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Are you open about your tickling fetish?

Are you open about your tickling fetish?

  • Yes

    Votes: 613 20.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2,386 79.6%

  • Total voters
Usually I'm open in all my private stuff. I have no secrets with anybody, except about the tickle fetish. I just can't even talk about. I think that's why I fear to lose friends and people I love, because it would be sound too strange for them.
Not at all. :blush

Not too long ago, a guy asked me if I was ticklish. I immediately felt my cheeks grow hot as I lied and said no.

Hmm. And, I wonder, did this guy proceed to 'test' your false statement? (As is usually true for anyone that asks 'are you ticklish'? [translation: I'm going to tickle you]) 😛

But yes, it REALLY sucks when we lie, saying we're not 'this' or that because we read more into it than the 'rest of society' does and feel too self-conscious (guilty/ashamed/whatever) to 'go against the grain'. 🙁
I used to keep this part of me very private, but have gotten more and more comfortable admitting to it in the past 6 months or so. When you find yourself amongst people that enjoy various aspects of BDSM, hearing about your fetish doesn't phase them in the least.
... When you find yourself amongst people that enjoy various aspects of BDSM...

I don't think many of us are privy to a group of friends who are (openly, I'm guessing?) into various forms of BDSM, though. ... :unsure
I don't think many of us are privy to a group of friends who are (openly, I'm guessing?) into various forms of BDSM, though. ... :unsure

True enough. I just happened to fall into it after meeting some folks online that helped to coordinate local BDSM events. It's a pretty cool crowd for the most part.
i can only open it to people on these sites, i have been caught too and my parents and friends looked at it as a crime, so i have to keep it a secret i hate to hide it but i have no choice, unless that person tells me 1st then i'll be open about it.
I want to be, but its hard, my brother mocks me for it 🙁

Every1 here is nicer :3
Not open at all!!!

No, I hate!!! HATE IT!!! It brought me nothing but troubles. Like the lyrics of "Slept so long" song by Jay Gordon say "Did you think it's cool to walk right up/To take my life and f**k it up (not sure if I'm allowed to swear on this forum)" this fetish has done nothing but F**K the shit out of my sexual life. I cant get any satisfaction, any lust without tickling, just a weak unsatisfying orgasm not making much of a difference from no orgasm at all. The ones guilty of having me stuck with this fetish (my former babysitter and cartoon creators) are the ones who should bear the weight of guilt, consequence of their actions. But do they suffer? NO, I SUFFER IN THEIR STEAD! When I was a little kid, 5 or 6 years old I saw some cartoons of a girl having her feet tickled, and I started tickling my babysitter's feet who was only 4 years older then me and was barefoot at that time. Instead of pulling away or screaming at me, or even slap me the bitch gently pushed the other foot against my crotch, to push me away probably. It felt really, really good. Of course at that time I didn't know anything about sex but in my subconsciousness the tickling became related to sexual pleasure that very day. That bitch bears a great deal of guilt. And NO, of course I'M NOT open about it!!! It would embarrass me all the way to Hell and back:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush:blush!!! My sexual life went completely downhill. When I consciously realized about my fetish at the age of 14, when I found out that porn wasn't turning me on at all, but a non-sexual tickle scene featuring a female being tickled especially on her feet was making my cock hard like a stallion's I googled the words "ticklish girls" and the results yielded some tickle fetish sites. From that moment on I understood what fetish are, and what I'm stuck with is tickling fetish. If I would reveal it to anyone I would be deemed the number 1 weirdo of the century. I care about my pride, and even if I dont mind being deemed a weirdo about other things, I would be completely destroyed to be deemed a weirdo for tickling. If I would heave a spanking fetish, a bondage or leather fetish or maybe even a smoking fetish (I find a smoking girl attractive but it doesn't turn me on so I guess it's not a fetish) I wouldn't be so ashamed to say it but with tickling I think I never will. I even gave up dating, as I thought to myself "What good is a girlfriend for me??? She couldn't satisfy me because I would never tell her about tickling,and to randomly find a girl that is already into tickling would mean the Russian roulette kind of luck. So I have much stronger orgasms from watching tickle videos and masturbating than from having lame vanilla sex. On top on that I wouldn't want to disrespect her and humiliate myself from keeping a great secret buried as deep as a dead body from my significant other the whole life, so why would I date at all then???". With prostitutes I don't dare it either. I wouldn't risk to humiliation of being mocked by lowlife cock-sucking *****s (that's what prostitutes are) so the option of hiring a prostitute falls. Online dating didn't yield absolutely any result. I don't know what will happen, but I believe one day I will snap and that babysitter will dearly pay that day. My desperation is about to rich a climax. Don't know if you people have any advice or solution for me (other than a complete memory wipe with electricity which I will never undergo) but thanks for listening anyway. I really needed someone to share my pains with, and when it comes to pains derived from tickling I cant share them with anyone but fellow tickling fetishists. It just feels good to know I'm not the only one with this problem.
After thinking about it for a while I've gotten to the point where I really don't care what people think. Of course, this doesn't mean that I go around and spreading the word. What I really mean is, if I'm involved with somebody and they asked about my kinks, I wouldn't hesitate to tell her about my fetishes. I refuse to hide who I really am.
I voted in the negatory

But a tickling fetish is like most things, though, that deviate from "the norm" in some way or other, no matter how drastically, AND it's also like the late, great Mitch Hedberg reminded us: "If you're going to spread bad news to the public, it would help if you weren't ugly." :lol Not that having a tickling fetish is "bad news" necessarily, but the point of the analogy is that pretty much ANYTHING'S easier to take about an individual if said individual is, well, hot, and to believe otherwise would be to be generally naive, truthfully. If you're not physically attractive, pretty much all the other planets have to line up jussssssssssst so in order for you to come off as even CLOSE to easy to take for other people, not only potential significant others but even family, friends, colleagues, essentially anyone really, so it wouldn't logically behoove an unattractive fellow (I don't include women because, and it's a blessing and a curse, believe me, I'm able to find some beauty in essentially all women I've ever personally met) to just come busting out saying, "Oh, and know what? I have a largely-socially-unaccpetable fetish TOO!" So you have to be smart, is the point I'm making. Think of how a society in general would likely ALREADY look upon you, consider how much impact a revelation like that would further have on them, and essentially either keep the knowledge in the confidence of a very, very, very, very, VERY select few, or don't divulge at all. Because telling just one person, even someone you feel you can count on for secrecy, doesn't automatically mean it STAYS with just that one person, not to mention there are certainly ways a person himself can make it pretty obvious to the world at large without even being aware of the fact. Trust me, I've carried this fetish around for over thirty years, and virtually NO ONE'S ever been told that's in my close life circle, as it were, and I pray not too many outside that circle figured it out on their own. You've gotta go with what works for you, but remember also what you're working WITH, too. Everyone be excellent to each other. 🙂
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But a tickling fetish is like most things, though, that deviate from "the norm" in some way or other, no matter how drastically, AND it's also like the late, great Mitch Hedberg reminded us: "If you're going to spread bad news to the public, it would help if you weren't ugly." :lol Not that having a tickling fetish is "bad news" necessarily, but the point of the analogy is that pretty much ANYTHING'S easier to take about an individual if said individual is, well, hot, and to believe otherwise would be to be generally naive, truthfully. If you're not physically attractive, pretty much all the other planets have to line up jussssssssssst so in order for you to come off as even CLOSE to easy to take for other people, not only potential significant others but even family, friends, colleagues, essentially anyone really, so it wouldn't logically behoove an unattractive fellow (I don't include women because, and it's a blessing and a curse, believe me, I'm able to find some beauty in essentially all women I've ever personally met) to just come busting out saying, "Oh, and know what? I have a largely-socially-unaccpetable fetish TOO!" So you have to be smart, is the point I'm making. Think of how a society in general would likely ALREADY look upon you, consider how much impact a revelation like that would further have on them, and essentially either keep the knowledge in the confidence of a very, very, very, very, VERY select few, or don't divulge at all. Because telling just one person, even someone you feel you can count on for secrecy, doesn't automatically mean it STAYS with just that one person, not to mention there are certainly ways a person himself can make it pretty obvious to the world at large without even being aware of the fact. Trust me, I've carried this fetish around for over thirty years, and virtually NO ONE'S ever been told that's in my close life circle, as it were, and I pray not too many outside that circle figured it out on their own. You've gotta go with what works for you, but remember also what you're working WITH, too. Everyone be excellent to each other. 🙂

People don't know anything about my tickling fetish, because as I said I hide it from their eyes, I buried it as deep as possible so no one or almost no one would find out. If people would say the word tickle around me I get angry (I started to hate even the fact that tickling sensation exists, because if it wouldn't exist I wouldn't have this fetish), I go away if I see girls tickling each other and if someone asks me a question that involves the word "tickle" when I answer I replace the word tickle with itch,or try to avoid it at all. Also I hate the word barefoot and I try to avoid it as much as I can (both cases apply when I talk to vanilla people, but online with tickle fetishists I have no shame of using this words).From what I heard a tickle fetishist finds it harder to find a mate then a gay guy or lesbian girl due to this society stupid prejudices and assumptions. You'd think they have nothing better to do than to earn your hatred by disrespecting your pride (the disrespect of my pride is by far the most annoying and hatred-earning thing for me). The reason I separated myself from my former girlfriends is the fact that in order to really have any pleasure from them and satisfy them too with a stallion cock I needed tickling and I would NEVER tell them for their own sake. If I would tell them they would surely say something offensive to my pride,I would make them pay, severely, and them bam, police in my house and jail time for at least 7 years. I dont need that shit. Even if police would not have enough evidence, I wouldn't want to harm an innocent fellow human being so severely, but the offense of insulting my pride would overcome any common sense inside me,I would either become an enraged animal,or a revenge seeker and sooner or later I would visit vengeance. Today I went to a beer with a friend of mine, and I told him how some girls invited me to their place a month ago "to know them better" as in to have a threesome sex party and I refused. He said he would never refuse it, and how could I miss such a chance and not even be sorry about it. I told him I have higher standards, but the reason was that I knew I couldn't actually tickle them, so I thought to myself, "what would be the point anyway?" and politely refused their offer telling them I have a lot of work to do and I dont have any time to spare which was actually a lie. And one more thing, there was this Indian guy who was also a tickle fetishist posting on a general discussion forum about his tickle fetish and how could he overcome it. Instead of helping him, the other users called him a moron, a prick, a childish asshole, a retarded bastard and an useless inoffensive psycho and that he should have sex and not tickle girls. I obviously dont need that kind of shit. And more than that, if that guy couldn't find a kinky girl in India where girls are very kinky, how could I find one in my European country where girls seem to be cold as ice. Finally I wanted to ask the people that live in Europe whether or not is there any European country that has a brothel specialized in tickling, because in my country no brothel is specialized in tickling, and I would be ashamed to ask a prostitute for a tickling session, because I wouldn't accept to be mocked by a *****, I would be deeply offended, I would become violent and then I would get my ass kicked by the pimp's enforcers. There are of course professional Dominating women that offer fetish sessions, but no sex and I want sex as well and I want to be the Dominator myself,and those women are not switches, they are strictly
Dominatrices, so if you know a brothel in an European country specialized in tickling I'd love to hear about it as I guess this is my only chance. This or the creation of a female looking robot 😛.
About my appearance the photographer woman even proposed me to be a model when I undergone a photo session for the class photo book that we received at graduation,and which included single photos of every member of the class, so I guess that means I am attractive, but I don't know to put my appearance at good use. What I will do one day, is snapping completely (I guess I'm already partially snapped due to all the pressure I've been enduring so much time) and kidnap that babysitter and make her my bitch. It would both be the punishment she deserves and the satisfaction of my need, so justice would be served this way.
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No, I am not, and will never be open about it. I am a very private person and disclose very little about myself to others except what they see on the outside. Besides people on the Theater, I have told a total of 2 people in my entire lifetime...and not entirely willingly. I probably shouldn't be so secretive about it, but the last thing I want or need is to ridculed by all the ignorant fools out there. I am not an extremely secure or confident person and simply feel there there are some things about me that others simply should not know. Also, being a dark/evil-ish heavy metal musician, this type of fetish might not be the best thing for my image (I know this is shallow, but it's true).

I understand you perfectly and agree with you.I feel almost the same. If you're secretive you by far more appreciated, and people keep rallying around you due to the curiosity, but once they uncovered your secrets they lose interest. The best example is a foreigner university mate of mine who was being asked all sort of things when he joined, but now he is seen as the rest of us, he doesn't attract so much attention anymore. I don't know whether or not tickling fits with heavy-metal people. I am a heavy-metal kind of man myself (you may have judged by the nickname), that and an occult practitioner and yet I have this fetish too, and I dont like it, but I've seen tickling movies where the ticklers had shaved heads, thick goatees, leather clothing and hardcore tattoos and they where still ticklers (I think only a tickle fetishist would play into a tickling movie, I dont know how a non-fetishist would even get the chance to find out about tickling fetish). Although I've seen those characters, I admit that tickling doesn't fit a person with my personality and I guess it doesn't fit you either. I still hope that one day we will break free though.
I too am private. And i only talk about it because well this is an outlet. And because i may never see any of you. For all i know i might be passing one or all of you on the street everyday. People have been rediculed for less so why put yourself up for more. If you're telling someone it shoud be someone you trust. And even then be careful because you might lose a friend. Coming to think of it i do have a find that i poke alot. She just laughs i think she likes to be tickled but i'm not sure but i'll never take it past a poke. Beside her boyfriend is huge-ish ------------- like alchemys evil-ish. hahahaha. Just think before you do it

This reply strengthens my opinions regarding tickling and how unfortunate we are that it's so hard to modify yourself and be like you wanna be. Of course meditation helps, but to modify such a hardened neural path, well that takes a lot of time and energy and most of all patience (and I kinda lack patience).

been away for a while. Comp issues, LDR issues, work issues.

I'm a member of a non tickling board, and one of the nicknames I was given there is "Mr. Tickler" because of my habit of "running" up to people online and "tickling" them, so I'm sure they know about my fetish.

Have a boyfriend now.....and he knows all about my tickle fetish. Unfortunately, is maybe a "two" on a scale of 1-10 on the tickle scale, but he's willing to let me try and tickle him anytime to see if I can get him good.

Quoting myself. LOL

Sometimes, being open about the fetish can be a good thing.

The boyfriend above is no longer in my life. I went on to meet another guy. He didn't last either, but we are still on good terms, speak frequently, and visit when time allows. (We live a distance apart)

On a scale of 1 -10 on the tickle scale, he is a 10, all over his body. He's told me that I can have "tickle rights" on him, and we are planning to meet at one point before the end of the year.

His feet are so ticklish, that even a foot rub sends him into laughter. He recently told me that he misses me so much, that when we meet, I can have "unlimited access" to his feet.
hmm as far as being open about this sorta thing, ive only told 3 people, and by told i never literally came out and said it, but more that they just sort of figured it out over time lol, 2 ex's and a female friend that used to be more than a friend. another sorta funny thing is that one of em did too and she was a metal chick haha, though i wouldnt say anything to or want any of my friends to know for some reason and its kinda stupid but i always have some paranoia that theyll run into one of my exes and they would bring up some of the stuff we used to do lol, its so lame but it bugs the shit out of me. oh well, guess i need to quit being a pussy eh XD
Quoting myself. LOL

Sometimes, being open about the fetish can be a good thing.

The boyfriend above is no longer in my life. I went on to meet another guy. He didn't last either, but we are still on good terms, speak frequently, and visit when time allows. (We live a distance apart)

On a scale of 1 -10 on the tickle scale, he is a 10, all over his body. He's told me that I can have "tickle rights" on him, and we are planning to meet at one point before the end of the year.

His feet are so ticklish, that even a foot rub sends him into laughter. He recently told me that he misses me so much, that when we meet, I can have "unlimited access" to his feet.

hey, glad one of us has something to look forward to haha

Mom knows about my fetishes (feet and tickling, and while we're at it that I'm bi as well). She has since I was about 14. Back then I didn't have my own PC, so when I wanted to finally join the ATF (Anime Tickling Forum) back then, I had to use her PC (prior, I used it when she wasn't home), and told her of it just in case she came out like rolling thunder towards me if she were to poke through her web history. Ultimately she's one of the select few cool parents.

My uncle, thanks to the home edition of "The Game of Truth," one random night knows about my foot fetish. His reaction was priceless. He's likely long since forgotten. Not like it's a huge bit of info, it was just in passing and during a wonky game, so after the amusement of the moment he probably promptly forgot.

Oh, and my cousin and his girlfriend, possibly. First night drunk, like... last year, and I explained some of the finer points in my then-less-sexual approach to my relationship with my ex. They've likely forgotten too, if not due to the alcohol then just due to time passing.

My high school ex also did, and in fact it was probably the best part of our relationship after the first year (we went on for about 2+ years, but things waned in the latter half given she turned out to be one of the psychotic, really whacked-in-the-head types). Both fetishes, slowly sprinkled over those two years, and I got her into them as well.

Aside from that, no one that I keep up with IRL, family or otherwise, knows. Everyone I talk to on a consistent basis online (i.e. everyone on my Windows Live contact list) knows about mine (they're all in the fetish community). I'm not open, per se, that I'll just go around blabbing about them. If asked I would admit to them, but I don't know anyone so who's gonna ask?

Overall, I'm pretty secure with myself and see no reason to hide it. If someone were to shun me for my less-than-normal kinks then so be it. That would just be indicative that they're not worth keeping in touch with anyhow.
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No but I want to be.....I'm 23 and I'm sick of pretending that my fetish doesn't exist......I would love nothing more than to be honest and open about it but i feel embarrassed and care way to much about what my friends would think......maybe im just not ready yet
The only in RL who knows is my husband, as he's the one who tickles me. But as far as anyone else in RL, not so much.

I did admit it to someone who I chat with on IM and she thinks that it's funny and says that we all have our kinks, which is true. But no one else really knows that I love to be tickled. It's not exactly the kind of thing that I want to tell my kids or my parents. I don't know exactly want to know what gets my parents all turned on and can imagine that they feel the same way about me.

As far as friends knowing, some of them know that I'm ticklish, but I haven't told him the extent of my love for being tickled. It's just something that my husband and I do together. He's not really into it, but does it solely because he knows that I love it and how much it turns me on. I've never been tickled by friends, so I don't know how I would react to that. I mean, I know I would still laugh, beg, giggle, plead, snort, since I'm so ticklish. But I don't know if I would still get aroused from it. Maybe not because it's from a friend and not Scott.
i'm private of this, i had people found out and they looked at it like i was into sex. i know honesty is important, but sometimes something like this is hard to say, not let people get the wrong message about it.
Mostly. If it comes up, I am open about it with men and women, bf’s and gf’s but never at or with anyone I work with and my family doesn't need to know about my sex life. I've been open about it since my cousin Elena got me into it. Long story short,,,after my abusive marriage then finally divorce, my cousin took me in and let me live with her for a while. She is into tickling and had "parties" with her friends and introduced me to it. Once in a while the get-togethers led to tickling and the tickling was always sexual. They were mostly very attractive women and some guys. I hated being tickled but the sexual part was fantastic. Tickling is very sexual for me and it really woke me up. I really don't care if it is a guy or a girl. I prefer to tickle girls but I prefer to make love to guys. I became everyone's favorite tickler so it was good and fun for me. When I get picked for the ticklee, I just go with it and try to think of it as sensory overload before the big release; it was pure torture but the "O's" are out of this world. Nothing like I ever experienced before. I've had a few bf's but I'm never getting married again and at 33 I'm just having fun, have a good job and lots of friends and family. When I tell a guy about how I love tickling, they interpret this as an open invitation to get laid. That's a real bummer. Tickling sometimes leads to it but I hate the connotation it brings when I open up about it. It was never easy for me to open up about anything like this. My ex was so manipulative and wouldn’t allow me to even speak with anyone unless he approved of them; we won’t go there. I’ve been open with other girls and have made some friends from clubs and down the shore (never at work-I keep it a secret there). We talk about it and sometimes play, “tickle me, tickle you” games. If you want it to turn into a very fun session,,,you tickle an armpit and rest your hand on a breast, tickle a thigh, etc, LOL, I won’t go there either.

Love, Maria

Im very private about it. The only places i admit or openly talk about it is on sites like these, or i make social network profiles but under an alias so know one finds out. I think the reason is becuase i cant see anyone else accepting that i have a tickle/feet fetish and not think im weird 🙁 been too shy to admit even to ppl i will never see again at random parties or somthing when fetishes pop up in conversation. But being only 18 i will admit i havnt had many sexual experiences, so have definitely not been with anyone long enough to trust them and tell them about it.

Although with my ex gf i did miss an opportunity that i should have taken. We were lying on my bed chatting and started a tickle fight, i got turned on and got hard and she was like 'wtf i wasnt kissing u that much?... does tickling turn u on coz my freinds bf likes to be tickled so she is always tickling him.' and i said.. well its fun but .. yr .. but (trail off) i just paniced and thought,, i cant tell her she will think im weird... so yr opportunity missed :'( I think one day, or when i think its right ill just come straight out with it to my sexual partner and they will have to like it or not lol 😛

Well, I,m here so people on this site know but as far as my social and private life is concerned I have never mentioned it or acted it out, ever. I can,t wait but now is not the time or place.
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ahahahaha, No. Hell no. I'm hoping to get bored of this sooner or later so that way I won't have to come out to the open.
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