If a friend fell down and hurt themselves....would you kiss it and make it better?
If so, what if its their caboose?
Why does the Easter Bunny have eggs?
What do you have against bed jumping?
What's the cutest thing you've seen/heard in the past hour?
Did you already know the answer to my last question, or did you have to look it up?
Why does Donald Duck cover himself in a towel when he comes out of the shower, but never wears pants?
The lucky charms guy. Funny or Scary?
Are you still in touch with any models from your early days as a producer?
This might have been asked before.Is there one clip you produced that you are most proud of?And if so why?
If i make it to NEST next year,and thats a big if right now,can i buy you a drink?
Who's cruel idea was it to put an "s" in "lisp"?
What are some of your favorite movies or TV shows?
What kind of books do you like to read?
What kind of books do you like to read?