Did you know that Goth gave Zod a pie launcher for Christmas?
Science Fiction, and Business non-fiction, like the story of how AOL and Time Warner merged, that sort of thing. My favorite fiction series is the Wheel of time, and my favorite non-fiction book is the Art of Happiness, which happens not to be a business book 🙂
Your top five movies?
I did. Did you know that Zod gave Goth a <A TARGET=NEW HREF="http://www.mangroomer.com/">man groomer</A>?
Did you know that I have stone age dial-up internet that prevents me from downloading links explaining mangrooming?
When you moved to Vegas did you have a job and a place to live?Or did you move on a wing and a prayer?
What inspired you to make the move?Just tired of the east coast?
The spring before I moved, we got two feet (exactly 24 inches) of snow on April 1, and I said "ok, fuck this, I'm moving someplace where this doesn't happen."
Been there and done that.That's why i'm in Texas.😉 If you move again,where would you go?
Probably New Hampshire 🙂
If it's a girl, I will kiss any injured body part 😎
If it's a girl, I will kiss any injured body part 😎
If it's a guy, he's shit out of luck.
LMAO.Can't blame ya there.Your dream vacation?Money is no object.
What if they've been bitten by a venomous snake; would you suck the poison out for them? 🙄
You getting enough sleep? You seem to be here 24/7 as of late.
If it's a girl, I will kiss any injured body part 😎
If it's a guy, he's shit out of luck.
Thanks good news! Because it was reeeeeeeeeeeeally cold out and I think I have frostbite on my booty 😉
How do you distract an obnoxious roommate?
World of Warcraft has devoured more of my time than anything else. I get obsessed with it and play it for a couple of months to the exclusion of almost any other diversion. Then I get bored with it for a while, but eventually, it starts nagging at the edges of my attention and I find myself going back to it again
lol the car keys didn't work....but the coloring book did!
If superheroes had a brawl, who would win?