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ALERT! Tickle Torture in a future ep of Digimon :D:D:D

k gang, i came up w/ a couple new tickling digimon. of course, 4 it 2 work, i'll have 2 take my existing creations and back them up a level, making Feathermon an In-Training and Vellicamon an Ultimate. ok, here goes:

FRESH (baby)

Basically a baseball-sized version of Feathermon


-name unyet decided-
tho a mega-level digimon, this digimon is a small pixie-like digimon (a concept similar 2 a physically small mega-level would b Yoda-like Pixiemon, from Digimon Adventure and Digimon 02) who is so small and fast that she can fly to and tickle hard 2 reach places w/ ease, and can also sprinkle my patented Giggle Spore at will.

so, of my creations, here's the new level ranking:

FRESH: Gigglemon
IN-TRAINING: Feathermon
ROOKIE: Ticklemon (to make her more physically rookie-sized, she's now the size of a human woman, kinda like Renamon in Digimon Tamers)
CHAMPION: Kusugumon
ULTIMATE: Vellicamon
MEGA: ???

ANYWAY.....*wheels in a cart full of digi-eggs* Gigglemon Digi-eggs 4 sale! Hot item! Get 'em while they're hot! Hatches in2 a Gigglemon EVERY time! Raise 'em PROPERLY and u MAY end up w/ the digimon of u'r choice listed above! Price: only 20 (star wars) credits! Gigglemon Digi-eggs 4 sale! Buy now, get a free digivice 2 help u raise 'em! Gigglemon Digi-eggs 4 sale!
Good news and bad news

i just checked Yahoo!'s listing's looking 2 c when the ep, epidode 23, will premiere. On december 19, the season gets as far as episode 22, BUT.....it goes in2 reruns the next day T_T looks like we're gonna have 2 wait through ANOTHER batch of reruns, but at least we know we're CLOSE 😀
EmSeeSquared said:
.......................did i sumhow kill the conversation? 😕

Pro'ly not.

I like your new Digimon beings. They have considerable potential. I'd like to see them in action. 😉
Sweet.....interested in a Gigglemon egg? 😀

i still need help naming the final level. "Kootchimon"'s already been taken by a friend of mine. Anyone have any ideas?
yeah the digimon you made are cool , i wish they were on the show, i wanna see zoes feet tickled so bad now
Say, Emsee, since you can draw, maybe you could illustrate some of your creations? That would, I'm sure, be a very popular move...
indeed, i am thinking of doing that. i'm already in the middle of a drawing but........what the hell. i'll put it aside 4 now. hell, i can't even get in the mood 2 finish it, anyway.

oh, and folks, please do me a favor by going here: http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?EmSeeSquared
EXCELLENT drawing!

Trouble is, now I REALLY want to see your creatures doing some tickling... 😀

Oh, and stop eating my brain. I need it.
*examines my pic* ....crap in a hat! i 4got 2 draw Feathermon's mouth! >_< oh well.

Anyway, does ANYONE have ideas 4 the name of the final form?

and does ANYONE want a Gigglemon egg? Come on! Great bargain, here! Amuse u'r friends w/ it in convos! If yer IMing a friend u wanna tickle, just sic it on 'em! 😀 Come on, they're fun! I use 'em a lot! Every tickler needs a gigglemon at their side! 😀
EmSeeSquared said:
Anyway, does ANYONE have ideas 4 the name of the final form?

How about "Kitchimon"? Or "Kittlemon" if you want a more old-world flavour.

And sure, I'll take an egg. I know some girls I'd like to introduce to one. 😉
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