Who's your brother? Is it the Rock? Are we allowed to ask more than one question? 😀
Better Wu Tang song, ''Tearz'' or ''A Better Tomorrow''? ...I try to pick the closest songs
I can and make you choose. 🙂
Better Wu solo joint, Liquid Swords or Supreme Clientele??
Built 4 Cuban Linx or Tical??
i gotta return the favor and ask the same so...where were you born?
Did you ever go to Chinatown to watch them celebrate New Years?
Sup, mayne! 😀
How's shit going?
What is your favorite color?
do you play any instruments?
I do not, unfortunately. 🙁 I tried learning the piano a couple times in the past but got extremely frustrated with it and ultimately gave up.
i love my keyboard, but i'm not very good. i keep trying to convince myself to practice more.
would you rather be really hot or really cold?
do you know that you showed up in my dream last night?
What is the rain situation out there today? Have you seen a little old man collecting the animals two by two?![]()
driving a car...you had a kid...if i remember correctly i was trying to babysit for you lol
was that what you expected?
Any of the Weather Channel people up your way?