Yup. FLCL is easy to search for feet scenes....because it's only six episodes long. I have all of them in RealMedia format. (Thank you Morpheus!) I'd post them but I found out they are also available in YouTube.
*Haruka is barefoot in various scenes throughout the series, but too random to really remember. She's shown far away if she is though, and only a few closeups.
*The real deal is the teenage, cigarette smoking high school gal, Mamimi in episode 2: Firestarter. She explains that she lost her shoes in the water, so technically, she's walking the entire episode barefoot. But it makes you wanna shoot the artist for the few scenes showing her feet, unlike that other episode of that one anime posted earlier.
The first scene is a quick closeup of her feet in the water pratically in the beginning of the episode. The second, and BEST scene, is shown a little half way through the episode where she is walking down a bridge (she's pratically stoned or something) and she drops her gameboy thingy, showing a close up of her feet. The last is during the last "fight" scene with "TV Boy" and is shown in various shots of her barefoot, but too far away to really see any detail.
I've watched this series from beginning to end, twice, both in English AND Japanese and I still dunno WTF is going on. Hilarity insues though. They need to make a continuation though, more barefoot Mamimi! Barefoot schoolgirls rule!
My mistake, it's not the beginning. Starts at 4:02
The scene starts at 2:08. Keep watching at the end fight scene for more.)