Is eclipse stalking you?
Is eclipse stalking you?
Ahh, she saw you talking to your wall again and abandoned her stalking aspirations, huh? 😛 😛 😛
Dry as a bone and hot.🙁
We never fail to be amused at your stinging wit..less.😛
^What did you people due to incur the wrath of The Rain God?^:facepalm 2:
Hey Buggy! Do you think Helena had too much fun at the party last night?
Will kered dead meat for posting that?😛
We know not,and are considering the sacrifice of a virgin if one can be found.![]()
May I volunteer my services for this project?
^You really believe that Lucy is a virgin?^
^You really believe that Lucy is a virgin?^
Bye, paracarl. It was nice knowing you.
Lol. 😀
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood BugMan?
Is it true that you lost a Shirley Temple drinking contest with Carl and Kered?
Hey Buggy! Do you think Helena had too much fun at the party last night?
Will Kered dead meat for posting that?😛
May I volunteer my services for this project?
Bugman, what fate awaits those who question my intact maidenhead?
Is Dirky's love of breathing oxygen coming to an end through natural causes, or from foul play? Muahahahahaha.
Revenge is best done without anger, right Bugaboo?
I love the element of surprise also.
Revenge is indeed a dish best eaten cold luv.