She made a couple of detours to my defenseless stomach and the side of my abdomen, sending my stomach muscles into helpless convulsions, but with my arms trussed up she was freed from the need to keep changing targets and she relaxed into the more sustained torture, her fingers just galloping away -- easily, unimpeded, unstoppable -- against my side and sending me into a frenzy of ticklish hilarity.

Finally she released her grip on the shirt; I pushed my arms through and pulled it down over my head, flushed and panting. The torment was over, for now.

Sarah perched cheerfully on her knees next to me, her hands -- the instruments of my destruction -- laid harmlessly on her bejeansed thighs.

"Now, that wasn't so hard," she said, "was it?"

And when I went downstairs my wife glanced at me with a pleasant smile and said, "Your shirt's on backwards."
Thanks for the update - I loved it!

Thanks, MistressValerie! It occurred to me very shortly after it happened -- and after I'd caught my breath and collected my marbles and turned my shirt right-side-out -- that I would definitely need to write it up for TickleTheater.

And it only took me, like, three years to do so!
It was so classic -- I knew exactly what Sarah was going to do, and that all I had to do to thwart her was grit my teeth and keep my arms raised for just a few extra seconds -- but each time her fingers alit on my sides, I couldn't help it. I couldn't keep my arms up. And she knew it. She knew that I knew what she was going to do and that I knew what I had to do, and she knew I couldn't do it. That she was in complete control of the situation and I had no control whatsoever -- it was like Sarah and my own body were in cahoots against me. The degree of entertainment Sarah derives from that dynamic, from that level of control she enjoys over me, is maddening.
So, some time had passed. Sarah had demonstrated, via the great ice cream fiasco and her wicked closet game, that she was willing and able to tickle me into hysterics and beyond. But she didn't do it often. It sometimes seemed as though she enjoyed having this power over me more if she didn't exercise it too often -- she liked that she could narrow her eyes or quirk an eyebrow in my direction and make me nervous, but attack me so infrequently that I never knew when it might be coming. Once or twice she did indulge in throwing her outstretched fingers in my direction, causing me to convulse without even touching me. But another year or more went by with very little actual tickle-torture from her.

Until one night when Sarah was over to hang out with us and watch TV -- did I mention she lives here now? That she moved here, that we live in the same town now? Ai yi yi -- and my wife, in a lively and playful mood, was getting rowdy and mischievous as she sometimes does, cutely but relentlessly, and soon her frisky fingers were darting at my sides and abdomen. "Hey! Hey!" I barked, fending her off with some success even though every so often she would penetrate my defenses and throw me into a convulsive twitch, and the whole business was turning me into a thrashing and squirmy perpetual-motion machine. Experience has turned me into a mildly effective self-defense ninja against a single pair of tickling hands, especially when those hands belong to my wife, who's more invested in the play of the game than the victory. But the longer it goes on, the more steadily my defenses crumble, and Amanda wasn't stopping and her fingertips were slipping past my shields with increasing frequency and I was slipping off the sofa onto the floor (and Sarah was right there in the room which ratcheted up the element of danger considerably) and lying on my back on the rug and finally I had to seize Amanda's wrists to put a stop to it.

Gripping her wrists, holding them aloft, grinning at her as she beamed down at me, I thought we were done. Sarah, usually quick to seize an opportunity to torment me, was barely putting up with these shenanigans because we were binge-watching "Orphan Black" and she really wanted to get back to that. So I waited for Amanda to recede and relent. But instead she grinned even bigger and shot a look at Sarah and said, "Sarah, could you help me get him under his arms?"

Sarah smiled serenely at Amanda. And then at me. My fate in her hands.

"He's sooooo ticklish there but I can never get him there," Amanda said.

It's true. With semi-regularity my wife would try to get at my armpits and I would deploy the classic ticklish person's maneuver of locking my forearms tight against my sides. She's pry and pry but she couldn't get my arms up and would eventually move on to other pursuits.

"Can you help me get him under his arms?"

I panicked. Bad enough that my underarms were being targeted in a two-against-one scenario. Worse yet: there was a time, millions of years ago, when Sarah knew I was outrageously ticklish under my arms, but she'd seemed to have forgotten, or to disregard that fact, preferring to focus on my abdomen when she sought to torture me. Just releasing this information into the air here was enormously perilous for me; my wife had no idea how vulnerable she was rendering me from this time forward.

Sarah got up from her chair, oh shit oh shit.

"No, c'mon," I said. "Amanda, let me up. Let me up."

Sarah knelt, her knees almost touching the top of my head. She reached over calmly and gripped my arms; together, straining but steady, she and Amanda started working to force my arms over my head. I resisted mightily. The two of them combined are surely stronger than me -- Sarah's probably at least as strong as I am, or nearly -- but I had the urgency of desperation on my side. I was highly motivated. I had some David Banner superhuman surge of strength stuff going on -- I was not gonna let them expose my underarms.

Sarah chortled. "Geez," she said. "He really really does not want us to get him there."

"I told you," Amanda said. "He makes it really difficult. Here, let me try this."

As Sarah continued pulling steadily on my wrists, Amanda let go and sent her fingertips scampering across my abdomen, back and forth, up and down. A ragged stream of giggles escaped my lips. It tensed every muscle in my body, but it also diffused my attention, undermining my defenses; I felt the strength in my arms diminishing. My arms started to be moved, steadily, over my head.

"We got him," Sarah said. "We almost got him."

Amanda stopped tickling. My arms were pinned to the floor over my head. Sarah planted a knee on each of my forearms. They weren't going anywhere. I started to squirm like crazy.

"Amanda, don't, please, seriously," I said. "Not in front of Sarah."

Amanda smiled, so sweetly. "Aw, Wade, don't be embarrassed. You don't have to be embarrassed in front of Sarah. Sarah's like family."

My arms were now firmly pinned to the floor, over my head. Sarah loomed into my field of vision from above, upside-down, also smiling sweetly, too sweetly.

"I'm the sadistic older sister you never had," she said.

A delighted smile spread across my wife's face as she poised her nimble fingers in tickling position. "Watch, this is so great," Amanda said gleefully, and lowered her fingertips to gently brush against my defenseless armpits. As soon as they made contact I convulsed and yelped. Her hands withdrew as she burst into delighted giggles. Sarah was laughing too. Apparently I'm hilarious.

"Oh, my," Sarah said.

"I told you," Amanda said, and then her fingers were scampering softly in the hollows under my arms. I burst forth with gale-force giggling -- my wife's fingers are my Kryptonite, nobody can incapacitate me as immediately and as fully as she can, and under my arms is just about the worst place -- well, one of the four or five worst places -- she could target. Profoundly embarrassed, I didn't want to perform the giddy victim role in front of Sarah but I had no choice; the ladies were in charge and my nerve endings were their playthings. "Don't," I pleaded through the wild laughter. "Don't, don't, it tickles too much, it tickles too much." File that under Useless Things To Say To Someone Who's Tickling You. It's not like she could really understand what I was saying anyway.

"See, I never get to do this, he defends himself too much," Amanda said, raising her voice to be heard over my burbling laughter.

"Doesn't seem like he defends himself so great," Sarah replied as I twisted and twitched and squealed.

Amanda relented. "I love his laugh. Don't you love his laugh?"

"It's a fine and noble laugh," Sarah said, grinning down at my reddened face as I squirmed and panted.

"You should try this sometime," Amanda said.

"Oh, who knows, maybe I will," Sarah said evenly, meeting my gaze with a look of suppressed wickedness. "That's a real weak spot he's got there."

"Oh, he is sooo ticklish there," my wife said. She alit one fingertip under each arm and giggled delightedly as I convulsed and yelped. She did it again -- convulse, yelp -- and again -- convulseyelp. Like she was lightly pressing a button marked "YELP."

"All right, we should let him up," Amanda said.

"Yeah, maybe." Sarah maintained her firm grip on my arms. "On the other hand, when's the next time you're going to get him in this position?" she said. "I'm just saying."

Amanda nodded. "That's a good point."

"No it's not!" I said. "Not a good point. Not a good p--"

And that's where I started shrieking again as my wife's infuriatingly soft fingertips started dancing under my arms again, playfully but insistently torturing my most vulnerable spots (well, one of my four to eight most vulnerable spots). My torso twitched back and forth, helpless to go anywhere, as my eyes squeezed shut tight and I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. "Please stop it," I tried to say. "Please stop it, please stop it, please stop it," but it was incomprehensible -- a meaningless string of consonant sounds swallowed up in the steady torrent of my cheerful-sounding, high-pitched giggles.

And as I shrieked and squealed and wriggled and guffawed, my laughter inflected with an embarrassing gurgling helplessness, Sarah loomed overhead, smiling contentedly, so satisfied.

Finally, Amanda stopped, her cheeks flushed with laughter of her own. "Okay, okay, he can't take it, let him up," she said. With a crooked -- dare I say reluctant? -- grin, Sarah let go of my arms; they shot down to my sides as I sat up... and suddenly felt Sarah's fingers skittering up my sides from behind. I curled involuntarily into a defensive ball.

"Sarah, NO!" I cried, my voice pitched in an embarrassingly high register.

My wife laughed again and started darting her fingers at my sides and abdomen. I was no longer restrained, but I was outnumbered and highly disadvantaged.

"Guys! No! Stop! Why?" I tried to crawl away but the four hands scrabbling after my weak spots drove me impeded my progress with twitching and weak defensive maneuvers.

"We're not holding you," Sarah crowed. "It's a fair fight."

"N-n-not a fa-fa-ha-ha-hair fihihihihight!!"

In no time I was rolling around on the rug, knees pulled up and arms folded in front of my chest, the playful pokes and tickles of two merry merciless women sending me into renewed fits of forced mirth. "UH-hee-hee-hee, UH-hee-hee-hee-hee!" Even as I'd clumsily maneuver a desperate hand to shield a spot from some maddening fingers there were three other hands reliably delivering me into fits of constant giggles. "UH-hee-hee-hee, UH-hee-hee-hee-hee."

When it was over and I sprawled, blushing and dignity-free, on the floor, my wife caught her breath and said "Ohhhhh, Sarah, we should have you over every night."

"Yeah," I said ruefully. "That would be freaking fantastic."

Collective laughter rang throughout the house.
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Why don't you tickle her back?

I've tried; unfortunately, she is almost entirely not-ticklish.

(Sarah, I mean. My wife is ticklish, and I do tickle her on occasion. But she isn't really the loose cannon in this equation.)
*happy sigh* You just have the best 'bad luck', don't you? Aaand, Sarah's living right BY you right now to be that excellent 'cherry' on top, to boot! :super_hap
I am - as I'm sure near 'everyone' here, as well, are - eagerly looking forward to reading more of these escapades, as I'm sure they're soon to unfold! Here's to more of that particular 'bad' luck you seem to have, coming around again. 😉 :lol
*happy sigh* You just have the best 'bad luck', don't you? Aaand, Sarah's living right BY you right now to be that excellent 'cherry' on top, to boot! :super_hap
I am - as I'm sure near 'everyone' here, as well, are - eagerly looking forward to reading more of these escapades, as I'm sure they're soon to unfold! Here's to more of that particular 'bad' luck you seem to have, coming around again. 😉 :lol

Well, that incident happened over two years ago. As you might imagine, there have been a few more such incidents since that time. The only problem is my finding the time to write them down.

And of course, any minute in which Sarah's holding me down and tickling the crap out of me is a minute when I'm not writing. So which would you prefer to see happen, Sadi -- that I suffer, or that I have time to write about said suffering...?
Whhhooooaaaa, the intensity went way up in 2016. Let us hope for more in 2017!
UM. I missed the ice cream one.

"Oooooh, Wade, I'm so sorry, but stomach-touching is a big part of the plan tonight. The agenda is pretty much all stomach-touching. I hope that's not going to be a problem."

these are some of my fav stories! ;ucky i didnt have a friend like Sarah
And of course, any minute in which Sarah's holding me down and tickling the crap out of me is a minute when I'm not wriiting. So which would you prefer to see happen, Sadi -- that I suffer ,or that I have time to write about said suffering...?

Oh, I'm sure we can come to 'some' sort of compromise, where you can both be tormented and yet fish out even more telling a of your ticklish demise. :stickout
If you find you're at a constant lack of time, I 'might' find a way to help motivate you, if needed - or not. :lol
If you find you're at a constant lack of time, I 'might' find a way to help motivate you, if needed - or not. :lol

Lack of time is a problem. I don't know that your brand of motivation will do much to solve that problem; it's my suspicion that your approach to motivating would eat up even more time.
Wow, I'd give anything to have as many tickling experiences as you had! Those stories are amazing, you and your friend have an amazing chemistry!
Wow, I'd give anything to have as many tickling experiences as you had! Those stories are amazing, you and your friend have an amazing chemistry!

Thanks! As I've mentioned elsewhere, these incidents have happened over the span of years, so while you're right that there's a pretty good quantity there, my recounting here may seem to exaggerate their frequency.

And your comment made me kind of reflective -- you're actually right that Sarah and I have developed an odd kind of chemistry over the years. If she'd never discovered my ticklishness, or if she'd been disinclined to exploit it, we just would've been two people often thrown together who annoyed each other; over time it actually might have gotten very unpleasant and irritable and one of us probably would've blown up at the other eventually and maybe said some regrettable things. But Sarah's insistence on tormenting me in this way has maybe installed in our relationship a kind of relief valve -- much as I may resent her for always having me at a disadvantage, I'll admit it has leavened our fractious relationship with a more playful kind of competitiveness that probably makes so often being in the same room more tolerable.
Well, fetishes apart, tickling is a great way of bonding, so it's not surprising that it helped you both to clear the air in tense situations. Anyway, I hope you both can enjoy soon more encounters like those and you keep us up to date~
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