I wear my lust for tickling on my sleeve. I am sad that 4 out of 5 of us feel any shame or feel compelled to hide some of the most intense feelings and desires we will ever have. There was a time in my life when I hid my tickle needs and denied them but I quickly figured out if I wasn't open about them, I got no tickling. None, zero, zip, nada. And like all of us in this forum, I need tickling. You do too I bet.
Some of you have seen the photos I've posted on here of my "Smile If You're Ticklish" t-shirt or my "TICKLR" license plate, or my little foot tickle toy that sits right on the shelf in my den. If not, go check them out when you have a moment. I relish the opportunity to share this most intense and vital part of my personality with those around me and use these innocent and non-threatening things to open conversation with potential tickle playmates. And you know what? They work.
Tickling hurts no one. To the contrary, anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an intense tickle session knows what a tremendous tension release you feel afterwards. Medical people tout the beneficial byproducts of laughter on the human body. Let's face it, we're all a little stressed out these days. Couldn't everyone benefit from a nice endorphin release, not to mention a great workout?
Tickling hurts no one. We might fantasize about non consentual tickling, in fact, some of my favorite tickling fiction involves this theme. That's where tickle roleplaying with your partner can be such a delightful outlet for these fantasies in a safe environment for both ticklee and tickler. What goes on behind the bedroom door between two consenting adults is no one else's business.
Tickling hurts no one. It puts us more in touch (no pun intended) with our partners. I hope more of you will be more open about this driving desire everyone in this forum has. So what if we march to a little different drummer?
Here's a little saying I'd like to share with the 80% out there who don't feel comfortable about sharing their tickling fetish with the closest people in their lives. It goes a little something like this.
Those who matter don't judge me, and those who judge me don't matter. Now go forth and create your own magic and lust and laughter.
Some of you have seen the photos I've posted on here of my "Smile If You're Ticklish" t-shirt or my "TICKLR" license plate, or my little foot tickle toy that sits right on the shelf in my den. If not, go check them out when you have a moment. I relish the opportunity to share this most intense and vital part of my personality with those around me and use these innocent and non-threatening things to open conversation with potential tickle playmates. And you know what? They work.
Tickling hurts no one. To the contrary, anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an intense tickle session knows what a tremendous tension release you feel afterwards. Medical people tout the beneficial byproducts of laughter on the human body. Let's face it, we're all a little stressed out these days. Couldn't everyone benefit from a nice endorphin release, not to mention a great workout?
Tickling hurts no one. We might fantasize about non consentual tickling, in fact, some of my favorite tickling fiction involves this theme. That's where tickle roleplaying with your partner can be such a delightful outlet for these fantasies in a safe environment for both ticklee and tickler. What goes on behind the bedroom door between two consenting adults is no one else's business.
Tickling hurts no one. It puts us more in touch (no pun intended) with our partners. I hope more of you will be more open about this driving desire everyone in this forum has. So what if we march to a little different drummer?
Here's a little saying I'd like to share with the 80% out there who don't feel comfortable about sharing their tickling fetish with the closest people in their lives. It goes a little something like this.
Those who matter don't judge me, and those who judge me don't matter. Now go forth and create your own magic and lust and laughter.